X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) Review | MCU L8R

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) Review | MCU L8R

This week in their Deadpool & Wolverine ReWatch prep, Rich Fann & WH Park are joined by “Our Man” Neal Flanagan of The Wellness Policy to review the problematic but essential, X-Men Origins: Wolverine!

The trio talk about the relationship between Logan and the Weapon X team, what worked and didn’t about Wade Wilson’s first portrayal, and where the film went sideways.

Plus: Filming taking place across several continents, Hugh Jackman keeping the family together, the numerous hands involved in this disjointed project, and Neal’s mutant name and super-powers!

They then read listener posts from the forum, including some HOT TAKES on The Acolyte. 

In the MCNews: Deadpool & Wolverine via Bad Boys 4??? And is Natalie Portman ready for the call back to MCU?

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