John Pollock and Wai Ting review WWF Breakdown: In Your House from September 1998 featuring Steve Austin defending the WWF Championship against the Mr. McMahon-appointed duo of The Undertaker and Kane.
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Presented by Stridex, the show also features The Rock vs. Mankind vs. Ken Shamrock in a Triple Threat Cage Match, Owen Hart vs. Edge, “Religious” Dustin Runnels vs. Val Venis, and more superstars of the Attitude Era.
John takes us through the Wrestling Observer’s news headlines from September 1998.
This event was chosen by Espresso Executive Producer, Jesse From The 6.
WWF Breakdown
Sunday, September 27, 1998
Hamilton, Ontario at Copps Coliseum
- WWF Championship: Steve Austin (c) vs. The Undertaker vs. Kane
- X-Pac & New Age Outlaws vs. Jeff Jarrett & Southern Justice
- Val Venis w/ Terri Runnels vs. Dustin Rhodes
- Steel Cage Match: The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Mankind
- D-Lo Brown vs. Gangrel
- Vader vs. Bradshaw
- Marc Mero w/ Jacqueline vs. Darren “The Droz” Drozdov
- Al Snow & Scorpio vs. Too Much
- Owen Hart vs. Edge
Watch WWF Breakdown 1998 (WWE Network account required): https://network.wwe.com/video/72133
Next time on Rewind-A-Wai: You Cannot Kill David Arquette (2020)
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