AEW Dynamite Report: Hangman Returns, Collision Announcement, Karen Jarrett

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

May 17th, 2023

By: John Siino

Moody Center in Austin, TX

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone

Spit In My Face

The show starts with TNT Champion Wardlow heading to the ring who talks about Christian Cage making a lot of promises last week that he really wants to see him follow through with before Wardlow tells Christian to come out there in his ‘tiny jacket’ to spit in his face. Christian heads to the ring along with Luchasaurus. Christian & Wardlow get in each other’s faces as Wardlow dares Christian to spit in his face, but before he does Wardlow stops him. Luchasaurus goes to attack Wardlow, but he stops him and takes down Christian as well. Wardlow goes to powerbomb Christian, but Luchasaurus stops him as Christian hits Wardlow with a low blow. Luchasaurus hands Christian a ladder that he uses to take out Wardlow. Luchasaurus then chokeslams Wardlow into the ladder, breaking it. Christian follows this with an Unprettier to Wardlow to the broken ladder before holding up the TNT Championship.

Orange Cassidy & Darby Allin vs. Big Bill & Lee Moriarty

Big Bill & Lee Moriarty no longer represent The Firm after they were ‘deleted’, and commentary mentions how no one has heard from Stokely Hathaway since. Orange Cassidy & Moriarty start the match, before Bill and Darby Allin come in, with Bill swinging Darby around. Bill & Moriarty get sent to the outside where Darby & Orange hit them with in-stereo dives before we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Bill has Orange in a suplex, as Darby tags himself in. The referee doesn’t see him, so he doesn’t let him in, as the crowd boos. Orange is able to fight both opponents off before tagging in Darby who hits a Coffin Drop to both of them before attacking them both repeatedly in the corners. Bill comes back with a Bossman Slam on Darby for a two-count. Orange tags in and hits a DDT on Bill, but Moriarty attacks him from behind before putting him in a crossface. Darby & Orange hit a double superplex to Moriarty, but Bill runs in and takes them both out with a double clothesline. Orange tries a Stundog Millionaire, but Bill holds on as Darby takes Bill out with a Code Red. Orange takes out Bill with the Orange Punch, as Darby hits the Coffin Drop on Moriarty. Instead of going for the pin right away, Darby puts on a headlock takedown and pins Moriarty for the win.

Winners: Darby Allin & Orange Cassidy by pinfall at 11:13

The Only Elite In This Business

Alex Marvez stops The Young Bucks in the parking lot and asks them for an update on Kenny Omega. They say he is doing fine, but the Blackpool Combat Club shows up from behind. The Bucks go to attack them but are outnumbered as Claudio Castagnoli slams Nick Jackson onto a truck before Wheeler Yuta attacks Matt Jackson’s injured arm. Jon Moxley looks into the camera and says they are the only Elite in this business.

Beat Him At His Own Game

Renee Paquette is backstage with Wardlow who says he is fine. Arn Anderson walks in and tosses the ice bag and says he should have been out there. Wardlow says that’s why he asked Arn to stay in the back. Arn says we saw what they could do, but asks Wardlow what he’s prepared to do. Wardlow says he will beat him in his own game and suggests a Ladder Match for TNT Championship at Double or Nothing.

I’ll Fight Them All

Renee is with Orange Cassidy and asks about Kyle Fletcher wanting a shot at his International Championship. Orange says a lot of people want title shots, but anyone who wants one should go to Tony Khan, and he’ll ‘fight them all’.

Sammy Guevara vs. Exodus Prime

Right away Sammy Guevara hits a knee strike followed by the GTH for the quick win.

Winner: Sammy Guevara by pinfall at 29 seconds

Guevara gets on the mic and says every time he is here he remembers the old days and remembers the struggles, the good times, the bad times, and the drama, but all of that brought him here and made him who he is today. He knows he’s not perfect and he made a lot of mistakes and everyone has seen his mistakes firsthand. Sometimes it takes a few wrong turns to get to the right place, and the right place is May 28th. Guevara listens to his heart and his heart says that at Double or Nothing he will be the new AEW World Champion.

Karen Jarrett is Here

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and brings out Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh & Sonjay Dutt. Dutt is carrying two guitars with ‘Cash’ and ‘Dax’ written on them. Before Jay Lethal can say anything, FTR runs out and knocks Satnam off the stage onto a table. FTR starts brawling with Lethal & Jarrett around the ring, including using belts and chairs, as Dax Harwood rips off Lethal’s clothes. FTR takes Jarrett inside and sets up for the Big Rig, but Karen Jarrett shows up and hits a low blow on Cash Wheeler before Jarrett takes out FTR. Satnam reappears and chokeslams FTR. Jarrett & Lethal take the guitars and smash them over FTR’s heads.

