AEW Collision Results: Adam Copeland retains against Kyle O’Reilly

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW presented a three-hour block on TBS with a live Collision followed by Rampage from Rogers Arena in Vancouver, British Columbia with the promotion’s debut in the market.

It was noted that this was the first pro wrestling show to air on TBS on a Saturday night since WCW Saturday Night ended in 2000.

The latest update from WrestleTix reported approximately 6,400 tickets distributed.

*Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli over Top Flight in 13:50 (Recommended)
*Will Ospreay over Lee Moriarty in 10:26 (Recommended)
*Brian Cage & Gates of Agony over Evan Rivers & The Voros Twins in 1:08
*Daniel Garcia over Kevin Matthews in 2:09
*Dax Harwood over Thomas Billington in 12:58 (Recommended)
*Thunder Rosa over Robyn Renegade in 7:39
*TNT Championship: Adam Copeland over Kyle O’Reilly in 19:37 (Recommended)

Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness are calling the show.

Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli vs. Top Flight

Danielson had his neck taped to sell the effects of the Storm Driver ’93 while McGuinness thought he wasn’t really hurt and they referred to Wembley Stadium.

There was a mistimed Tijeras by Dante on Castagnoli, which McGuiness covered for in his description.

The crowd was heated with “Yes” and “This is Awesome” chants before going back and forth with “Yes” and “Woo” as Danielson delivered chops and kicks to Darius in the corner.

Dante hit the Nose Dive on Castagnoli before being hit by the Busaiku knee. Castagnoli followed with a running European uppercut on Darius and scored the pin.

WINNERS: Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli in 13:50

Danielson addressed the crowd and put over Top Flight as examples of what AEW is all about. Danielson led an “AEW” chant before stating that the first Anarchy in the Arena nearly ended his career but is willing to do another one because of his love for AEW. Castagnoli left the ring while Danielson was in the middle of his speech but it wasn’t acknowledged. He will do anything to protect AEW.

Will Ospreay vs. Lee Moriarty

Roderick Strong came out with The Undisputed Kingdom and joined the commentary team.

During the picture-in-picture break, Shane Taylor sent Ospreay into the barricade. There were frequent chants for Ospreay from the audience in Vancouver while Moriarty was in control. Moriarty torqued Ospreay’s neck but Ospreay did a handspring off the ropes into a spinning roundhouse kick.

Ospreay landed a springboard forearm and teased the Storm Driver ’93 but stopped mid-move to allow Moriarty to take advantage of the hesitation. Ospreay put Moriarty on his shoulders and spun him into a Blue Thunder Driver.

Ospreay sent Taylor off the apron, went for the OsCutter, and was caught in the Border City Stretch with Ospreay using a cradle as a counter.

Ospreay hit the running elbow and hooked the arms, looked at Strong, and hit the Storm Breaker to win the match.

WINNER: Will Ospreay

Strong distracted Ospreay as Taylor jumped Ospreay from behind and drilled him with an elbow as The Undisputed Kingdom posed over the fallen Ospreay.

They announced that Willow Nightingale will be defending the TBS Championship against Tam Nakano at Stardom’s Flashing Champions card next Saturday at Yokohama Budokan.

AEW aired footage of Mercedes Mone throwing out the first pitch at today’s Boston Red Sox game at Fenway Park and meeting David Ortiz. It was great that they turned this around so quickly and should be the norm whenever their talent is in high-profile spots like this.

Willow Nightingale and Mercedes Mone will have a contract signing on Dynamite this Wednesday for their match at Double or Nothing.

Brian Cage & Gates of Agony vs. Evan Rivers & The Voros Twins

Cage throws Rivers with a release German suplex while the Gates of Agony attack the Voros Twins.

The GOA tossed Rivers into a powerbomb by Cage for a quick victory.

WINNERS: Brian Cage & Gates of Agony

Schiavone entered the ring to ask them about attacking Swerve Strickland as the crowd chanted, “Whose House?”. Cage called Swerve and Prince Nana “selfish” and needed leadership and guidance from Matthew and Nicholas Jackson.

Strickland’s music played as Cage walked up the aisle, but Strickland appeared from behind with a chain to choke the Gates of Agony. Swerve hit Cage with a German suplex followed by the House Call and the Swerve Stomp to Kaun and Toa on the floor. He wrapped the chain around Kaun but Toa returned and ran over Strickland.

Toa ran around the ring at Strickland, who used a cinder block to stop the attack. Swerve hit a Conchairto to Toa on the steps.

After the commercial, Swerve was backstage and addressed critics who think he’s become “soft” since winning the title. He brought the Mogul Embassy into this world and will take them out, there is only one left and he’ll take care of Brian Cage in his home state of Washington this Wednesday.

An eliminator match between Swerve and Brian Cage was confirmed for Dynamite next Wednesday.

Daniel Garcia vs. Kevin Matthews

Matt Menard was on commentary for this match.

Matthews dropped Garcia and did the dance, which Schiavone described as “the worst dance I’ve ever seen.”

Garcia recovered and did his dance before locking in the Dragon Slayer for the submission.

WINNER: Daniel Garcia

Dax Harwood vs. Thomas Billington

Billington came out to the British Bulldogs’ theme. Billington is the nephew of the late Tom “Dynamite Kid” Billington.

