AEW Dynamite Results: Roderick Strong Debuts, Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

April 26th, 2023

By: John Siino

FLA Live Arena in Sunrise, FL

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone

AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Bandido

Right away, Orange Cassidy tries to impress Bandido by doing a cartwheel until they exchange a couple of arm drags, takedowns, and pin attempts. They have a stalemate until Cassidy puts Bandido’s hands in his own pockets, sends Bandido the outside then puts his own hands in his own pockets as the crowd chants for ‘Freshly Squeezed’. They go back and forth a bit until Cassidy sends Bandido outside again, this time with a dropkick, followed by a dive attempt that Bandido catches Cassidy on before dropping him face-first onto the barricade. Back inside, Bandido takes Cassidy down and puts on a modified Stretch Muffler before Cassidy grabs the bottom rope to break it up. Bandido sends Cassidy outside with a dropkick before diving onto him as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, we see Bandido take Cassidy out with a vertical suplex as both men are laid out. Cassidy starts hitting Bandido with his lazy strikes, but Bandido comes back with a thrust kick, and pump kick, and sends Cassidy into the corner as he blocks him and starts slamming Bandido back and forth onto the turnbuckles, head first. Cassidy hits a diving crossbody and a Michinoku driver for a two-count. Bandido goes to the outside for a breather but Cassidy goes diving onto him, before sending him back inside. Bandido suplexes Cassidy off the apron back inside with one arm before hitting a pop-up cutter for a very close two-count. After tussling on the top rope, Bandido catches a diving Cassidy and press slams him down with one arm, before hitting a Frog Splash for a two count. Cassidy tries the Mouse Trap, but Bandido reverses it for a pin attempt of his own. They go back and forth for a while before Cassidy hits the Orange Punch and the Beach Break for the pin and the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy by pinfall at 15:17, to retain


Renee Paquette is backstage with Adam Cole who says tonight he will go to the ring and call out Chris Jericho and he will show him the mistake that he made, and if Jericho doesn’t come out, he will find him. Cassidy & Bandido come into the shot and they both say ‘oh’ when they find out she isn’t there to interview them.

Sk8er Boi / Jungle Boy

When we come back from break, Renee is with Jack Perry & Darby Allin. Darby says he requested this time as they both said things to each other that took it too far. Darby says they don’t have to like each other but respect each other. Darby says what they did to Perry last week was wrong and if he cares about this Pillar stuff, Perry should have his back. Perry agrees they aren’t and won’t be the best of friends, and wishes it could be him and Darby tonight. Darby agrees and says he would of beat Perry again, as Perry said Darby got lucky last time.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Dax Harwood

As Jeff Jarrett is coming out, officials come out and stop Sonjay Dutt, Jay Lethal, and Satnam Singh from going to the ring and them all to the back. Cash Wheeler also comes out with Dax Harwood before going to the back on his own. They lock up, and Jarrett tosses Harwood down, before doing a bit of the strut. Harwood comes back with a side headlock takeover, before Jarrett takes Harwood down, walks on his back but gets stopped from trying to do another strut. Jarrett takes down Harwood and finally gets to do the full strut. Harwood comes back with multiple chops and uppercuts in the corner, but Jarrett comes right back with stomps to Harwood in the corner and shouts out that Harwood wants to talk tough now. Harwood places Jarrett on the top rope, but he knocks him down as we go to picture-in-picture.

As we come back from break, they exchange punches before Jarrett hits a knee breaker and tries a Figure Four. Harwood stops it and tries to put on a Sharpshooter. Jarrett goes crashing into the corner, as Harwood comes back with a diving headbutt. They go back and forth a bit before Harwood hits a piledriver for a two-count. Jarrett tries to head to the back, but Harwood stops him and starts tossing him around the ring into the barricades before they head back inside. Jarrett dodges a diving dropkick attempt, before catapulting Harwood into the corner for a two-count. After some more tussling, Harwood turns another Figure Four attempt into an inside cradle for two. Harwood hits a short-armed lariat, sending Jarrett to the apron. Sonjay Dutt shows up and trips up Harwood and tries to hold down his leg as Jarrett goes for the pin but the referee catches him. Harwood chases Dutt around the ring, before going back inside where Jarrett hits Harwood with the stroke for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett by pinfall at 11:12

Owen Hart Cup Returns

We go to Tony Khan for his announcement. This year’s opening ceremonies for the Owen Hart Cup will take place at Double or Nothing and the matches will take place in Canada including at Forbidden Door. The tournament finals will take place in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Wardlow (w/ Arn Anderson) vs. Ariel Levy

Right away, Wardlow knocks Levy down with a lariat followed by two power bombs. Wardlow hits a third powerbomb as the crowd asks for more. Wardlow hits another one before finally pinning Levy.

