EC3: My WWE run was dog sh*t, it sucked dirty, hairy balls, let’s be honest

Photo Courtesy: National Wrestling Alliance

EC3 details how Exodus Pro came to be. 

The conclusion of NWA 75 night two saw EC3 defeat Tyrus to become the new NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion. EC3 has been reigning as champion since August. 

In the time since, Powerrr episodes have been added to The CW app and NWA has began establishing territories. One of the promotions the organization is working with is Exodus Pro, which is ran by EC3. That became a topic of conversation as EC3 was chatting with Bleeding Cool

He said Exodus Pro is a creative outlet. This led to him talking about his time in WWE and called the run ‘dog sh*t’. He felt he was a better talker than most of the roster and that feeling led him to creating Control Your Narrative. He explained repackaging C.Y.N. as Exodus Pro. 

NWA Exodus Pro is a passion project, and we are fortunate enough to be one of the first territorial affiliates of the NWA in the new era. It came from controlling your narrative. It came knowing what I wanted, not necessarily a promotion, but I wanted that to be a platform for talent to be discovered or reinvent themselves. That was my creative outlet during the pandemic, and I’m getting fired. It was kind of like therapy in my very, very real life. You know, the WWE run was dog sh*t. It sucked dirty, hairy balls, let’s be honest. But I said to myself, I’m a better speaker than almost everybody on this roster, and I never had a chance to speak. So, the idea stemmed from that with CYN. I will put a better promo out every week than anybody’s doing regarding context and creativity. Maybe not production value or eyes seeing it, but creatively, I will put out something better than you see on Monday or Friday night. So, the real germ of it all was CYN. What it really meant was to tell your story. I could tell mine, and I wanted to create something that allowed others to tell theirs. So, after I made the necessary adjustments and cut the necessary people out of my life, I repackaged that as Exodus.

While mentioning Control Your Narrative, EC3 agreed that the stigma attached to the promotion did damage to his wrestling career.

About Andrew Thompson 9839 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.