POST SCHEDULE: Final episode of “Who Killed WCW?”, Forbidden Door, UFC 303, The Wolverine

Photos Courtesy: VICE TV, AEW & UFC

*Rewind-A-Raw with John Pollock & Wai Ting

*upNXT with Davie Portman & Braden Herrington
*POST Interview: Evan Husney
*Double Shot: Who Killed WCW? – Ep. 4
(POST Wrestling Café)

*Pollock & Thurston
*Rewind-A-Dynamite with John Pollock & Wai Ting

*MCU L8R: The Wolverine (2013) with Rich Fann & WH Park

*Rewind-A-SmackDown with Wai Ting & Neal Flanagan (POST Wrestling Café)

*Collision Course with Kate from Montreal & John Siino (POST Wrestling Café)

*UFC 303 with John Pollock & Eric Marcotte
*AEW Forbidden Door with John Pollock & Wai Ting

(Bold = Café Exclusive)


There will be four exclusive shows on the POST Wrestling Café this week beginning with The Double Shot – Tuesday at 11 p.m. ET – immediately following the Episode 4 finale of “Who Killed WCW?” as John Pollock & Wai Ting wrap up the series with the demise of WCW, the sale to the WWF, and botching of the invasion angle in 2001. Plus, Pollock welcomes back Evan Husney for another chat as the series winds down and how it’s been received by the audience.

Rich Fann & WH Park continue their Countdown to Deadpool & Wolverine by reviewing The Wolverine (2013) starring Hugh Jackman, Rila Fukushima, and Tao Okamoto.

Plus: Rewind-A-SmackDown with Wai Ting & guest co-host Neal Flanagan, Collision Course with Kate from Montreal & John Siino, and multiple audio updates from John Pollock for Double Double & Espresso members.                                                                                                             

At $6 per month, your POST Wrestling Café membership unlocks every bonus show this week, access to the archive from 2017, and Café exclusives every week. Most of all, your support helps to keep POST Wrestling running.

Become an Espresso Executive Producer today and select an event for Rewind-A-Wai and your chance to join us for a segment!





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