Davey Richards has been dropped by multiple wrestling companies along with the Team Ambition school.
On Friday, the St. Louis-based Team Ambition in St. Louis issued a statement that it has permanently parted ways with Davey Richards and added:
In the coming months Team Ambition, including the Professional Wrestling Academy will be undergoing some changes and rebranding. We remain dedicated to making the St. Louis Professional Wrestling scene, as well as Professional Wrestling as a whole, better and stronger. We want to thank everyone sincerely for their ongoing support.
Following that statement, Prestige Wrestling and St. Louis Anarchy also have also removed Richards from upcoming shows.
It appears that Richards has disabled his Twitter account and has not issued any public comment on the matter, nor have any reasons been shared by the companies.
Richards dropped the MLW National Openweight title to John Hennigan in January and worked the MLW television tapings in Philadephia last month. He was part of wXw’s 16 Carat Gold tournament last weekend in Germany.
Richards is scheduled to wrestle for OTT this weekend as part of its ScrapperMania events and is advertised for cards over WrestleMania Weekend and with Game Changer Wrestling in the coming weeks.
Late Friday afternoon, Richards issued a statement to PWinsider.com and denied allegations of domestic violence.
Richards said, he is retiring from professional wrestling after he completes his shows scheduled for this weekend:
Hello everyone –
Wow, what a couple of days.
There are allegations of Domestic Violence against me.
The allegations I adamantly deny and if you look on casenet in MO under my name Wesley David Richards you’ll see there are no charges filed against me.
However, I do understand the industry’s stance on this matter.
Everyone should feel safe at shows and I do not want to be the person whom damages that.
The pic being posted of my wife’s eye is from training and we regulatory train in martial arts as many of the students have have got black eyes and such.
Again, no charges were filed and I deny these allegations but I must do what is right and not what I want.
So I am canceling myself.
This great sport is far too wonderful for anyone, including myself to tarnish it.
I will wrap up my shows this weekend and I will be retiring from professional wrestling.
Please continue to support Team Ambition and this sport.