SANADA speaks his mind about the title.
When David Finlay destroyed the IWGP U.S. and U.K. Heavyweight Championships, it led to the creation of the IWGP Global Championship. Finlay was the first champion and since then, Nic Nemeth held the title and Finlay is currently in possession of it after winning it back.
Coming up at New Japan Soul, SANADA is going to be challenging for the belt and going into the match, Tokyo Sports caught up with him.
He addressed the problem that came with the creation of the title. He said it’s a belt that was created by destroying the history of another belt. SANADA feels the IWGP World, Global and NEVER Titles are all that’s needed for New Japan’s heavyweight singles division.
The process leading up to the creation of the (IWGP Global) title was pretty nonsensical. They destroyed the other belts and forced the creation of the Global belt… That’s why it’s not convincing. There is no story, or rather, the belt was created by destroying the entire history…
IWGP World, Global, and the NEVER (Titles). To be honest, I don’t think we need anything else (in the heavyweight singles division). Because there are belts in the middle, these three belts are not focused on, and newcomers don’t know what’s great about them…
To close out the discussion, SANADA said there are too many groups in NJPW and if not careful, Just 5 Guys (SANADA, Yuya Uemura, Taichi, DOUKI & TAKA Michinoku) could be lumped into that category of ‘too many.’
To be honest, there are too many units… if we’re not careful, the same thing could be said about (Just) 5 Guys.
There are going to be five title matches on the 6/16 New Japan Soul card in addition to the revelation of 18 of the 20 G1 Climax participants.