Braden Herrington and Davie Portman review WWE NXT from April 4th, 2023 featuring Wes Lee vs Axiom for the NXT North American Championship!
Braden & Davie talk about the entire show, which included:
- Wes Lee vs Axiom (NXT North American Championship)
- Carmelo Hayes championship celebration
- Bron Breakker “turning heel”
- Indi Hartwell vs Zoey Stark (NXT Women’s Championship)
- Cora Jade returns
- Dragon Lee vs Nathan Frazer
- Noam Dar shows up with the Heritage Cup
- Dijak vs Odyssey Jones
- Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo vs Pretty Deadly
- Ivy Nile vs Tatum Paxley
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Photo Courtesy: WWE
upNXT Theme by: Warren-D, PXCH and Shaheen Abdi
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