This week in their Deadpool & Wolverine ReWatch prep, Rich Fann & WH Park are joined by “The Empress” Karen Peterson to review The Wolverine from 2013!
Several ties between Jackman, Reynolds, and their future interactions are mirrored behind and in front of the camera, and the trio dives deep into the lore. Karen and WH also lend their experiences living in Japan to the film’s version — including an interlude in Japanese with Karen and WH! WH also discusses how he felt the story was stolen from his experience in Japan (no comment).
The trio also talk about the amazing hair of Hiroyuki Sanada, Karen’s mutant name (Shadow-Karen) and mutant power, how the “Unleashed” edition of The Wolverine differed from its original theatrical release, and how they view the film 11 years later.
They then read some interesting takes on the movie from listeners in the forum, and WH gives his recommendations!
In the MCNews: Marvel is BACK BABY (at the San Diego Comic Con), the future of Spider-Man in the MCU, and more.
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MCU L8R Recommendations:
- Kaya by Wes Craig – https://a.co/d/00agnlrz
- Wolverine by Claremont and Miller – https://a.co/d/04p8CKii
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