The 2022 STARDOM award winners.
On January 21st, STARDOM held their 2022 award ceremony and eight honors were handed out. Former World of STARDOM Champion Syuri left the event with two honors, one of which was the MVP award.
- Best Technical Skill: AZM
- Fighting Spirit Award: Starlight Kid
- Outstanding Performance: Saya Kamitani
- SHINING Award (Voted by fans): Tam Nakano
- Best Unit Award: STARS
- Best Tag Team Award: meltear (Natsupoi & Tam Nakano)
- Best Match Award: Giulia vs. Syuri (December 29th)
- MVP Award: Syuri
Stardom Awards 2022
MVP – Syuri pic.twitter.com/By1cGRoPWK
— We Are Stardom (@we_are_stardom) January 21, 2023
Stardom Awards 2022
Best Unit Award – STARS pic.twitter.com/OQ5nly6iIk
— We Are Stardom (@we_are_stardom) January 21, 2023
POST Wrestling went over the 12/29 match between Giulia and Syuri and to hear our recap of it, head over to the POST YouTube channel.