GCW Most Notorious Results: Nick Gage vs. Tony Deppen, Joey Janela vs. Megan Bayne

Photo Courtesy: GCW

GCW: Most Notorious 
May 18, 2024
Harrah’s Casino Philadelphia 
Philadelphia, PA

Match Recommendations: 

Parrow vs. Manders
Mance Warner vs. Marcus Mathers
Tony Deppen vs. Nick Gage
Zilla Fatu vs. Broski Jimmy 

Tag Team Match: The Mane Event vs. The Legion of Rot 

Wicked and Lyon started the match for their teams, showing off their agility, with Lyon taking the veteran down with an arm drag. Wicked was able to tag Mare, who then executed a couple of tandem spots on Lyon for the first near fall of the night. Black tagged in and attempted a backslide on Frightmare, but it was blocked, so he connected with a dropkick and tagged Lyon back in, and they hit some tandem offense of their own. Mare and Lyon traded lariats, with Black making a blind tag. Black sent them to the floor and hit them with a tope, as did Frightmare. Wicked took Black off the top rope with a backdrop for a close near fall, but Black was able to get his shoulder up at the last second. Black came off the top rope with a Fameasser and crawled to tag Lyon, who ran wild on Frightmare. He attempted a Death Valley Driver on Wicked, but Wicked powered out of it. Black came to his partner’s aid and locked in a Boston Crab. Frightmare tried to make the save but was also caught in a Boston Crab and a Lionsault for good measure. Wicked broke the hold and sent Black to the floor. All four men traded punches in the center of the ring. They sent Black to the floor and hit a moonsault double knee on Lyon for the victory.

Legion of Rot Defeated Mane Event 

Singles Match: Matt Makowski vs. The MECCA

Makowski dumped MECCA on the canvas and worked him over with some chain wrestling. They got back to their feet, where Makowski hit MECCA with a big overhand chop and started to work on his arm with a series of kicks. MECCA fired up and took Matt down with repeated lariats. They traded chops in the corner, and MECCA locked in a Boston Crab, but Matt was able to make it to the ropes. Matt fired back up with more kicks to MECCA’s arm and took him down with a butterfly suplex. He waited for MECCA to get back up and hit him with a big running knee strike into an armbar, but MECCA was able to reach the ropes, causing a break. They fought over a waistlock, MECCA went for a roll-up, but Matt rolled through and tried to lock in an armbar. MECCA used his strength to get out of it and locked Matt in a Boston Crab. Matt powered out of it, and extended his elbow with an armbar, causing the submission victory.

Matt Makowski Defeated The MECCA

Singles Match: Brandon Kirk vs. Cole Radrick 

Kirk took Radrick down with a shoulder tackle, but Radrick quickly got back up and gained enough momentum to hit him with a forearm, sending Kirk to the floor. Radrick went for a dive, but Kirk caught him and hit him with a flatliner on the apron. Radrick fired up and hit Kirk with a cannonball into the first row of fans. Radrick, with a big head of steam, went for a dive onto Brandon on the floor, but Kirk moved out of the way and hip-tossed Radrick into the first row of chairs. Kirk unloaded on him with a series of chops, wrapped Radrick’s knee around the ring post, and hit it with a chair for good measure.

Cole ducked a lariat and sent Kirk into the corner, where he hit him with a 619 followed by a Swanton Bomb for a close near fall. Cole grabbed a chair and a door from underneath the ring, starting a “Door” chant from the crowd. Cole set up a chair in the corner and tried to send Kirk into it, but Kirk reversed and hit him with a powerbomb. Cole fired up and hit Brandon with an Air Raid Crash on the open chair for a near fall of his own. Cole propped the door up across the second rope and tried to pull Brandon back up for whatever he had in mind. They climbed to the top rope, where Cole attempted a DVD, but Kirk blocked it and hit him with a piledriver through the door. Cole was able to get his shoulder up at the last second.

Kirk Sabu’d a chair at Radrick, who fired back up and hit him with a head kick. Cole went for a cutter, but Kirk blocked it with the Psycho Driver for the pin and the win.

Brandon Kirk Defeated Cole Radrick 

Tag Team Match: Bang and Matthews vs. Ruckus and Grim Reefer 

Reefer and Ruckus isolated Davey Bang in the ring, hitting him with the Razzle Dazzle followed by a facebuster, which caused Bang to roll out to the floor. Reefer went to the top rope and attempted to light up a blunt, but Broski Jimmy came down to the ring and grabbed the blunt from Reefer. Emil Jay announced that GM Matt Cardona had decreed that narcotics are not allowed in the Cardona era and that if cannabis is consumed, it will result in a DQ.

Bang and Matthews fired up and hit Reefer with a big leg drop. They tried to fight back with some chops, but Bang was quickly dropped with a forearm and a snap suplex for a close near fall. Reefer tried to mount a comeback but was quickly dropped again with a lariat. They went for the Quadstomp, but Reefer moved out of the way and made the hot tag to Ruckus, who ran wild on both Bang and Matthews.

