With WH on assignment, Rich Fann is joined by Brandon Carr of the Why So Serious Podcast to review X-Men ‘97 Episode 7: “Bright Eyes”.
Cyclops focuses the X-Men on finding Bolivar Trask. However, when the team locates the Sentinel inventor, they realize that they all have been played by a mastermind. (Synopsis courtesy of IMDb)
They chat about the return of Cable, questions surrounding who the “real” big bad of the series is, and whether X-Men ‘97 is the best of the MCU to date.
In MCNews, Deadpool & Wolverine’s trailer debuts with tons of talking points including Cassandra Nova, Sling Rings and more.
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MCU L8R Recommendations:
- Operation Zero Tolerance: https://www.amazon.com/X-MEN-MILESTONES-OPERATION-ZERO-TOLERANCE/dp/130292396X (Rich)
MCU L8R merch at Chopped Tees: https://Chopped-Tees.com/MCUL8R
MCU L8R is POST Wrestling’s Marvel Studios review podcast. Listen to previous episodes: https://www.postwrestling.com/category/podcasts/postwrestlingcafe/movies/
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