Jersey Championship Wrestling: J-Cup Part 2
Saturday, February 11, 2023
White Eagle Hall, Jersey City, New Jersey
Jon Pine’s coverage of Part 1 of the Jersey J-Cup
Second-Round Match: Mike Bailey vs. Komander
The match started off hot as they ran a couple of Lucha evasion and reversal spots before Bailey bailed to the floor to reset. They both climbed onto the opposite turnbuckles and stared at each other for a minute; Komander powered up and took Bailey to the floor withspinning-headd scissors. Bailey went to the floor as Komander started to rope walk but Bailey returned to the ring, dropkicked Komander off the ropes, and delivered a double knee to the back of Komander’s head. The two men started exchanging chops in the center of the ring with Bailey getting the best of the situation, Bailey hit a commendation of kicks followed by a shooting star press that resulted in only a two count. Komander was able to evade a charging Bailey and caught him with a kick to the head and placed him on the top rope, Komander rope walked but Bailey stopped him and hit a top rope Dragon Screw Leg whip. With his leg already injured, Bailey continued to work it over with a series of submission moves and straight strikes to the knee. Despite this, Komander hit a one-man standing Spanish fly from the top rope, Bailey went to the outside of the ring lured Komander, and connected with a head kick followed by a triangle moonsault. Komander went for a rope walk shooting star press but Bailey got his knees up and planted Komander with the Flamingo Driver for the victory.
Mike Bailey advances to the Semi-Finals
Second-Round Match: Charles Mason vs. Jordan Oliver
Charles Mason deserves all the respect in the world for wrestling in dress clothes, I don’t know how he does it. Mason attacked Oliver with a series of chops but Oliver eventually fired up and took Mason out on the floor with a big cross body. Oliver rolled Mason back inside but Mason spits in Oliver’s face which swung the momentum in Mason’s direction. Mason repeatedly targeted Jordan Oliver’s arm and shoulder with a couple of kicks and strikes, Oliver was able to fire up and took Mason down with a couple of drop kicks followed by a small package but Mason was able to kick out. Mason tried to cut off Oliver’s circulation with a sleeper hold but Oliver was able to get back up to his feet, Mason jumped on his back but Oliver still wouldn’t go down but did drive Mason back first into the turnbuckle. Mason jumped back onto Oliver’s back and this time Oliver dumped Mason to the floor in order to break the hold, Oliver hit a tiger suplex followed by an acid kick and sit-out powerbomb into a Cloutcutter for the victory.
Jordan Oliver advances to the Semi-Finals
Second-Round Match: Joey Janela vs. Lio Rush
The two men hugged at the start of the match before they took off into a sprint, both men hit each other with topes and different evasions before they took each other down with a double clothesline. They battled on the top rope for a little bit with Lio connecting with a head kick but he ate a back elbow from Joey Janela. Lio came off the apron with a swinging DDT that planted Joey’s head on the hardwood floor but Joey responded back in the ring with two consecutive snap Dragon Suplexes, followed by a V-Trigger, Joey attempted a One Winged Angel but Lio reversed it with a Poisonrana for a very close near fall. Joey responded with a jumping package piledriver into an attempted top rope double stomp but Lio moved out of the way and connected with a kick to Joey’s head but only registered a two count. Joey connected with a top rope double stomp to advance to the semi-finals.
Joey Janela advances to the Semi-Finals
Second-Round Match: Blake Christian vs. Cole Radrick
Cole connected with a stunner to start the match that resulted in a two count, Christian gained control and booted Cole in the face after Cole telegraphed a slingshot senton. Cole was able to recover and hit Blake with a Lionsault that sent Blake to the floor, Cole attempted a dive but Blake went back inside the ring and hit a dive for himself. Cole planted Christian on the apron and started to work him over around ringside; Christian started to work over the eyes of Cole Radrick by dragging them across the top rope then grabbing a straw from the bar and poking Cole in the eye with it. Christian worked over the eye for most of the matchup, Cole eventually fired back up and connected with a shot to the back of Christian’s head followed by a series of clotheslines that grounded the much quicker Blake Christian. Cole went for a roll-up but Christian kicked out and curb-stomped Cole for the victory.
Blake Christian advances to the Semi-Finals
Semi-Final Match: Jordan Oliver vs. Joey Janela
Jordan Oliver has phenomenal footwork, it’s only a matter of time until he is picked up by a major company. The match began with a slower pace as both wrestlers were sporting injuries from their previous matches; Joey and Jordon did some chain wrestling and exchanged near falls before they reset and got back to their feet and locked up again, they bailed to the floor and started exchanging chops around ringside. Oliver was chopping Joey but Joey moved out of the way and Oliver’s hand made contact with the ring post which swung the momentum into Joey’s corner. Oliver tried to fight back but Joey maintained control of Oliver’s wrist and ended up ‘snapping’ Oliver’s fingers which sent the East Coast Ace reeling in the corner. Oliver delivered a massive chop that sent Joey to the floor shocked in pain, Oliver tried to follow up but Joey rung Oliver’s previously injured arm over the top rope. The two exchanged wild punches in the center of the ring, Oliver got control of Joey’s arm and flung him face-first into the mat. This created enough separation for Jordan who proceeded to throw Joey off the top rope with a body slam. They battled on the apron, each connected with super kicks but Joey grabbed Oliver’s arm and slammed him on the ring apron, Oliver responded by pushing Joey head-first into the ring post which busted Joey open. Oliver was sent to the floor and was wiped out by Joey Janela who came off the second rope with a beautiful moonsault. Janela came up lame after the moonsault which gave Oliver the opportunity to faceplant Joey on the ring apron followed by a Pedigree inside the ring but Joey kept kicking out. They exchanged hard chops in the center of the ring until they both collapsed in exhaustion, they climbed to the top rope, and Joey hit a superplex but rolled him up with an inside cradle for the victory, a second ref came out and disputed the finish, they restarted the match and Joey got a quick near fall but Oliver locked Joey into the Boston Crab but Joey got to the ropes. Joey connected with a lariat but Oliver connected with the cloutcutter for the victory.
