Jeff Hardy case closed, drivers license suspended for ten years

Photo Courtesy: All Elite Wrestling

Jeff Hardy’s legal case has been closed after his DUI arrest last June.

The 45-year-old pleaded “nolo contendere” to the charges he was facing, essentially, stating he would accept the punishment but doesn’t admit guilt.

The Volusia County ruling was that Hardy’s driver’s license would be suspended for ten years and he would be credited for previous time spent in county jail as part of his sentence and won’t serve any additional time.

Hardy faces two years of probation, fines, and court fees of $4,586.00, and will need to attend a DUI program or drug rehab along with providing community service.

Earlier this week, Hardy’s attorney attempted to discount the results of the breathalyzer test from June stating the device had not been inspected by the Florida Highway Patrol over the previous 30 days, which it is supposed to. His side argued the equipment used to register Hardy’s blood-alcohol level was not reliable.

In June, Hardy was pulled over after swerving on the highway and his level was registered at 0.294 and 0.291 which exceeds the legal limit of 0.08 in Florida.

Hardy has been suspended by AEW since the incident and there is no update regarding his future with the promotion and professional wrestling.

About John Pollock 5751 Articles
Born on a Friday, John Pollock is a reporter, editor & podcaster at POST Wrestling. He runs and owns POST Wrestling alongside Wai Ting.