Ruckus set Bang up for SpearsTower, but they got caught and hit Bang with a DDT. He tried to go for a cover, but Matthews broke it up before Adam Gault could count one. Reefer came back in and wiped out both of his opponents with a second rope leg sweep. Bang and Matthews fired up with dives to the floor, then tossed Reefer back inside and hit the Quadstomp on Reefer followed by the SearsTower for the victory.

Bang and Matthews Defeated Ruckus and Grim Reefer 

Singles Match: Parrow vs. 1 Called Manders

The two men stood face to face as the crowd chanted ‘Meat.’ Parrow swung wildly with a chain, but Manders ducked it and sent Parrow to the floor. Parrow took control and sent Manders’ shoulder- and face-first into the ring apron and post before rolling him back into the ring. Parrow then sent Manders shoulder-first into the ring post and stood on his throat as Scarlett Donovan pleaded with him to get off. Parrow hit Manders with a big fallaway slam and dropkicked him to the floor. They traded chops on the floor, but Parrow scooped him up, drove him spine-first into the apron, and hit him with a powerbomb for a close near fall.

Parrow went to the top rope, but he took too much time climbing, allowing Manders to get back in and hit him with a superplex. They traded chops in the center of the ring. Parrow hit Manders with a backbody drop followed by a chokeslam, but Manders managed to get his shoulder up at the last second. Manders popped up and hit Parrow with a big lariat, but it still wasn’t enough to put the big man away. Parrow responded with a German Suplex and went for a splash in the corner, but Manders fired up and hit him with a lariat for the victory. This was a great match; both men worked their asses off and beat the crap out of each other.

Manders Defeated Parrow

Singles Match: Mance Warner vs. Marcus Mathers 

This is Marcus’s first match in America after his tour of Japan with Big Japan Pro Wrestling. Warner jumped into the ring, attacked Mathers from behind, and wrapped his own shirt around Mathers’ throat to choke him. Mathers fired up, sent Mance to the floor with a dropkick, and followed with a big tope, launching Mance into the first row of fans. Mathers connected with a series of chops outside the ring then rolled Mance back in and hit him with a big top rope crossbody. He went up again, but Mance pushed Dan Perch into the ropes, causing Marcus to crotch himself.

Mance picked Mathers up, chokeslammed him, and fired away with a series of chops. Marcus fired up and managed to hit Mance with a couple of punches to his face, but Mance responded with a big lariat and a running knee strike that took Marcus off his feet. Marcus tried to get back up as the crowd willed him on, but Mance leveled him again with a running knee to the head. Mance went for the pin but then pulled Mathers back up and asked Emil Jay for the mic. He cut a promo on the crowd, saying he was going to carve Marcus up. Before he could do so, Marcus’s little brother kicked and punched Mance Warner, and Marcus’s dad kicked Mance in the balls.

Marcus fired up with a lariat followed by a 450 splash, but the ref wasn’t in position after being knocked down earlier by Mance Warner. Marcus got the visual pinfall as Mance kicked out of the traditional count. Both men got back to their feet. Marcus went for a Superman punch, but Mance pulled the ref in the way, stabbed Marcus in the head with a screwdriver, and hit him with the implant DDT for the victory.

Mance Warner Defeated Marcus Mathers

Singles Match: Steph De Lander vs. Cheeseburger 

SDL pushed Burger into the corner, but he grabbed a headlock and tried to take her down with a shoulder block, but she barely budged. He kept trying to take her down but kept failing until he finally caught her off guard and dropped her with a shoulder block. Cheeseburger locked both SDL and Broski Jimmy in Paradise locks and dropkicked them both. They had a dance-off, with Scarlett Donovan joining in and helping Cheeseburger take out Deathmatch Royalty.

SDL jumped Burger from behind, choked him on the ring ropes, and used her strength to muscle him around the ring with various suplexes. Burger reversed the whip and went for a side suplex, but SDL blocked it. However, he was able to lock her in a submission hold. SDL managed to escape and hit him in the head with her championship for the victory.

Steph De Lander Defeated Cheeseburger 

Post Match: Broski Jimmy and SDL continued to beat down Cheeseburger, Janela made the save and cut a promo on Cardona being a terrible GM. He asked Cardona for a rematch against Blake Christian at Cage of Survival, Cardona said that he could get the rematch if he’s able to defeat Megan Bayne

Singles Match: Megan Bayne vs. Joey Janela 

Joey grabbed a headlock, but Bayne used her strength advantage to take him down with a big shoulder tackle. They battled on the apron where Bayne was dropped headfirst on the ring apron with a Death Valley Driver. She recovered quickly and leveled him with a series of forearm shots. Janela returned fire with an attempted Brainbuster, but Bayne used her strength to toss Joey around the ring like a ragdoll. She went for a powerbomb, but Joey reversed it and hit her with a running uppercut and a series of chops. Joey went for a running lariat in the corner, but Bayne cut him off with one of her own. She went for a spear but was sent face-first into the turnbuckles.

