Jon Moxley heaps praise onto The Elite & BCC, says they all have the same attitude

Photo Courtesy: All Elite Wrestling

The Elite praised by Jon Moxley. 

Headlining the May 10th edition of AEW Dynamite was a Steel Cage match between Jon Moxley and Kenny Omega. Omega lost the match after his longtime manager Don Callis ambushed him which led to Moxley securing the win. 

The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt & Nick Jackson) are feuding with Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) and Moxley spoke about that rivalry in a new interview with Sports Illustrated

He heaped praise onto members of B.C.C. and The Elite. When the topic of All In at Wembley Stadium came up, Moxley said it’s not smart to bet against Omega and The Bucks. 

This rivalry between us is the cutting edge of the business. You might be more into something else, but look at who is involved here. Kenny Omega may be the greatest wrestler that ever lived. Bryan Danielson may be the greatest wrestler that ever lived. Claudio Castagnoli may be the most absolute alien pretending to be a human Superman f—ing freak wrestler to ever live. The Young Bucks may be the greatest tag team of all time. Even if you think I f—ing suck, you still have all these greats. A lot of people out there hate on The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega. We’re obviously attacking them and have our issues with them, but we are not old-ass f—ing bitter dudes with podcasts talking about how the business used to be. We are not that. A lot of people hate Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks, and that’s because they hate themselves. It’s sad. There are plenty of people who hate me. I don’t give a f—. I don’t care what challenges you put in front of me or what s— befalls me. I’m very pissed off. I will shove it up everybody’s flying ass. After last year, I have that attitude. Kenny and The Young Bucks have that attitude. It’s us against the universe. That attitude is AEW at its core.

The power of AEW is from our fans. They’re the ones who bought 10,000 tickets to ALL IN. It’s getting real big with these stadium deals. But we’re not going corporate. The message is ‘F— you.’ Middle fingers everywhere. It’s us against the world. Keep betting against Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks, and see what happens. Historically, that’s not a smart play. Keep betting against me or Bryan Danielson or Claudio. I’ve eaten so much f—ing s— in this business, notwithstanding. I almost died multiple times. I’ve been as dragged through the mud as I can in this business. I’m bulletproof. I don’t give a f—. That’s the message of the day. Doubt any of the six of us and see how that works out.

A clip from Rewind-A-Dynamite concerning Callis turning on Omega is up on the POST Wrestling YouTube channel

About Andrew Thompson 10197 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.