NWA Nuff Said Report: Tyrus vs. Matt Cardona, EC3 signs with NWA

Photo Courtesy: NWA

NWA Nuff Said

February 11th, 2023

By: John Siino

Egypt Shrine Center in Tampa, FL

Commentary: Joe Galli, Velvet Sky & Tim Storm


  • La Rosa Negra def. Missa Kate by pinfall at 6:07, after hitting the Coqui Splash
  • Dak Draper & Mims def. Jax Dane & Blake Troop (w/ Chris Silvio) by pinfall at 7:24 with a roll-up, after Silvio’s interference, backfired.
  • May Valentine was backstage with EC3, where he said he has signed with NWA and is bringing CYN with him.
  • Odinson def. Joe Alonzo by pinfall at 6:56, after hitting the F5
  • Natalia Markova & Mercurio def. Jennacide & Max the Impaler (w/ Amy Rose) by pinfall at 6:59, after Markova hit a DDT on Jennacide
  • Amy Rose debuted in Max’s corner, to replace Father James Mitchell who recently return to IMPACT with former NWA World Women’s Tag Team Champions The Hex
  • Magic Jake Dumas & CJ returned after to confront Mercurio & Markova, as Dumas is now medically cleared.

Singapore Cane Match: Fodder vs. Thom Latimer

Thom Latimer started the match chasing Fodder as they were both holding the Singapore canes, and Fodder didn’t enter the ring to start the match until Latimer dropped the cane, which he did. Latimer took control as soon as the match started, tossing Fodder into the corner and hitting a snake eyes. Latimer heads to the top and dives with a cane, but Fodder stops him with a cane shot to Latimer’s midsection. Fodder continued by choking Latimer with the cane followed by numerous shots to Latimer’s back for a two count. Latimer took control by snatching the cane from Fodder, hitting him, followed by a piledriver and a crossface with the cane in Fodder’s mouth until he tapped out.

Winner: Thom Latimer by submission at 6:21

Two Time

May Valentine was backstage with Matt Cardona and asked if in his mind, he’s the real NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion. Cardona said his whole life he fought for this and it was taken away from him. It should have been handed back to him when he returned, instead Tyrus won it fair and square but he didn’t beat him. Cardona brings up that there’s no seconds allowed at ringside and is upset that Bully Ray is the commentator after their feud, but tonight he will make history and become a two time NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion.

NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship: Kerry Morton (c) (w/ Ricky Morton) vs. Alex Taylor (w/ Danny Dealz)

This is Alex Taylor cashing in his title shot after his team won the Champions Series last month. They start the match, running the ropes with leap frogs and sunset flips until Kerry Morton puts on a headlock to slow down the pace. Morton keeps Taylor grounded after holding on after an arm drag, but Taylor is able to back Morton into the corner and punch his way out. Morton comes back with a dropkick before they fight on the apron where they have a chop exchange until Morton drops Taylor on the apron with a DDT. Danny Dealz screamed that he almost killed him and it shouldn’t be legal, before pulling Morton outside of the ring as the referee was distracted. As Morton was cornering Dealz, Taylor hits Morton with a suicide dive. Taylor stays in control hitting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a two-count. Morton comes back with a neckbreaker and monkey flips Taylor in the corner. As Morton picks Taylor up, he gets out and hits a Fisherman’s Buster suplex for a two. Dealz is trying to find a weapon under the ring, but Ricky Morton stops him and punches him out. In this confusion, Taylor hits a Cradle Shock, but Morton kicks out at two. Morton is able to catch Taylor off the top rope, hitting a powerbomb followed by Kiss it Goodbye, but Taylor kicks out at two. Morton follows this by hitting the Final Cut for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kerry Morton by pinfall at 10:30, to retain

Kratos vs. Thrillbilly Silas (w/ Pollo Del Mar)