Take The Title Off That Prick

Renee is with Darby Allin and asked if the headlock takeover was a message to MJF. Darby says it is, as this match means a lot to him. Sammy Guevara steps in and says he respects Darby, and he won’t lay down for MJF at Double or Nothing. Guevara says one of them has to take the title off that ‘prick’ MJF, as Darby says ‘may the best man win’ and they fist.

The Outcasts (Toni Storm & Ruby Soho) (w/ Saraya) vs. Hikaru Shida & Dr. Britt Baker DMD

This match was changed from a six-person match after Jamie Hayter was not medically cleared from the attack on her. All four women start brawling in the beginning as the bell rings with Hikaru Shida taking Ruby Soho to the corner with ten punches. Toni Storm tags in, but gets kicked right in the head by Shida who tags out to Dr. Britt Baker DMD. Baker hits a swinging neckbreaker on Storm, for a two, but as she runs the ropes, Saraya trips her up. This distraction causes Storm to attack Baker with a hip attack. As the referee is still distracted for some reason, Saraya is attacking Baker on the outside. The Outcasts keep Baker in their corner as they head to picture-in-picture.

When we come back Shida takes out everyone including Saraya and dives onto all three Outcasts on the outside. Shida hits a jumping knee on Soho, but she kicks out at two. Shida comes back with a Falcon Arrow on Soho for another two, while fighting off Storm. Baker takes in and hits a butterfly suplex on Soho, as Shida hits a Meteora. Storm is able to break up the pin, as Baker hits a DDT on Soho for a two, but quickly transitions into the Lockjaw, but Soho turns it into a two count. Soho hits the No Future Kick and tags in Storm who takes out Shida off the apron. Baker hits the Air Raid Crash and stomp on Storm, but Saraya gets on the apron and distracts the referee (again). During this, Saraya passes a spray paint can to Storm who uses it on Baker followed by Storm Zero for the pin.

Winners: The Outcasts (Toni Storm & Ruby Soho) by pinfall at 9:15

Blackjack Battle Royal

Renee is backstage with Orange Cassidy and says that twenty people went and talked to Tony Khan about getting a title shot, so Orange says he’ll take them all in in a 21-person Blackjack Battle Royal at Double or Nothing. Orange asks Renee if she wants to be in it, but she says no.

AEW Collision

We go to Tony Khan who says today has been one of the greatest days in AEW history and repeats that Collision will premiere on June 17th on TNT and announces the first six shows, except the premiere where he says the location will be announced next week

  • June 17th – Location to be announced next week
  • June 24th – Scotiabank Arena (Toronto, Ontario)
  • June 29th – F1rstOntario Centre (Hamilton, Ontario)
  • July 8th – Brandt Centre (Regina, Saskatchewan)
  • July 15th – Calgary Stampede Saddledome (Calgary, Alberta)
  • July 22nd – Prudential Center (Newark, New Jersey)

Falls Count Anywhere: Chris Jericho vs. Roderick Strong

Both the Jericho Appreciation Society and Adam Cole are banned from the building for this match, as Roderick Strong attacks Chris Jericho before the bell rings and goes right after him, hitting a backbreaker for a two count. Jericho comes back and clotheslines Strong over the top rope. They fight on the apron, where Strong hits a backbreaker onto it and gets a two-count on the outside. Back inside, Strong blocks a Code Breaker and tries a backbreaker, but Jericho stops him and puts on the Walls of Jericho. Strong reaches for the ropes as they go picture-in-picture.

When we come back, they are fighting up the stairs, through the crowd, and head towards the back where fans are surrounding them. During this, Excalibur announces the unfortunate death of Superstar Billy Graham as Jericho puts Strong through a table. Strong back body drops Jericho onto a food counter, as security tries to hold fans back from getting involved. Jericho picks up a rope stand and attacks Strong with it before they head to the stair corridor and start fighting on the ledge. They head back towards the fans, where Strong attacks Jericho with plastic knives and soft serve ice cream. We see a security guard forcefully pushing back a man, not realizing it’s a cameraman as Jericho tosses a trash can to Strong who seems to be busted open by his shoulders. They head to the outside, where Adam Cole is behind Jericho as he is allowed to attack him now that they left the building. Cole hits the Boom to Jericho in a grassy/dirt area, followed by a jumping knee by Strong for the pin.

