MLW Fightland Results: Alex Kane vs. Jacob Fatu, Hammerstone joins WTF

Photo Courtesy: MLW

MLW Fightland

November 18th, 2023

By: John Siino

2300 Arena in Philadelphia, PA

Commentary: Joe Dombrowski & Matt Striker

MLW World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match: The Calling (AKIRA & Rickey Shane Page) (c) vs. The Second Gear Crew (1 Called Manders & Matthew Justice)

The match starts on the outside with dives and hits a crossbody until Matthew Justice enters the ring with a ladder and starts to climb it before AKIRA can stop him and try himself. Justice & 1 Called Manders to stop him and bring another ladder into the match that they use to splash against AKIRA in the corner. Rickey Shane Page enters and stops The Second Gear Crew from climbing the ladder, and tries himself. SGC tries the ladder again, but AKIRA stops them with a ladder of his own. The Calling stays in control for a while using chairs and ladders, before getting knocked off the ladders by the SGC. They start brawling on the outside as RSP is busted open. Back inside, RSP sends Manders into a ladder in the corner with a toss suplex and starts climbing the ladder before Justice stops him with a chair. Manders starts chopping away at AKIRA as Matt Striker quotes GZA from Wu-Tang Clan on ‘Triumph’; ‘War of the masses, the outcome; disastrous / Many of the victims’ family, save the ashes’.  AKIRA pushes the ladder down as Justice is hanging from the belt until splashing down on RSP. Talon of The Calling runs in and gets involved, as all four competitors are on the ladders. While all four are on top, AKIRA hits RSP with a chair shot by accident, as he’s now hanging down off the ladder. AKIRA and Justice go crashing through tables on the outside as Manders is able to grab the tag titles and end the match.

Winners: The Second Gear (1 Called Manders & Matthew Justice) at 12:20, to become NEW MLW World Tag Team Champions

AKIRA Out of The Calling

After the match, Rickey Shane Page gets in AKIRA’s face and starts yelling at him about the finish of the match. They start trading tricks and fighting until Talon & Cannonball of The Calling start attacking AKIRA. RSP sends AKIRA through chairs with an Impaler DDT as AKIRA is now busted open. They put The Calling’s cards on AKIRA, as it looks like he is now out of The Calling.

They announce that Miyu Yamashita will defend her TJPW Princess of Princess Title against Delmi Exo at MLW One Shot on December 7th from the Melrose Ballroom in Queens, New York.

Loser Leaves MLW Match: Matt Cardona (w/ Saint Laurent) vs. Mance Warner

Mance Warner goes right after Matt Cardona with strikes and a boot, before going to the outside to try and grab something under the ring, but Cardona stops him with a basement dropkick. Warner takes control using a trash can, before tossing Cardona and a bunch of chairs into the ring. Warner sets up four chairs, but Cardona puts him through them with a Death Valley Driver for a two-count. Cardona climbs the top rope, but Warner tosses a chair into his face followed by a superplex for a two. They both bring wooden boards into the ring and set them against the corner, before trading punches. Warner goes for a chair shot but takes out the referee by accident instead. Warner stops a Radio Silence attempt with a powerbomb, puts the trash can on Cardona, and takes him out with a running knee, as the referee isn’t there to make the count. Cardona hits a low blow, as Steph De Lander runs out and stops Cardona. SDL grabs Warner and makes out with him (commentary brings up their real-life relationship), but Cardona goes after Warner. SDL enters and teases attacking Cardona, but instead takes out her boyfriend Warner, with a spear through the wooden board. Cardona makes the pin as Warner must now leave MLW.

Winner: Matt Cardona by pinfall at 8:09

Steph De Lander is in MLW

Matt Cardona gets on the mic and yells ‘Yo, Stephanie, I did it’ and tells Mance Warner to get the hell out of MLW. Saint Laurent calls for ‘Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye’ by Steam to play and tries to get the crowd to chant along for Warner. As Laurent starts dancing in front of Warner, Warner knocks him out. Cardona calls for security to escort Warner out for taking out his friend.

We cut to the back where Cardona welcomes Steph De Lander to MLW and says Mance Warner might be dating her in real life, but this isn’t the wrestling romance, it’s the wrestling business. SDL says she loves Warner, but she loves the success just a little bit more. Cardona says they are suing Warner for attacking Saint Laurent, and they are taking everything away from him.

MLW Upcoming Fights on FITE+

·       This Thursday – Fusion on Thanksgiving (YouTube)

·       December 7th (NYC) – One-Shot

·       January 6th (Philadelphia) – Kings of Colosseum

·       February 3rd (Philadelphia) – SuperFight

Promociones Dorado (Rocky Romero & Barbaro Cavernario) (w/ Salina de la Renta) vs. Ichiban & Mascara Dorada