Kratos tried to attack Thrillbilly Silas from behind, but Silas blocked him with a hip toss before Kratos came back with a body slam and back body toss. Silas comes back with two shoulder tackles, but on the third attempt goes crashing to the outside where Pollo Del Mar goes to comfort him until Kratos dives onto Silas. Kratos uses the ring skirt to cover Silas, as he punches away at him before they head back inside where Kratos punches away at Silas and chokes him out with the ropes. Despite the referee trying to stop him, Kratos takes off a turnbuckle pad. Kratos continues to keep Silas down with kicks and punches, but Silas is able to roll out and dodge three elbow drop attempts by Kratos before hulking up and going after Kratos with a toss power slam. Silas continues with splashes in the corner and a big clothesline, before hitting a powerbomb for a two-count. Kratos is able to catch Silas off the ropes, hitting a brainbuster for a two. After a bit of back and forth, Silas catches Kratos into the Thrill Ride, but Kratos kicks out and flips off Silas. Silas puts on the ankle lock, but Kratos gets out and runs into the corner, immediately busting his forehead, bleeding everywhere. Silas puts on a Cobra Clutch, as the referee immediately stops the match.

Winner: Thrillbilly Silas by referee stoppage at 10:06

Disrespectful Actions

May Valentine is backstage with Angelina Love and says she’s been a champion everywhere she’s been except here in NWA. Love says she’s wrestled girls bigger than Kamille before and doesn’t care about her long title reign because it’s coming to an end tonight. Valentine asks about her and Fodder’s disrespectful actions attacking Latimer & Kamille, but Love says she’s disrespected by that before saying Valentine disrespected herself by posing for Playboy and the only thing between her and Fodder in bed tonight will be the NWA Women’s World Championship.

NWA World Women’s Tag Team Champions: Pretty Empowered (Ella Envy & Kenzie Paige) (c) vs. The Renegade Twins (Charlette Renegade & Robyn Renegade)

Robyn Renegade and Kenzie Paige start the match, but right away Robyn goes to get some advice from her sister Charlette Renegade, who gets knocked off the apron by Paige before she tags out to Ella Envy. Robyn knocks Envy to the outside and distracts the referee, as Charlette attacks Envy. The Renegades keep Envy in their corner while tagging in and out, but miss a double elbow drop as Envy makes the hot tag to Paige who immediately gets taken down by a drop toe hold before The Renegades hit a double suplex on Paige for a two count. Robyn and Envy go at it, before Robyn heads to the top rope but gets knocked off by Paige as Envy gets a two-count. Pretty Empowered starts double-teaming Robyn, as Paige attacks Roby on the ropes with double knees to the back for a two. They continue and hit a double chokeslam on Robyn, as Envy gets a two-count. Robyn tries to tag out to her sister, but Paige hits her with an elbow to the back and they both collapse to the mat. The Renegades take control until Charlette rolls up Envy for the pin and the win.

Winners: The Renegade Twins (Charlette Renegade & Robyn Renegade) by pinfall at 9:00, to become NEW NWA World Women’s Tag Team Champions

EC3 vs. Kevin Kiley

This is the first singles match for Kevin Kiley Jr. (the former Alex Riley) since April 2016 when he fought Shinsuke Nakamura on WWE NXT. The commentary brings up how Kiley has been having a rough couple years. Kiley starts the match in control with splashes to EC3 in the corner until EC3 is able to reverse and hits the Snake Eyes to Kiley. EC3 continues by tossing Kiley into the corners. EC3 starts yelling to Kiley that he’s embarrassing himself and asks why he even came back. EC3 keeps Kiley on the mat and attacks him with stomps before hitting a DDT. EC3 continues yelling saying that the fans and his wife don’t want Kiley. Kiley is able to come back with a swinging neckbreaker and a spine buster, but EC3 rolls to the outside. Kiley tries to dive onto him but looks to get caught up on the ropes and crashes face-first in an ugly landing, with no padding on the outside. EC3 tosses Kiley back inside and puts on The Purpose as Kiley taps out

Winner: EC3 by submission at 8:31

NWA World Tag Team Championship: La Rebelion (Bestia 666 & Mecha Wolf) (c) vs. Blunt Force Trauma (Carnage & Damage) (w/ Aron Stevens)

Carnage is Marshe Rockett and Damage is Rodney Mack under masks. Carnage and Mecha Wolf start the match before Damage comes in as Blunt Force Trauma stays in control. Carnage tries to suplex Bestia 666, but he’s able to escape, tries to tag out, but Carnage drags him to his corner where Damage comes in. Bestia is able to get out and hit a jawbreaker, making the hot tag to Mecha who springboards off the ropes before hitting a top rope moonsault taking down both Carnage and Damage. La Rebelion stays in control hitting double dropkicks before Bestia sends Carnage outside with head scissors as Mecha hits Damage with an exploder suplex. Bestia tags in and they hit a double knee strike on Damage. La Rebelion is able to toss Blunt Force Trauma to the outside where they meet them with dives. Aron Stevens interferes and hits Bestia with a loaded glove, but the referee catches it and calls for the disqualification.

