The first of three Triplemanía XXXI events this year.
Beginning April 16th, AAA is presenting the first of three Triplemanía XXXI events. The first show is emanating from Monterrey, Mexico and match announcements have been pushed out.
There is going to be a mask versus mask bout but the participants have yet to be announced. The Copa Triplemanía is taking place between Team Chilango and Team Regio.
Two tag matches are scheduled for the show as well and it’ll be Alberto El Patron and Pentagon Jr. taking on Sam Adonis and Psycho Clown. Due to an injury to Pagano, he will not be able to tag with RUSH to face Blue Demon Jr. and DMT Azul. Pagano’s replacement will be announced at a later date.
Copa #TriplemaniaXXXI
#LuchandoPorMéxico #TeamChilango
¿De qué bando eres?#PlanMonterreyAAA
16 de Abril |
Corre por tus Boletos: https://t.co/FqKNPosIBk pic.twitter.com/cI4UT5mwqK
— Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (@luchalibreaaa) February 27, 2023
Guerra de Rivalidades de #TriplemaniaXXXI con:@PENTAELZEROM @PrideOfMexico
@Psychooriginal @RealSamAdonis
¿Te lo vas a perder? #LuchandoPorMéxicoBoletos: https://t.co/FqKNPosIBk#PlanMonterreyAAA pic.twitter.com/yA6PpyJVRz
— Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (@luchalibreaaa) February 28, 2023
Debido a la lesión de @Pagano656 no podrá estar en esta lucha y próximamente anunciaremos quien acompañará a @rushtoroblanco en la lucha
@BlueDemonjr y #DMTAzul en #GuerraDeRivalidadesAAA
16 de Abril |
Boletos a la venta: https://t.co/FqKNPosIBk pic.twitter.com/2GJRt1Ia4a
— Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (@luchalibreaaa) February 28, 2023
The next Triplemanía dates are July 15th in Tijuana and August 12th in Mexico City.