They traded forearm shots, and Joey took her down again with a big lariat. He went for a Death Valley Driver, but Bayne got out of it and hit him with a big clothesline followed by a sit-out powerbomb, but Janela was able to kick out. Bayne climbed to the top rope, but Joey cut her momentum off and went for a Dragon Superplex. Bayne fought out of it, only to be turned inside out with a top rope German Suplex.

They traded forearm shots in the center of the ring. Bayne sent Joey to the floor and hit him with a big tope, then went for an AA, but Joey turned it into a Codebreaker for a near fall. Bayne hit Joey with a vertical suplex followed by a flatliner variation, but Janela was able to kick out at the last second. Bayne went for a Swanton, but Joey moved out of the way. Broski Jimmy and SDL jumped into the ring and started to beat Joey down. Dan Perch called for the bell, and Cardona declared it a No Contest, denying Joey his title opportunity.

Bayne laid out Lloyd with a forearm. SDL and Bayne stood face to face as the crowd chanted for Megan to “Fuck her up.” Megan and SDL fought to the back, leaving Joey and Cardona alone in the ring. Joey threatened to tear Cardona’s other pec, but Cardona begged off and gave Joey the title shot.

No Contest 

Singles Match: Zilla Fatu vs. Broski Jimmy Lloyd 

Zilla struck first, dropping Jimmy with a driver and sending him to the floor, where he continued to beat him down. Zilla sent Jimmy face-first into the ring post and celebrated around ringside with the GCW fans. He grabbed a door from underneath the ring and set up a door bridge on the floor. Jimmy hit Zilla in the back with a steel chair, but Zilla responded with a big clothesline and went for a splash, but Jimmy moved out of the way.

Jimmy hit Zilla in the head with his championship, but it had no effect on the rookie. Zilla went for the Spike but hit the belt instead and was planted with a cutter for a close near fall. Jimmy went to work on Zilla’s thumb and hit him with a series of punches in the corner. Jimmy hit Zilla with the Broski Boot for another two count. Jimmy hit Zilla over the head with a steel chair, which only fired him up. Zilla took Jimmy down with a flying tackle into a gut-wrench powerbomb and sent him face-first into a steel chair set up in the corner.

Jimmy rolled onto the door bridge as Zilla came off the top rope with a big Uso Splash. Back inside the ring, Jimmy hit Zilla with the Radio Silence, but it still wasn’t enough to put Zilla away. Zilla hit a brutal Samoan Drop followed by the Samoan Spike for the pin and the win.

Zilla Fatu Defeated Broski Jimmy Lloyd 

Post Match: John Wayne Murdoch jumped Zilla from behind and beat him down with a steel chair. Murdoch hit Zilla across the thumb with the steel chair, he went for another chair shot but Nick Gage’s music hit. Gage hit Murdoch with a Spinebuster sending him to the floor. Gage and Zilla Fatu challenged the Rejects to a Tag Team Match next week in Chicago

Main Event: Tony Deppen vs. Nick Gage

Right after Emil Jay finished introducing Nick Gage, Deppen caught him with a dropkick that took the King off his feet. Gage sent Tony crashing from the top rope to the ring apron to the floor. Gage then hit Deppen over the head with a steel chair and ran his head into the steel post. Deppen moved out of the way of a charging Nick Gage, who collided with the ring post. Deppen started to work on Gage’s shoulder with repeated stomps and kicks.

Deppen also works for an Attorney General’s Department; hopefully, his office has more decorum than the one I worked in—it’s a low bar. Gage fired up and went for a bodyslam but was unable to connect due to the damage done to his arm. Deppen stomped away at Gage in the corner and went for a running double knee, but Gage moved out of the way and hit Deppen with a spinebuster. Gage planted Deppen into the canvas and hit him with a second-rope back elbow. Gage took the pizza cutter out of his pocket as the crowd came alive.

Deppen pulled the ref in the way, sent Gage face-first into the turnbuckle, and hit him with a Codebreaker followed by a top rope double stomp, but somehow Nick Gage was able to kick out at the last second. Gage created some separation with a DDT, went to the floor, and retrieved a door from underneath the ring. Gage set up the door in the corner. Deppen put on the brakes at the last second and hit Gage with a superkick followed by a Death Valley Driver through the door in the corner, but Gage was able to kick out.

Gage took out Deppen’s legs and hit him with a chokeslam across the back of two chairs followed by a falcon arrow, but Deppen kicked out at the last second. The two men traded forearms. Deppen draped Gage across a chair, Deppen crotched himself, and Gage hit him with a piledriver on the chairs for the victory.

Nick Gage Defeated Tony Deppen 

About Jon Pine 174 Articles
Living in Providence, Rhode Island; when Jon isn’t watching AEW or GCW with his dogs Dakota and Aurora, he’s probably watching the CSPAN feed of the Senate floor or listening to Bennington on SiriusXM.