AEW Dynamite Report: Kenny Omega vs. Jeff Cobb, Adam Cole returns

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

March 29, 2023

By: John Siino

Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis, MO

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone

Jack Perry vs. Matt Hardy (w/ Ethan Page)

The show starts with All Access promotion right away along with the mat having the start time printed on it (10pm EST, following Dynamite) and the ring skirts around the ring.. Matt Hardy starts in control while doing ‘delete’ chants until Jack Perry takes him down to the mat as they trade holds. Hardy caught Perry on the outside who was trying to do a dive, as Darby Allin, Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo are seen watching in the back. As Hardy had the referee distracted, Ethan Page tossed Perry over the barricade into the crowd. They make it back to the apron and start trading punches until Hardy catches Perry and hits the Side Effect as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Hardy looks to be in control but Perry comes right back with a clothesline and a dropkick. Page gets on the apron which distracts Perry on the top rope, allowing Hardy to take advantage and hits a superplex for a two. Hook’s music hits as he comes down and starts brawling with Page. Hardy holds Hook, but he ducks and Page knocks out Hardy. Hook and Page brawl to the back, as Perry hits a suicide dive to the outside. Back inside, Perry reverses a Twist of Fate into a two count, before hitting a super kick, a flatliner and the rolling elbow to the back of Hardy’s head for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jack Perry by pinfall at 10:03

The Jack Perry Show

As soon as Perry is being announced as the winner, MJF makes his way out. MJF tells everybody in the crowd to shut their mouths before saying he didn’t appreciate when Perry interrupted his Re-Bar Mitzvah, calling it a ‘Kanye moment’. MJF said one thing that Perry said stuck to him, that after their Double or Nothing 2020 match, their paths were different and MJF had it different. The crowd gets real loud, chanting MJF to shut the fuck up, but he says no. MJF says Perry is right as his job is a joke as he barely wrestlers or breaks a sweat, then gets on his jet and flies back to Long Island, before he shamelessly plugs tickets are still on sale for next week’s show there. MJF calls Perry’s career ‘mid’ but admits that Perry worked his ass off by having stand out matches. MJF says he doesn’t recall Perry being thanked by the crowd or rewarded with TV time, so he has every right to be pissed but not pissed at MJF or this company, but only himself. After their Double or Nothing match, MJF walked to the back and had a feeling that he had met his equal in this ring and the man he would go to war with for the rest of his life, as he respects Perry. MJF said he found Perry that night, shook his hand and gave him advice, asking Perry if he remembers it.

Perry grabs a mic and says MJF told him he had all the skills and potential, but nice guys always finish last. And if Perry ever wanted to be as successful as him he would have to ditch all his friends and care only for himself. MJF said Perry kept hanging out with Marko ‘Stunted Growth’, Dino Deuce and Christian Cage, and to not think that Hook would be any different. MJF says he should of listened to him and it could of been not only the MJF Show, but the Jack Perry Show. MJF asks what a good guy has gotten Perry, as 3 years later MJF is the best professional wrestler in the world holding the title and Perry is still ‘just Jungle Boy’. Perry admits that he wish he was more like MJF, by talking with him and could have the confidence as him. Perry continues by calling MJF a ‘piece of shit’, which gets the crowd to chant along but says that isn’t him, and if his road to the top of the mountain is harder, so be. Perry says when he becomes the AEW World Champion, at least he wont wake up alone every day and hate the person he sees in the mirror.

MJF says that was very good and tells everybody to give it up to him, but it only took him 4 years to learn how to talk. MJF said one thing Perry said was right, as they could of been friends or partners, but not anymore as Perry has turned out to be a massive disappointment, as he’s weak. Weak of the body, soul, mind and heart before saying he pulled Anna Jay to the side and she told him he’s weak between the knees. This prompts Perry to attack MJF and they start brawling, with Perry landing stomps in the corner and a lariat to take down MJF. Perry goes to hit his rolling elbow strike, but MJF escapes.

Mea Culpa

Alex Marvez goes into Kenny Omega’s locker room, as Don Callis talks about the drama from last week and says Adam Page broke free and Callis lost his balance. Callis asked Omega why he assumed that Page attacked him, as Omega said he punched him before. Callis changes the subject and tells Omega to focus on Jeff Cobb as he’s going to go apologize to Page.

