House of Glory – Friday the 13th: Charles Mason vs. Minoru Suzuki, Daniel Garcia appears

Photo Courtesy: House of Glory

House of Glory – Friday the 13th
October 13th, 2023
NYC Arena – Queens, NY

Daniel Garcia Appears

The show starts with Isiah Kassidy coming to the ring who said he was in the area and had to stop by, and brought a special guest Daniel Garcia making his first appearance in HOG. Garcia said he would do the dance if they wanted to see him come back here and wrestle, so he did the dance to a big pop.

01: HOG Tag Team Championship: The Mane Event (Jay Lyon & Midas Black) (c) vs. Cashflow Inc. (Ken Broadway & Encore)

Really funny opener with a wild moonsault off the ropes to the outside from Lyon, followed by the Chopped Cheese on Broadway for the pin at 15:37, as the Mane Event retains. After the match, Lyon said that Cashflow Inc. could get a rematch anytime. After Mane Event left, Broadway turned heel and attacked Encore viciously to a chorus of boos. The beatdown carried on for a couple minutes ending with a chair shot from Broadway to Encore to the head. 

02: O’Shay Edwards vs. Carlos Ramirez

Edwards who has recently been representing the Bomaye Fight Club in MLW, making his HOG debut. Big meaty men slapping meat affair here that ended with Ramirez ending a big sit-out Powerbomb for the pin at 8:26.

03: Idris Jackson (w/ Dr. Hilary P. Wisdom) vs. “Sweet Cheeks” Joey Silver

We get a video from Wisdom before the match tonight introducing his new client in the ‘Dark Star’ Idris Jackson.  With some distraction help from Wisdom, Jackson was able to hit a spinning clothesline for the pin at 10:18.

04: HOG Cruiserweight Championship #1 Contenders Suicidal Six Way Match: J Boujii vs. Roachie Roach (w/ Daron Richardson) vs. Jay Armani vs. Dezmond Cole vs. Kevin Blackwood vs. Raheem Royal

The six-way matches in HOG are always fun and this one continued the trend, as the debuting Kevin Blackwood pinned Cole at 12:20 after two wild top rope stomps and earned himself a future title shot. 

05: HOG Cruiserweight Championship: Nolo Kitano (c) vs. Michael Fain

Before the match, Fain called for a fair fight so they sent the Black Hand & the Anunnakis to the back. They all ended up getting involved anyway, as Kitano spit mist in Fain’s face to get the roll-up win at 9:31, to retain.

Swerve Strickland Returns

They announce that Swerve Strickland will make his return to House of Glory on their next show on December 1st called “Darkest Hour”

06: Leila Grey vs. Kiki Van Gogh

A bunch of shenanigans at the end when the referee was knocked out, as Leila & Kiki did the Eddie spot with Leila’s fan until the referee caught Leila with it, disqualifying her giving Kiki the win at 8:48.

07: Mike Santana vs. Rocky Romero

Big hometown reaction for Santana as the match quickly spilled into the crowd.  Great back-and-forth action until Santana hit the Liger Bomb for the win at 19:19. Santana got on the mic after and challenged Matt Cardona saying the HOG Heavyweight Championship needs to come back to New York.

08: Minoru Suzuki vs. Charles Mason

Non-title match here as Mason’s Crown Jewel Championship isn’t on the line. Great main event here as Mason really stood toe to toe with Suzuki with hard strikes and chops in and out of the ring until Suzuki hit the Gotch Style piledriver to get the pin at 15:14. After the match Suzuki put Mason over by saying “Great champion. And.. fuck you”

Carlos Ramirez, who was masked as Jason Vorhees walking around towards the end of the show, appeared from out of the crowd after and attacked Mason proclaiming he wanted his Crown Jewel Championship 

About John Siino 428 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.