This is not the (Gran) Metalik version of Mascara Dorada, but the second (2.0) incarnation making his MLW debut. Ichiban & Barbaro Cavernario (also making his MLW debut) go to start the match, but Ichiban asks for Rocky Romero instead, who tags in. Romero taunts Ichiban while staying in control, but Ichiban comes right back with crossbodies and a splash in the corner, before hitting the 10 punches. Dorada & Barbaro go at it, as Dorada moves so fast I didn’t have to put him on 2x speed. Ichiban & Dorada start double-teaming on Barbaro & Romero, sending them to the outside where Ichiban dives into them. Salina de la Renta gets in Ichiban’s face, giving Romero the opportunity to take advantage and start chopping Ichiban around the ring. Promociones Dorada stays in control, taking turns tagging in and out, holding the much faster luchadors down to the mat. Ichiban is able to make the tag to Dorada who takes both Barbaro & Romero to the outside where he meets them with a tornado. Dorada & Romero go at it, as Dorada misses a 450 splash off the top rope. Ichiban takes out Barbaro with a Code Red for two that Romero breaks up, taking out Ichiban with a Death Valley Driver. Promociones Dorado hits an assisted Sliced Bread before Dorada catches Barbaro into a sit-out powerbomb. Ichiban takes out Romero on the outside with a dive as Dorada hits a pop-up powerbomb and a beautiful Shooting Star Press on Barbaro to get the pin and the win.

Winners: Mascara Dorada & Ichiban by pinfall at 11:59

MLW World Heavyweight Championship: Alex Kane (c) (w/ Mr. Thomas) vs. Jacob Fatu

Huge Bomaye Fight Club entrance for Alex Kane, as Mr. Thomas goes to join commentary while Faye Jackson sits ringside. O’Shay Edwards, J Boujii, and the rest of the Bomaye went to the back. The match starts slow, with Kane holding Jacob Fatu down to the mat with a side headlock. Fatu counters and holds Kane down with a headlock as they both go for pin attempts. Kane regroups with Faye on the outside, before going right after Fatu with clubs to the back and takes him down and to the outside with a shoulder tackle. They fight on the apron for a bit until Kane hits his first release German Suplex on Fatu. Kane stays in control whipping Fatu fast into the corners. Fatu gets the upper hand and tosses a chair into Kane’s face, as the referee is allowing relaxed rules. They start brawling on the outside, with more chairs, boards, and tables being introduced. Thomas leaves commentary to assist Kane (not before plugging where to purchase your Bomaye shirt). They continue to brawl on the outside for a while before Kane finally places Fatu on the apron where he misses the splash. Fatu destroys Kane with a couple of hip attacks into the barricade, before grabbing a ladder from under the ring. Fatu places Kane in between the ladder and attacks him, including a handspring moonsault onto him. Kane catches Fatu and sends him into the ladder in the corner with a T-Bone suplex.

Kane is able to hit the apron splash, before hitting another one for a two-count. Kane starts going after Fatu with chairs, before placing four in all corners. Fatu starts tossing Kane into the chairs, before dodging a spear, having Fatu crash head first. Fatu takes out Kane with a tope suicida on the outside, but as Thomas is trying to help Kane up, Fate takes them both out with a Fosbury Flop. They announced in the arena that 30 minutes had elapsed, as Kane sent Fatu crashing through a table on the outside with a back body drop over the ropes. Kane tosses Fatu back inside and gets a two. Kane follows with a Tiger Suplex, Fatu tries to fight it off but ends up getting hit with another one. Death Valley Driver & spear from Kane for another two, as he starts looking concerned about what to do to finish off Fatu. Fatu sends Kane into another chair in the corner, before placing Kane onto a table and splashing through him and the table from the top rope. Fatu grabs more tables and chairs from under the ring, before tossing Kane back inside. Fatu screams out ‘Let’s be fucking clear, this motherfucker should have never won the belt’ and places the table in the corner, just for Kane to spear him through it. They start trading punches before Kane hits a flurry of suplexes for two. Kane sends Fatu through another table, as the referee starts counting them both down.  Fatu hits a couple of superkicks, a pop-up Samoan Drop, and a top rope moonsault, but Thomas pulls his leg to break up the count. Fatu places Kane on two seated chairs with a superkick, before trying another top rope moonsault. Kane runs up to the top with Fatu and sends him crashing through the chairs with a release suplex. Kane puts on his ‘Fade to Black’ choke, as the referee eventually ends the match.

Winner: Alex Kane by referee stoppage at 48:03, to retain

Alex Hammerstone is WTF

Matt Cardona, Tom Lawlor, Steph De Lander & Saint Laurent of the World Titan Federation run out as Cardona & Lawlor start attacking Kane. Mr. Thomas and other members of Bomaye Fight Club run in and get taken out with chairs from WTF before an unidentified man in a WTF shirt (indie wrestler Joshua Bishop) runs out and starts choke-slamming and power-bombing Bomaye members. O’Shay Edwards & J Boujii run out, but WTF stops them as well. The lights go out and when they come on, we see a returning Alex Hammerstone in a WTF shirt. Hammerstone hadn’t appeared on MLW since losing the world title back in July at Never Say Never and had gone on social media last month publicly asking for his release from MLW. Hammerstone starts going after Kane & Fatu. Cardona gets in Kane’s face with the MLW World Title as he has the next title at at One-Shot on December 7th.

We see a promo that One-Shot will be an MLW x WTF presentation, similar to how WCW/nWo would do the Souled Out shows.

About John Siino 425 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.