A Night Out on the Town

We see footage of Matt Menard, Angelo Parker & Jake Hager taking The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn out in St. Louis including a Blues game hanging out with Louie, having dinner and riding a carousel. Parker asked them if they are ‘in or out’ in riding the Jericho Appreciation Society, and they said they will give them an answer next week.

Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) vs. Dalton Castle & The Boys (Brandon Tate & Brent Tate)

The Blackpool Combat Club attacked Dalton Castle & The Boys as they are making their entrance, but eventually Claudio Castagnoli and Brandon Tate enter the ring, as the other four fight on the outside. Claudio quickly goes after Brandon and hits a Liger Bomb for the quick pin and win.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli, Jon Moxley & Wheeler Yuta) by pinfall at 48 seconds

We see footage from last week’s attack on the Young Bucks before Alex Marvez is backstage with Adam Page and asked who attacked them, and he says the Blackpool Combat Club. Don Callis walks in and apologizes to Page and goes to shake his hand, but Page gets attacked from behind by the Blackpool Combat Club. Callis goes to shake Jon Moxley’s hand, but Moxley knocks him out. We then see Callis is busted open from the punch.

IWGP United States Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Jeff Cobb

Tony Schiavone gets a word with Kenny Omega before his entrance and tells him that that Blackpool Combat Club attacked Don Callis, but he brushes Schiavone off and tells him he has to focus on the match. Right away, Jeff Cobb corners Omega against the ropes and mimics Omega’s gun pose. Omega tries to take Cobb down with a shoulder block and body slam, but fails on both until he takes Cobb to the outside with a hurricanrana and hits him with the Terminator Dive. Right away, Omega starts reaching for his taped up ribs, before they take it back inside where Cobb takes control with a running brainbuster. They take it back outside, where Cobb slams Omega into the barricade ribs first as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Cobb is in control but Omega lands on his feet on a suplex attempt and hits a knee strike after a backslide attempt for a two count. Cobb comes right back, stopping Omega with a dropkick. Omega hits back to back Dragon Suplexes, but is struggling a bit because of his injury. Despite this he hits another snap Dragon Suplex, but Cobb comes right back with a clothesline taking them both down. They trade shots back and forth, before Cobb places Omega on the top rope and hits him with a headbutt before hitting a delayed superplex for a two count. Cobb follows with a V-Trigger of his own to Omega, before placing him up for a One Winged Angel. Omega tries to reverse it but fails to get him up. Omega reverses the Tour of the Islands and hits a V-Trigger to the back of Cobb’s head. Omega uses the ropes to lift Cobb up and hits him with the One Winged Angel for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kenny Omega by pinfall at 14:01, to retain

Bryan Danielson Returns

The Blackpool Combat Club come out from the crowd, and surround the ring as Omega is alone in the middle. Bryan Danielson makes his return and tells the BCC to get off the apron and leave Omega alone. Danielson extends his hand and helps Omega up, but as Omega goes after Yuta on the apron, Danielson takes out Omega with the Busaiku Knee. The rest of the BCC join and start attacking Omega. Officials, Brandon Cutler & Michael Nakazawa run out, but get taken out as well. Before they leave, Danielson screams at Omega that he is everything that is wrong with wrestling.

Top Guys.. Out?

We go to The Gunns backstage who said it only took them 2 years to win their titles, while it took FTR 19 years. They tell FTR to look in their eyes and say they used to be their heroes, until they met them and now they hate them and don’t respect them. They only respected one person in their lives, and that’s their father and they saw what they did to him. Next week, when it’s titles vs. careers, their catchphrase ‘Top Guys, out’, will make sense.

AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. The Butcher

Before the bell rings, The Butcher & The Blade attack Orange Cassidy, but as Blade takes out a crowbar, Stephon Smith ejects him. Cassidy tells the ref to start the match, and goes right after Butcher. Butcher catches a flying Cassidy from the top rope and drives him down to the top rope and on his knee, which sends Cassidy to the outside to catch a breathe. Butcher starts swinging Cassidy against the barricades, as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Butcher is control and puts on a Texas Cloverleaf in the ring to Cassidy. Butcher lifts Cassidy up a couple times, but Cassidy keeps escaping until Butcher catches him and hits a choke breaker. Cassidy comes back with Stundog Millionaire and a DDT. Cassidy heads to the top rope and hits a diving DDT for a two count. As Butcher is distracting the referee, The Blade runs back out and takes out Cassidy with the crowbar. Butcher follows with another choke breaker, but only gets a two count. The Best Friends run out and take out Blade, as Butcher takes out the referee and goes after Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta. Cassidy follows this with the Orange Punch and Beach Break on Butcher for the pin and the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy by pinfall at 7:58, to retain

Legal Processing

We see a video from Jade Cargill who is with Mark Sterling, Leila Grey & Tootie Lynn. Jade is furious that Taya Valkyrie is using ‘her move’ and says if she uses it this Friday on Rampage, they will send their legal processor (played by St. Louis’ own Tootie Lynn) to hand her a cease and desist.