Winner: Wardlow by pinfall at 1:33

Arn Anderson grabs a microphone and says everybody was asking him why he aligned himself with Wardlow. Anderson talks about tomorrow being the NFL Draft and calls Wardlow the Dynasty of AEW. Anderson says nobody has what Wardlow has and he can put AEW on his shoulders and take them to the next millennium but there are a couple of things Wardlow needs to agree with him on. Sometimes Wardlow has to pull a guy’s eye out and bite somebody’s thumb off.  As Arn continues, he gets interrupted by Christian Cage & Luchasaurus. They back down and don’t enter the ring to confront Wardlow and just stare him down.

We Don’t Care!

Renee is with Sammy Guevara and goes to ask him how he feels about tonight’s match, but MJF interrupts him and kisses him on the forehead saying it’s his big night. Sammy gives one back and says this is their night and they deserve it. MJF talks about how people think he is doing this tournament to avoid a four-way before they both say that they don’t care. Sammy says he got MJF a present and brings out a matching vest for MJF. MJF gives Sammy a matching scarf. They end the segment by hugging.

Not So Remarkable

We go to the back where RJ City starts talking about tonight’s main event, but as soon as he mentions Kenny Omega & Konosuke Takeshita, Jon Moxley comes in and takes him out. He must only want his wife to do backstage interviews.

Four Pillars Tournament Finals: Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara

Before the match starts, MJF makes his way out and joins the commentary table where he shows off his own MJF pickles and says they will be available soon. He even shares one with Taz. They go back and forth before Darby Allin takes Sammy Guevara down with a side headlock, they battle back and forth running the ropes until Darby catches Guevara with another headlock. Sammy knocks Darby down with a dropkick and starts working on his legs but Darby comes right back with a Sharpshooter before Sammy goes and grabs the bottom rope. Sammy spits in Darby’s face and sends him to the outside where he tosses him into the ring post. They fight on the apron for a bit as Darby stands on Sammy’s back and tries a German Suplex, but Sammy hits a low blow while holding onto Paul Turner before hitting a moonsault to Darby on the outside as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Darby tries a dive to Sammy on the outside but Sammy counters it with a cutter. Sammy grabs a table from under the table and sets it up ringside. Darby ends up putting Sammy on the table, but Tay Melo runs out and stops Darby from jumping off the top rope. Sammy runs in and takes Darby down with a Spanish Fly, but Darby is able to grab the bottom rope to break up the count. Sammy places Darby on the table, heads to the top rope, and hits a 630 to Darby right through the table. Darby is able to go back inside right before getting counted out and this upsets MJF who leaves commentary and heads ringside. Darby hits a shotgun dropkick and goes for the Coffin Drop, but Melo gets on the apron and distracts the referee. MJF tosses Darby his skateboard, as Sammy lays down Eddie Guerrero style. The referee sees this and disqualifies Darby.

Winner: Sammy Guevara by disqualification at 12:47, to win the tournament

Jack Perry runs out and chases MJF and Sammy out as Tony Schiavone starts saying Tony Khan is telling him something on the headset. MJF gets on the mic and says he and Sammy will be headlining Double or Nothing as Perry & Darby will head back to the undercard because they suck. Schiavone cuts him off and calls MJF a prick and tells him to listen up. Schiavone says Tony Khan told him that Guevara has earned his title shot at Double or Nothing, but next week on Dynamite there will be a tag team match where Jack Perry & Darby Allin will face MJF & Sammy Guevara, where if Perry & Darby win they will be added to the match at Double or Nothing making it a Pillars Four-Way match.

It’s Full

Renee tries to get a reaction from MJF & Sammy Guevara, but MJF keeps walking and says Tony Khan keeps playing games with him and he won’t be able to keep him around if he continues this. MJF says wherever he goes, his Triple B title follows but stops Sammy front enter his car and says it’s ‘full’, as we see a shot inside and there is nobody else in there.

