Chelsea Green says acting career remains a big goal

Photo Courtesy: WWE

WWE wrestler Chelsea Green hopes that she can someday parlay her wrestling career into one on the big screen as an actor.

Green recently joined Chris Van Vilet for an interview, reflecting on her return to WWE over a year ago and her journey to get back into the promotion. After joking about someday becoming the “female John Cena,” Green expanded on how an acting career is something she is pursuing while working full-time as a wrestler.

“The goal is always and has always been acting,” Green said. “I just didn’t know that would bring me to this moment in my life where I was wrestling. I didn’t realize acting would bring me here.”

Green says that she is currently taking acting classes and regularly auditioning for “anything and everything.” While she believes that her active part in the WWE brand could stop her from booking possible roles, the auditioning serves as good practice.

“It’s not always about booking the part [from an audition] because I can’t necessarily always book a part with WWE. It’s always hard to try to do both, but it is about keeping the skill up of auditioning because that’s hard.”

When asked about how she got into wrestling, Green says it was something she got interested in while trying to find her path in life.

“Watching TV and seeing the ridiculousness of wrestling, I was like: ‘Man, I kinda like that! That seems like something I could do! Seems easy enough!’ Obviously, it was not easy enough. But I just totally fell into it.”

Along with her constant practice, Green’s goal of becoming the “female John Cena” includes someone who can give her strong advice: Cena himself.

Green and Matt Cardona are good friends of Cena and his wife Shay Shariatzadeh and says they try to all go out to dinner together when they can.

“We try to go for dinner every few months and try to unpack everything that’s going on in our lives. The last few times I have spoken about auditioning and things like that. I mean, [Cena’s] an amazing sounding board.”

About Jack Wannan 369 Articles
Jack Wannan is a journalist from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He writes and reports on professional wrestling, along with other topics like MMA, boxing, music, local news, and more. He graduated from Toronto Metropolitan University in 2023 with a bachelor's degree in journalism. He can be reached at [email protected]