Winners: La Rebelion (Bestia 666 & Mecha Wolf) by disqualification at 6:04, to retain

Blunt Force Trauma and Stevens continue to attack after them, and go to pin Bestia as Stevens does the count then knocks Bestia out with the loaded glove, before doing the same to Mecha Wolf.

Chris Adonis vs. Trevor Murdoch

Trevor Murdoch starts the match in control and challenges Chris Adonis to get up by saying ‘get up, sunshine’, before continuing with chops to the chest of Adonis, but Adonis comes back with a hip toss. Adonis continues with punches until Murdoch comes back with one of his own that knocks Adonis out for a two-count. Murdoch gets out of the way as Adonis goes crashing into the ring post before Murdoch goes and tosses him into it again. Murdoch stays in control as Adonis looks out of it as Murdoch hits a Russian Leg Sweep for a two. Adonis mounts a comeback until Murdoch takes him down with a big clothesline for a two. Murdoch follows with Sky High, goes to the top rope, and tries the top rope bulldog, but Adonis catches him and puts on the Master Lock until Murdoch quits.

Winner: Chris Adonis by submission at 8:18

NWA World Women’s Championship No DQ Match: Kamille (c) vs. Angelina Love

As Angelina Love is making her entrance, Kamille runs in from the crowd (wearing street clothes) and attacks Love from behind. Kamille attacks with splashes in the corner while still wearing her championship title before finally taking it off. Kamille continues on the attack with multiple pin attempts before Love is able to move out of the way as Kamille crashes into the ring post, falling to the outside. Love attacks Kamille on the outside, tossing Kamille into the ring post and apron. Love continues tossing Kamille onto the steel steps before grabbing a chair she smacks Kamille’s back with. Kamille grabs the chair and starts chasing Love, but when they go back into the ring, Love stops her with elbow drops to the back before she uses Kamille’s own hair to choke her out in a Crossface. They head back outside, where Love tosses Kamille into the wall. As they go back towards the ring, Kamille blocks a kick from Love on the apron, trips her down, and drives her spine first into the ring post. Back inside, Kamille takes control and puts on the Torture Rack before dropping her down for a two-count. Kamille goes and grabs a trash can from under the ring, places it against Love in the corner, heads to the top rope on the other side, and hits the Coast to Coast, but Love rolls to the outside before Kamille can cover her. Kamille eventually brings Love back in for the cover, but Love kicks out at two. Kamille grabs a table from under the ring and places it in a corner. As Kamille turns around, Love tosses the trash can to Kamille and hits her with Botox Injection but Kamille kicks out at two. Love goes and grabs the women’s title as Kamille is seen bleeding from her cheek. Kamille ducks a belt shot and spears Love right through the table set up in the corner before covering her for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kamille by pinfall at 12:39, to retain

Sitting at the Top of the Mountain

May Valentine is backstage with Tyrus and BLK Jeez, where she says Tyrus has been criticized and deemed unworthy to be champion, but Tyrus says he’s the mountain top and when you’re sitting at the top everybody’s going to look at you before he calls out the ‘small haters on the computer’. Tyrus says millions cheer for him every week and that’s all he can hear and he will bask in the glory and be the undisputed NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion. Valentine brings up how Jeez can’t be ringside and asks if there’s a rift between them which Jeez denies and says he’ll do everything in his power to make sure the championship stays with Tyrus.

