AAA Mega Title bout set, Raj Dhesi teaming with Satnam Singh at Triplemanía XXXII: Mexico City

Photo Courtesy: Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide

Match announcements for the next Triplemanía show. 

The third of three Triplemanía XXXII events is scheduled for August 17th and is emanating from Mexico City. Multiple matches have been formally announced and one of those is Nic Nemeth defending the AAA Mega Championship against Alberto El Patron. 

Raj Dhesi f.k.a. Jinder Mahal is going to be teaming with Satnam Singh on the show. Here are the announced matches: 

  • AAA Mega Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs. Alberto El Patrón
  • Copa Bardahl: Participants TBA
  • AAA Reina de Reinas Championship: Lady Flammer (c) vs. TBD
  • Laredo Kid vs. Matt Riddle
  • AAA World Tag Team Championship — Three-Way Tag Match: Psycho Clown & Negro Casas (c) vs. Dr. Wagner Jr. & Galeno del Mal vs. Raj Dhesi & Satnam Singh (w/ Jeff Jarrett)
  • Casket Match: Vampiro vs. TBA
  • Domo de la Muerte Match: Dark Cuervo, Dark Ozz, Cibernético, Psicosis, Abismo Negro, El Fiscal, TBA, TBA, TBA, TBA, TBA & TBA
About Andrew Thompson 8645 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.