Billington dropped Harwood with a shoulder block as Harwood rolled to the floor and acknowledged Billington getting the best of him momentarily. Harwood re-entered and struck Billington with a back elbow.

McGuinness brought up the Madison Square Garden match in 1982 that Dynamite Kid had with Tiger Mask and how the former changed the game.

Billington hit a crazy high cross to the floor where he flew on top of Harwood, leading to a “Dynamite” chant as he followed with a missile dropkick. Billington connected with an elbow off the top and dropped Harwood with headbutts from the turnbuckle. Harwood returned on the buckle and hit a superplex.

Billington reversed Harwood and hit a series of rolling German suplexes but Harwood responded with a Dragon Suplex.

Billington started using moves from Owen Hart’s repertoire including an attempted Victory Roll, which Harwood countered into a slingshot sit-out powerbomb for the victory.

WINNER: Dax Harwood

Both Dax and Cash Wheeler fist-bumped Billington and they went above and beyond to give Billington so much in this match, which you’ll rarely see for a non-contracted guy. Billington was left in the ring alone and given the hero spot.

Schiavone and McGuinness announced a tag match for Dynamite in Everett, Washington with Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson taking on Kyle Fletcher & Jeff Cobb.

After Dynamite, The Elite had a message that didn’t air on the show where Kazuchika Okada issued a challenge to Dax Harwood for next week. Christopher Daniels walked by and was berated by The Young Bucks who took credit for all the money Daniels has made over the five years. Daniels stood up to them and said he earned this job and threatened to “beat your ass, Matt”.

Daniels had another message and spoke about being in the room when AEW launched. He accused the Young Bucks of wanting to make everything about themselves and he won’t cower when they speak. He has been told to find a partner to face the Bucks this Wednesday and has chosen Matt Sydal.
Harwood responded to Okada’s challenge and called FTR the “workhorses” that work both Dynamite & Collision. He said Okada might be the greatest wrestler ever, “This ain’t no patty cake, New Japan, young boy crap around here, okay? This is pro wrestling. This is AEW. This is where the best wrestle”.

Thunder Rosa vs. Robyn Renegade

Renegade was sent off the apron with a head kick but landed a pump kick when Rosa came to the floor.

Thunder Rosa hit a lung blower and a running dropkick as Renegade was leaning on the bottom rope. Renegade caught Rosa with a pump handle slam.

Renegade missed a moonsault off the top as Rosa hit a double stomp and submitted Renegade with a cobra clutch.

WINNER: Thunder Rosa

Lexy Nair interviewed Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie spoke about the Vancouver Canucks and called them “Van Losers”. Johnny issued a challenge to PAC, and they made out in front of Nair. The match between Johnny TV an PAC was added to Rampage later tonight.

A video featuring HOOK aired and Chris Jericho has pissed him off, but it hasn’t surprised him. He said Jericho doesn’t know who or what he can be, but he’ll show him. Hook returns on Wednesday at Dynamite.

AEW Dynamite on May 15
*AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada © vs. Dax Harwood
*Title Elimination Match: Swerve Strickland © vs. Brian Cage
*Title Eliminator Match: Young Bucks © vs. Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal
*Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson vs. Jeff Cobb & Kyle Fletcher
*Contract signing between Willow Nightingale and Mercedes Mone
*Hook returns

AEW Collision on May 18
*Will Ospreay vs. Shane Taylor

Adam Copeland vs. Kyle O’Reilly for the TNT Championship

The crowd was on their feet when the bell rang and had a great atmosphere with O’Reilly wrestling in his hometown.

Copeland sent O’Reilly into the corner and attacked his lower back. Copeland stopped a guillotine by dumping O’Reilly on the top rope and sending him off the apron. The audience started to boo Copeland after striking O’Reilly with a baseball slide dropkick.

Copeland came off the turnbuckle and was nearly caught in an armbar but fought his way free and applied a Crossface on O’Reilly, who reached the rope.

O’Reilly applied a kneebar with Copeland fighting to the rope and booed when he reached.

O’Reilly unloaded with strikes, leapfrogged to avoid a spear, and rolled up Copeland for a near-fall. Copeland went for a Bulldog Choke and O’Reilly transitioned to an armbar but Copeland escaped.

Copeland landed a body shot and O’Reilly went down and indicated it might have been a liver shot. O’Reilly staggered to his feet as Copeland went for a spear but caught Copeland in a guillotine as the crowd was ready to erupt, but Copeland got to his feet and turned it into an Impaler DDT.

Copeland landed the spear and pinned O’Reilly.

WINNER: Adam Copeland in 19:37 to retain the TNT Championship

Just a stellar match and this audience was ready to explode if O’Reilly could have pulled off the upset.

This was a tremendous episode of Collision with no fewer than four matches worth checking out as recommended above in the match listing.

Not only were there strong matches throughout but they have assembled another strong card for Dynamite next Wednesday with match announcements mixed in throughout the broadcast.

About John Pollock 5633 Articles
Born on a Friday, John Pollock is a reporter, editor & podcaster at POST Wrestling. He runs and owns POST Wrestling alongside Wai Ting.