Winner: Roderick Strong by pinfall at 13:13

Rush (w/ Preston Vance & Jose the Assistant) vs. Jack Perry

Right away, Rush takes Jack Perry to the outside and starts tossing him all around and into the barricades. Rush continues as Jose the Assistant passes him the cable rope he always uses to choke out his opponents. We get a close-up of Perry’s forehead, as he’s busted open and Rush continues to toss him into the barricades, with one sending Perry into the crowd as we go picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Perry tries a comeback, but Rush is able to fight him off with a jumping knee before Perry comes back with a dropkick. They start fighting on the top rope, exchanging chops before Perry hits a hurricanrana. Jose stops Perry by grabbing his boot, but Perry is able to duck Rush and puts on the Snare Trap. Rush is able to crawl his way over to the rope and break it up. Rush licks the blood off of Perry, but that only gets him mad as they start trading chops until Rush tosses Perry off the apron with a side suplex that looked pretty brutal. Rush covers Perry with one foot, but Perry kicks out. Rush continues to attack Perry in the corner and pushes the referee off of him. As Rush goes after the referee, Perry rolls up Rush for the surprise win.

Winner: Jack Perry by pinfall at 10:00

Right away, Rush, Preston Vance & Jose start choking out Perry with the cable. Darby Allin runs out but he gets outnumbered and attacked as well. Sammy Guevara runs out as he and Darby double-team and take out Rush, Vance & Jose. Guevara, Darby & Perry all start staring each other down. Commentary brings up how it’s the last thing MJF wants with these three forming an alliance.

Renee Paquette is backstage with MJF and asks how he’s feeling about the match at Double or Nothing. MJF smacks the mic out of Renee’s hand and walks away.

Not The Same Toni Storm

Renee is with Toni Storm and brings up her momentum with four wins in five days. Storm says she doesn’t see Jamie Hayter do that, and she isn’t the same Toni Storm as before and if she has any guts at all she will put the title on the line against her at Double or Nothing.

Jay White (w/ Juice Robinson) vs. Ricky Starks

As soon as the bell rings, Jay White escapes to the outside as the crowd chants for Ricky Starks. Starks takes control back inside before they spill back to the outside where Starks attacks White against the barricade. Back inside, White is able to stop Starks by dropping him, neck first into the top rope. Starks takes White out with a back body drop, but as Starks follows White to the outside, White rams Starks into the apron a couple of times. Juice Robinson gets in Starks face, which gives White the chance to take control as they head to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Starks is in control hitting a Tornado DDT for a two-count. White comes right back with a DDT of his own as they start playing up an injury for Starks’ ribs. Starks is able to block a Blade Runner attempt with his elbows, but White sends Starks over the top rope to the outside. White sends Starks back inside, as Starks puts on a cradle for a two count. They go back and forth for a bit, as White escapes the Rochambeau. Starks tries a spear, but Juice Robinson trips him up. Juice gets involved with a chair, but Starks takes the chair from him and attacks White causing the disqualification.

Winner: Jay White by disqualification at 12:18

Rampage Line-Up

  • Blackpool Combat Club vs. Best Amigos & Bandido
  • We’ll hear from The Hardys
  • The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass vs. Varsity Athletes
  • Jade Cargill open challenge for the TBS Championship
  • Bishop Kaun vs. Dustin Rhodes

Dynamite Line-Up

  • ROH World Tag Team Championship: Lucha Bros. (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta

Double or Nothing Line-Up

  • AEW World Championship: MJF (c) vs. Jack Perry vs. Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara
  • TNT Championship Ladder Match: Wardlow (c) vs. Christian Cage
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR (c) vs. Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett (Special Guest Referee Mark Briscoe)
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Jamie Hayter (c) vs. Toni Storm
  • AEW International Championship Blackjack Battle Royale

Hangman Returns

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and introduces Don Callis who comes out to a sea of boos. Callis calls himself the victim after everything he did for Kenny Omega and brings up all the moments that Callis helped him with and says without him there is no Kenny Omega. This prompts Omega to head towards the ring, but there is a sea of security trying to stop him but Omega takes them out. The Blackpool Combat Club appears and attacks Omega from behind including Jon Moxley hitting a Paradigm Shift on Omega. Moxley gets on the mic and says this is Omega’s final warning and tells him to stay down and calls themselves The Elite. The Young Bucks come out with a trash can full of weapons. ‘Hangman’ Adam Page makes his way out to even it up (sporting an eye patch). Omega hands Page a barbed wire broom, as they head to the ring and start attacking the Blackpool Combat Club. They bring Wheeler Yuta inside and hit him with the BTE Trigger and a Buckshot Lariat. Page says they are the heart, soul, and spirit of this place says they are The Elite, and says at Double or Nothing it’ll be The Elite vs. Blackpool Combat Club in an Anarchy in the Arena.

About John Siino 428 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.