Starks, Juice, Action

We see a video from Juice Robinson who says this Friday’s match against Action Andretti, every punch he delivers will be for Ricky Starks and tells Starks to sit down and watch at what will be a preview of what happens to him in New York City (the match is on Long Island, but close enough)

Willow Nightingale vs. Ruby Soho (w/ Saraya & Toni Storm)

As soon as the bell rings, Ruby Soho goes to the outside and has a chat with Saraya and Toni Storm. Once Soho enters, Willow Nightingale takes control hitting a diving crossbody for a two count, followed by four back to back body slams. Ruby starts pleading to Willow, but it’s a ploy as she trips her into the ropes. Ruby distracts the referee, as Saraya starts attacking Willow on the ropes. Saraya starts screaming at the camera man that he’s trying to take her out with his wires, as Ruby hits a snap suplex for a two count. Ruby stays in control as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Saraya is on the apron yet again, but Willow takes control and attacks Ruby with a spinebuster for a two count. Ruby goes to plead again, but Willow doesn’t fall for it and catches Ruby off the rope for a Death Valley Driver, getting a two count. Ruby catches Willow off the ropes and hits two No Future Kicks, but Willow kicks out. Willow comes right back with a pounce. Toni holds Willow’s hand, followed by Ruby rolling up Willow with her legs on the ropes, for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ruby Soho by pinfall at 9:06

The Outcasts continue attacking Willow after, and were about to use a chair on her, but Riho and Skye Blue run out to save her. The Outcasts take them out as well, until Jamie Hayter runs out and chases off The Outcasts. Hayter and Riho have a bit of a stare down, as they will be fighting for the title next week.

Rampage Line-Up

  • Sammy Guevara vs. Konosuke Takeshita
  • Best Friends vs. Kings of the Black Throne
  • Taya Valkyrie vs. Marina Shafir
  • Action Andretti vs. Juice Robinson

Dynamite Line-Up

  • Juice Robinson vs. Ricky Starks
  • MJF Day
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Jamie Hayter (c) vs. Riho
  • We hear from Blackpool Combat Club
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship Titles Vs. AEW Careers: The Gunns (c) vs. FTR

We see a video from Powerhouse Hobbs who says March 24th 2023 was Book of Hobbs Day, and he has taken out Christopher Daniels & The Lucha Brothers and the TNT Championship will never leave his waist.

Adam Cole vs. Daniel Garcia

Before the match could start, Adam Cole gets a ‘welcome back’ chant. They lock up before Cole runs the ropes and takes him down with a shoulder block, before he holds him down with a side headlock, that Daniel Garcia turns into a head scissors. Garcia turns this into a piledriver, as Cole rolls to the outside. Bryce Remsburg goes to check on him as we go to picture-in-picture (with strategic AEW All Access promotion as Cole is laid out on the outside).

When we come back, Cole is in control and lifts up Garcia, dropping him on his knee for a two count. They start trading kicks, until Garcia hits Cole with a German Suplex. Cole comes back with a superkick for a two count. Garcia ducks the Boom, and starts dropping elbows and puts on a rear naked choke, that Cole reverses. Cole follows with a knee and a Panama Sunrise attempt, but Garcia escapes it and puts on the Sharpshooter, but Cole quickly reaches for the ropes. Garcia comes right back with another piledriver, for a two count. Cole comes back with the Panama Sunrise, pulls the knee pad down and hits the Boom for the three count.

Winner: Adam Cole by pinfall at 11:06

Dr. Britt Baker DMD comes out after the match and embraces with Adam Cole, as he gets streamers and confetti dropping on him. As they are celebrating, Chris Jericho makes his way out to the ring and helps Garcia out of the ring. Jericho slightly stares back at Cole, before they slowly head to the back. Jericho stops at the top of the ramp and turns his head towards Cole again.

About John Siino 426 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.