Roderick Strong Debuts

Adam Cole makes his way to the ring and he is all business as they replay the attack from last week to himself and Britt Baker. Cole says he knows Chris Jericho can hear him and says that their attacking Baker was unforgivable and Jericho crossed a line he can’t come back from and he will hurt him badly. Cole tells Jericho to bring his ass to the ring so he could smash his face. Jericho doesn’t come out so Cole says he will go find him, but as he goes to leave Jericho’s music plays. Jericho appears on the tron and says Cole did nothing to stop them from attacking Baker and calls Cole a coward and says he doesn’t want to be anywhere near him, but his guys will as we see Daniel Garcia, Jake Hager, Matt Menard & Angelo Parker head to the ring and take out Cole. Bandido & Orange Cassidy run out to help Cole, but they are outnumbered. Roderick Strong makes a surprise debut and comes out and takes out all of Jericho Appreciation Society. Strong and Cole embrace as the crowd chants ‘undisputed’.

Plan B

We go to QTV, but before QT Marshall can say much he gets pushed up against the wall by Powerhouse Hobbs. QT calms him down and says they will be going to Plan B.

AEW TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) (w/ Leila Grey & Mark Sterling) vs. Taya Valkyrie

The stipulation here is if Taya Valkyrie uses Road to Valhalla, she will get disqualified, and right away she goes for it before stopping herself short. Taya sends Jade over the apron and as she tries to go back inside, Taya kicks her off to the outside. Jade stops a dive attempt from Taya and splits her down on the apron where she hits her with an inverted DDT dropping her to the floor as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Taya is in control hitting a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two-count. Jade comes back with a superplex and hits a Destroyer for a two-count. Jade goes for the Jaded, but Taya escapes and hits a doubles stomp for a two-count. Taya goes for the Road to Valhalla, but Aubrey Edwards tries to stop her, which she does, but during this confusion, Jade rolls up Taya for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jade Cargill by pinfall at 8:15, to retain

Taya starts pushing around Taya, Sterling & Grey before attempting Road to Valhalla on Aubrey Edwards before officials run out and stop her.

To The Morgue

Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Jamie Hayter are backstage and say The Outcasts got them real good last week, as Hayter is in a sling and says that’s why she couldn’t help out Baker last week. Hayter says they have declared war and the only way this will be over is if they send them to the morgue

Rampage Line-Up

  • Ricky Starks & Shawn Spears vs. Jay White & Juice Robinson
  • Naturally Limitless in action
  • We hear from The Outcasts
  • Anna Jay AS vs. Ashley D’Amboise
  • The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass address the people
  • Cash Wheeler vs. Jay Lethal

Dynamite Line-Up

  • Four Pillars Tag Match: MJF & Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin & Jack Perry
  • Orange Cassidy, Adam Cole, Roderick Strong & Bandido vs. Jericho Appreciation Society

Kenny Omega & Konosuke Takeshita (w/ Don Callis) vs. The Butcher & The Blade (w/ Kip Sabian & Penelope Ford)

Bryan Danielson joins commentary for this match in which The Blade & Konosuke Takeshita start. Takeshita starts in control before him and Kenny Omega makes quick tags in and out. Omega hits a moonsault followed by a Senton from Takeshita for a two-count. Kip Sabian trips up Omega, but as he gets in his face, Penelope Ford gets in between them giving The Butcher the chance to attack Omega from behind before Sabian hits an Asai Moonsault to Omega before we head to a break.

When we come back, Takeshita hits a diving crossbody to Butcher followed by a flying forearm. Takeshita attacks Butcher in the corner followed by a brain buster for a two-count. Blade comes in distracting Takeshita, as Butcher hits a backbreaker and a lariat for a two-count that Omega breaks up before being tossed to the outside. Omega stops a Drag the Lake attack as Takeshita takes Butcher down with a hurricanrana. Takeshita follows with a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Blade breaks it up. Omega takes out Blade with a Snap Dragon Suplex before diving onto Blade & Sabian on the outside. Takeshita hits Butcher with his Power Drive running knee for the pin and the win.

Winners: Konosuke Takeshita & Kenny Omega by pinfall at 8:45

Bryan Danielson gets on the mic and says Takeshita is a professional wrestler who got the pin but Omega is an amateur wrestler who looks exhausted. Danielson starts saying how much better Takeshita would be if he trained with the Blackpool Combat Club, and on cue, Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta run in from the crowd and start attacking Omega. Before they can hit him with a screwdriver, the Young Bucks come out for the save. Omega gets a screwdriver himself, but Danielson tells Takeshita to stop Omega which he does. Moxley pushes Takeshita into Omega, and as they take him out, the BCC raises Takeshita’s hand and says that he wants to be with the BCC. Takeshita looks confused, as Yuta takes him out with a low blow. They start attacking Takeshita and take him out with the screwdriver as the show ends.

About John Siino 427 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.