Jordan Oliver advances to the Finals
Semi-Finals Match: Blake Christian vs. Mike Bailey
Before he was announced, Christian jumped Bailey from behind and started to beat him down on the floor and attempted to pin Bailey but the match never started. Bailey fired up and connected with the Speedball kicks that briefly stunned Christian but responded by driving Bailey’s knee into the ring post, Christian started to work over Bailey’s knee with various submissions and stretches. Christian kept dumping Bailey on his head with repeated half-and-half suplexes, this plan worked until Bailey caught Christian and delivered a double knee to his chest. Christian was weakened for a long as he responded with more strikes to the already injured knee of Mike Bailey. Bailey was still able to connect with his triangle moonsault but Christian fired back up with a double stomp to Bailey’s chest followed by the trailer hitch to focus more punishment on the knee. Bailey hit the green tea plunge out of nowhere to pin Blake Christian.
Mike Bailey advances to the Finals
4 Way Tag Team Match: Different Youth (Jimmy Lloyd & Marcus Mathers) vs. Dante Leon & Alec Price vs. Billie Starkz & Starboy Charlie vs. the SAT
Alec Price and Joel began the match with a series of arm drag takeovers, Price took Joel out on the floor with a swinging DDT. This brought in Jose and Marcus Mathers, Mathers ran wild on Jose but was caught with a boot from Billie Starkz, Lloyd attacked Starkz from behind but met the same fate when Starboy Charlie entered the match and took him out. Leon and Starboy were next to pair off, Leon got him up in a fireman’s carry but ended up sending him face-first into the turnbuckle with a rana. Leon and Price beat up Starboy for a little while before the SAT jumped Leon and hit him with the Washing machine. All of the teams go their chance to shine, there was a tandem tower of doom spot followed by Mathers and Leon hitting stereo 450 splashes. The SAT hit tandem top rope sit-out powerbombs but Starboy and Matheres were still able to kick out, Mathers was up on the top rope and was hit with the Spanish fly from SAT for the victory.
The SAT won the 4-Way Tag Team Match
Jersey J Cup Finals: Mike Bailey vs. Jordan Oliver
There was a furious exchange of holds and attempted pinfalls, both men were still nursing their injuries from the previous rounds. Bailey had a noticeable limp and Oliver didn’t have full strength in his shoulder and arm. Bailey was sent to the floor and was wiped out by Oliver who flew over the top rope with a big crossbody. Oliver rolled Bailey back into the ring but Bailey rolled out on the other side, Oliver went for another crossbody but Bailey connected with a kick to Bailey’s chest on the way down. Bailey strung Oliver up in the rope and connected with a jumping double knee that slingshotted Olver back into the ring. Bailey grounded Oliver with a couple of kicks followed by a hammerlock on his already injured shoulder and arm; Oliver retreated to the corner but Bailey followed him and connected with a couple of more kicks to his chest and back. Oliver was on his knees and invited Bailey to chop him, Oliver kept trying to shake them off but Bailey fired up and started to hit his flurry of kicks followed by a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Oliver got back up to his feet and hit a desperation lariat before he crumpled back into the mat. Oliver grounded Bailey with a big boot followed by a kick to the gut before he went for another unsuccessful pin attempt. Oliver called for the Batista bomb but Bailey got out of the hold and connected with a pump kick which sent both men crashing to the mat. They battled on their knees with kicks and strikes the intensity increased with each strike that landed, Oliver went for the Batista Bomb but Bailey got a jackknife pin. Oliver attempted another one but Bailey reversed it into an X Factor for another near fall. Bailey connected with the Ultimate Weapon followed by another attempt but Oliver cut him off and hit a top rope powerbomb for another two-count. Oliver hit a massive Tiger Suplex followed by an exploder in the corner but Bailey kicked out and hit Oliver with a double knee followed by a series of kicks. Bailey went for the Flamingo Driver but Oliver got a quick roll up into a sit-out powerbomb but Bailey kept kicking out. Oliver went for the Cloutcutter but Bailey cut him off with a dropkick to his back. Bailey went for a shooting star press but Oliver caught him with the Cloutcutter followed by the Batista Bomb for the victory.
Jordan Oliver wins the Jersey Championship Wrestling Championship and the 2023 Jersey J Cup