GCW: Emo Fight 2023
Friday, March 31, 2023
Ukrainian Cultural Center
Los Angeles, California
Match Recommendations:
All of the wrestler’s entrances
Wasted Youth (Marcus Mathers & Dyln McKay) vs. Moonlight Express (MAO Chemical Romance and Mike Bailey) vs. Emocizos (Los Macizos)
Jimmy Lloyd vs. Starboy Charlie vs. Soncio vs. Matt Vandergriff vs. B-Boy vs. Sawyer Wreck
Kevin Blackwood vs. Jimmy Jacobs
Wicca Phase’s performance if you want a good laugh/cringe
Emo Fight is always a fun show, all the wrestlers commit to the bit with a lot of eyeliner and come to the ring to various 90s/2000s era pop punk music.
Scramble Match: Jimmy Lloyd vs. Starboy Charlie vs. Soncio vs. Matt Vandergriff vs. B-Boy vs. Sawyer Wreck
The bell rang, and Sawyer Wreck, B-Boy, and Jimmy Lloyd all sat in different corners while Charlie and Sonico paired off. Charlie was able to string together some offense before he was sent to the floor by Matt, who leveled him with a chop. Sawyer Wreck booted Sonico in the face and hit him with a sidewalk slam for the first near fall of the match. B-Boy and Lloyd stood in the center of the ring, acting emo. Fans chanted “hug it out,” but Jimmy punched B-Boy in the face a couple of times. B-Boy didn’t do anything to stop Jimmy’s offense, but eventually slipped out of Jimmy’s grasp and hit him with an ace crusher. Starboy wiped out B-Boy on the floor with a dive, and Matt did the same. Sonico sent Sawyer headfirst into the third row of chairs. B-Boy walked around the ring, usually, he runs, but he’s emo tonight and leveled everyone with a forearm. B-Boy ducked a clothesline from Vandergriff, and all of the competitors took each other out with a power move. Charlie caught Jimmy with a Thez Press followed by a Fisherman’s buster for another two count. B-Boy spiked Charlie with a brainbuster but didn’t go for the pin, so Sawyer chokeslammed him. Sonico blew mist into Sawyer’s face and launched himself out of the ring onto Jimmy Lloyd. He then booted Charlie in the face but wasn’t able to get a pin attempt as Vandergriff leveled him with a rolling senton. Vandergriff hit Sonico with a buckle bomb followed by a 450 splash for the victory.
Matt Vandergriff won the Scramble Match
Musical Performance from Lil Aaron
Three-Way Match: Brooke Havok vs. Janai Kai vs. Sandra Moone
Janai refused to participate in the early portions of the match, leaving Moone and Havok to battle it out in the center of the ring. They quickly ganged up on Kai and stomped a mudhole in her. They shot her off the ropes, but she quickly sat back down. Moone and Havok went for covers on Kai, who offered nothing in the way of offense or defense. Havok and Moone continued to try and beat her up, but Kai dropped Havok with a scorpion death drop. All three traded forearms in the center of the ring. Moone leveled Havok with a mule kick followed by a blue thunder bomb into Kai. Moone paint brushed Kai, which drew the ire of the crowd. Moone was hit with a PTS knee from Havok, which gave Kai the opening to lock in a dragon sleeper.
Janai Kai Defeated Sandra Moone, and Brooke Havok
Musical Performance by HorseHead
Singles Match: Kevin Blackwood vs. Jimmy Jacobs
Shoutout to Jimmy Jacobs for coming to the ring to “Goodbye Horses.” Jimmy took Kevin off his feet with a shoulder tackle, and they battled over a hip toss which eventually sent Blackwood to the floor. Blackwood attacked Jacobs with a series of forearms, but Jacobs fired back with a flurry of stomps to Kevin Blackwood’s chest. Blackwood turned it around and connected with a chop of his own. Jacobs locked in a choke, but Blackwood used his power to muscle out of it, although he was still caught with a small package for a two-count. They traded chops in the corner, and Blackwood fired back with a running clothesline that leveled Jacobs. Jacobs ducked some offense and sent Kevin to the floor, but Blackwood kicked Jacobs in the head as he went for a dive, causing him to spill to the floor. Jacobs fired up and hit Blackwood across the back with a steel chair a handful of times and wiped him out with a tope. Jacobs went for a sliced bread, but Blackwood kicked him in the face and dumped him on his head with a snap suplex. Blackwood unleashed a couple of stomps on Jimmy’s chest. Jimmy fired up and hit Blackwood with a Tornado DDT, and he started to choke out Blackwood. Blackwood fought out of it and deadlifted Jacobs to his feet, sending him into the turnbuckle with a suplex and connecting with a top-rope double stomp for a close near fall. Jimmy hit Blackwood with a springboard ace crusher followed by a sliced bread, but Blackwood still kicked out. Jacobs synched in a choke, but Blackwood tried to fight out of it, eventually getting a jackknife pin, but Jacobs kicked out. Both men stood in the center of the ring and traded a flurry of chops, and Blackwood nailed Jacobs with a roundhouse kick followed by a tombstone piledriver for another close near fall. Blackwood set up a door in the corner, and they traded a series of standing switches. Jacobs went for a spear, but Blackwood nailed him with a double stomp followed by a Death Valley Driver through the door, but it still wasn’t enough to put away the Zombie Princess. Blackwood hit Jacobs over the head with the broken pieces of the door and stacked him up on the top rope, hitting him with an uppercut. Blackwood went for a superplex, but Jacobs spiked Blackwood with a top-rope DDT, followed by a choke for the submission victory.
A very good back-and-forth match that was certainly better than any cringeworthy drama-based wrestling Lio Rush would’ve put on.
Jimmy Jacobs Defeated Kevin Blackwood
Musical Performance by Wicca Phase Springs Eternal
Triple Threat Tag Team Match: Wasted Youth (Marcus Mathers & Dyln McKay) vs. Moonlight Express (MAO Chemical Romance and Mike Bailey) vs. Emocizos (Los Macizos)
All of the competitors began singing “I Miss You” by Blink 182. Los Macizos didn’t know the words and were accused of being fake emo. Wasted Youth took out Moonlight Express on the floor with stereo dives, and Los Macizos did the same thing, which garnered a “This is emo” chant. Mathers was isolated in the ring by Los Macizos, who beat him down. McKay returned to the ring and tried to save his partner but was hit with double team maneuvers from Los Macizos. Bailey returned to the ring and was locked in a submission move by Meido. MAO broke the hold and took the fight to Los Macizos with a series of stomps. Wasted Youth returned to the ring and ran wild on Bailey with a shooting star press followed by a Northern Lights Suplex from Mathers. MAO broke up the pin with a double stomp. Wasted Youth hit a backstabber Moonsault combination, but Los Macizos broke up the pin. Dylan McKay ate a spinebuster from Ciclope. Meido put Mathers up on his shoulders, but he wriggled out of it and was sent to the floor by Bailey. MAO and Bailey climbed to the top rope and hit the BuddySault onto everyone on the floor. Wasted Youth hit their Finlay Roll, Fosbury Flop/450 combinations, but Ciclope broke up the pin and leveled Mathers with a lariat. MAO climbed to the top rope and tried to hit a 450 on McKay. Bailey hit his Speedball kicks on Mathers, followed by the Ultimate Weapon, but McKay made the save for Wasted Youth. Moonlight Express hit McKay with the Tornado Driver for the victory.
Moonlight Express Defeated Wasted Youth and Los Macizos