NWA National Heavyweight Championship: Cyon (c) (w/ Austin Idol) vs. Homicide

Austin Idol gets on the mic before the match and said he started his wrestling career here in Tampa a long time ago and brings up Eddie Graham & Mike Graham before bringing up all the countries and cities he traveled to before he turns on Tampa and says everything here is polluted and calls it a cesspool. Homicide attacks Cyon to start the match. Quickly Cyon heads to the outside to console Idol before Homicide joins him and attacks him around the ring while going after Cyon’s mask. Homicide gets in Idol’s face as Idol says he’ll never win this title. Homicide stays in control and puts on the Brooklyn Bridge (Boston Crab) but Idol distracts him causing it to break up, as Idol calls him an idiot for going for it. Homicide continues trying to take the mask off, by losing up the strings as the crowd chants to take it off. Cyon comes back by tossing Homicide into the ring post and knocking Homicide to the outside with a baseball kick. Cyon attacks Homicide against the barricade and back body drops Homicide onto the apron. As Cyon goes back inside to distract the referee, Idol stomps at Homicide. Cyon rips off the Jay Briscoe armband that Homicide is wearing and starts choking him with it. They start going into a chop exchange but Cyon stops Homicide with a power slam for a two. Cyon grabs the mic and tells Homicide to apologize to his father Austin Idol for the stuff he said about him and calls Homicide the biggest waste of talent NWA has ever said and says the people here don’t even know his name. Idol teases saying he’s sorry but ends up calling Idol a bitch. They head to the top rope where Cyon hits a superplex for a two-count. Homicide comes back with a neckbreaker and puts on a crucifix pin for a two, before following with the Koji Cutter that Cyon kicks out of. Homicide flips off Cyon before Cyon hits the rolling Death Valley Driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cyon by pinfall at 16:25, to retain

NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship with No Seconds Allowed at Ringside: Tyrus (c) vs. Matt Cardona

Bully Ray replaced Velvet Sky on commentary, and Matt Cardona didn’t look too happy coming out asking if Ray is ‘only going to be a commentator’ tonight. The stipulation for this match is there are no seconds allowed at ringside. Before doing ring introductions, Kyle Davis announces that Nicole Gossett, the daughter of Mike Graham and granddaughter of Eddie Graham is sitting in the audience for this event. The referee did his own type of introductions for each man and what this means to them, something you don’t usually see from a referee. Tyrus starts in control before Cardona goes to the outside and gets close to Bully Ray who gets up from commentary and tells Cardona to get back into the ring. Tyrus goes after Cardona, but as they head back inside, Cardona kicks the rope from under Tyrus and hits a missile dropkick off the second rope for a two-count. Cardona stays in control while taunting the crowd, before mounting Tyrus with punches and hitting a neckbreaker for a one-count. Cardona starts working on Tyrus’ legs and puts on the Figure Four but he’s eventually able to grab the rope and escape. Cardona tries another missile dropkick, but Tyrus blocks him and drives him down, followed by a clothesline and a body slam. Tyrus splashes Cardona in the corner, but as he goes for another one, Cardona gets out of the way. As Tyrus is in the corner, Cardona hits three back-to-back Reboots and goes for the cover but Tyrus kicks out at two. Cardona goes and grabs the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship, but as the referee tries to take it away from him, Cardona ducks and Tyrus takes out the referee. Tyrus goes after Cardona and hits an exploder suplex followed by an elbow drop, but the referee is laid out to make the count. Rolando Freeman runs out with a chair and smacks Tyrus in the back with it, but it has no effect as Tyrus knocks the chair out of Freeman’s hands and hits him with an exploder suplex knocking him to the outside. Cardona grabs the chair and starts hitting Tyrus with it, followed by a belt shot as the referee comes to and goes for the count as Tyrus kicks out at two. Cardona dodges Tyrus as he splashes the referee and takes him out again. Mike Knox runs out and helps Cardona attack Tyrus. Knox goes to grab the ring bell, but Bully Ray runs down and takes Knox out. As Ray and Cardona exchange words, Tyrus puts on the Tongan Death Grip on Cardona along with a choke slam. The referee comes to and makes the count as Tyrus gets the win.

Winner: Tyrus by pinfall at 13:19, to retain

Nuff Said

As BLK Jeez enters the ring to hand Tyrus the title, Bully Ray takes it from him and tells Jeez to leave before asking for a mic. Ray says he respects Tyrus and gives him the title and tells him he busted his ass to get where he is today. Ray brings up the ‘stupid shit’ Tyrus did with his dancing but he earns his spot and is deserving of the championship. Ray says people don’t like Tyrus, but they have to respect him. Tyrus said it means alot as Ray is someone he respects, but nobody in the locker room helped him because they fear him. Tyrus thanks Ray and says if he wants to go at it they can, but at the end of the day, they aren’t friends.


About John Siino 428 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.