Team Rock N’ Roll wins NWA Champions Series

The winners of the 2023 Champions Series final is Team Rock N' Roll which is led by Kerry Morton

Photo Courtesy: National Wrestling Alliance

2023 Champions Series concludes at the live Powerrr. 

Closing out the in-ring action for the first live episode of NWA Powerrr was the 2023 Champions Series. The finals saw Team Rock N’ Roll led by World Junior Heavyweight Champion Kerry Morton taking on Team Tyrus led by NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion Tyrus. 

The final two participants in the match were Dak Draper and EC3. Draper scored the win for Team Rock N’ Roll and with that win, each member of his team secured a championship opportunity of their choosing whenever they see fit. 

There was a United States Tag Team Title change on the live Powerrr. To read more, click here

About Andrew Thompson 10382 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.