AEW Rampage results: Mina Shirakawa picks up win, Juice Robinson returns to action

Image Credit: AEW

Quick results

  1. Penta El Zero Miedo def. The Butcher
  2. The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) def. Hunter Grey and Parviz
  3. Gates of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) def. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)
  4. Bang Bang Gang (Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn & Juice Robinson) defeat Caleb Crush, Chris Wilde & Tyler Payne
  5. Mina Shirakawa def. Serena Deeb

Penta El Zero Miedo overcomes The Butcher

A singles match between Penta El Zero Miedo and The Butcher kicked off this week’s episode of Rampage. Alex Abrahantes took a fall for Penta early in the match, as a charging Butcher outside the ring went full force into the manager instead of his opponent.

Butcher avoided a stomp from Penta after the commercial break and landed a crossbody for a two-count. Penta scored a double knees in the corner for a pin attempt of his own. After both taking a moment to get to their feet, Butcher had a half-nelson backbreaker for another near fall. He tried for another move, but Penta instead escaped and scored with a series of kicks. He then landed an impressive small package piledriver on Butcher for the pinfall win.

Chris Jericho made his way out to the ring after the match, tailed by Big Bill and Bryan Keith. Jericho, a former regular commentator on Rampage, went over to Daddy Magic to give him some tips at the desk. He mentioned a past Wrestling Observer Newsletter award that he had earned and offered Magic some pointers before leaving. Keith also warned him to not say anything bad about Jericho.

The Acclaimed win in seconds

The Acclaimed were in action next, facing Hunter Grey and Parviz. This match was the fifth AEW appearance for the tag duo of Grey and Parviz since 2022.

The match was lightning quick, with Max Caster winning it for his team early via elbow drop.

Backstage, Shane Taylor Promotions called out Top Flight and Action Andretti.

Gates of Agony earn victory against Private Party

Gates of Agony were booked against Private Party’s Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen for the next bout.

The contest had a hectic start before the commercial break, with Kassidy doing a dive to the outside but eating a pounce just seconds later. The high-flying continued as the broadcast returned, with Kassidy doing a Swanton Bomb off the ropes and onto the Gates of Agony.

Gates of Agony regained control of the match but gave an opening to Private Party after Leona missed a splash off the ropes. Kassidy scored a 450 Splash and Quen landed a Shooting Star Press, although Kaun broke up the pin attempt. 

The Agony duo got back into the fight, as Kaun threw Kassidy into Liona’s arms for a slam. They then scored a double-team crucifix powerbomb for the win.

After the match, a video package narrated by Toni Storm aired ahead of her Collision match on Saturday against Lady Frost.

Juice Robinson returns in trios match

Appearing for the first time in-ring since November, Juice Robinson teamed with Austin and Colten Gunn to defeat Caleb Crush, Chris Wilde & Tyler Payne.

The trio wasted no time to give Robinson his tag into the match, with him being put into action shortly after the bell sounded. Robinson took out his trio opponents, putting his team on his back and scoring with his finisher to end the match all within a minute’s time.

After the match, Jay White anointed Robinson as one-quarter of the trios world champions. “How do you even split nine belts four ways?” the commentary asked.

Future title challenger Mina Shirakawa beats Serena Deeb, confronts Toni Storm

Mina Shirakawa, the opponent of AEW Women’s World Champion Toni Storm at Forbidden Door later this month, appeared in a match against Serena Deeb in the main event of the night.

The crowd had duelling chants as the match started up. Deeb’s grappling had the better of Shirakawa early, including a moment where the Stardom titleholder was placed in a Paradise Lock.

Shirakawa targeted the left knee of Deeb to regain some momentum. After a series of reversals, Deeb scored with a neckbreaker on the ropes just before a commercial break.

After a lengthy commercial run, the match returned with Deeb still in control. Shirakawa was also dealing with knee issues at this point, as Deeb had been similarly targeting a limb throughout the match.

Shirakawa put together a few moves, allowing her to come off the top with a hard knee strike onto the shoulder of Deeb. A series of reversals ended with a German Suplex and hammerlock lariat from Deeb that received a two-count.

After failing to put away Shirakawa with the lariat, Deeb tried for another move. Shirakawa escaped a attempt for a roll-up that Deeb escaped. Just a few moments later, Shirakawa put in a figure-four submission. Deeb and Shirakawa traded slaps while in the hold before Deeb rolled to outside of the ring to escape the move.

Deeb caught Shirakawa with a dragonscrew as she re-entered the ring. She followed that up with a Powerbomb that earned just a two-count. Deeb tried for a stretch muffler, but Shirakawa reversed it into a roll-up pin to escape. Shirakawa hit a spinning backfist, but her next move was reversed by Deeb.

Deeb continued to target the knee of Shirakawa, bashing it directly into the canvas before moving on. Shirakawa escaped the next move that Deeb had planned, scored another elbow strike, then hit her Four-Figure Driver to win the match.

Mariah May came out to celebrate with Shirakawa afterward. A frustrated Toni Storm came down to the ring, chasing after May. In a sign of peace between the soon-to-be opponents, Shirakawa and Storm were convinced by May to shake hands. There was a clear tension on display, as Shirakawa and Storm both offered to lower a rope for May and then walk her to the back. Their awkward interactions finished up this week’s episode of Rampage.

About Jack Wannan 264 Articles
Jack Wannan is a journalist from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He writes and reports on professional wrestling, along with other topics like MMA, boxing, music, local news, and more. He graduated from Toronto Metropolitan University in 2023 with a bachelor's degree in journalism. He can be reached at [email protected]