Saraya speaks candidly about undergoing surgery for ectopic pregnancy

Photo Courtesy: All Elite Wrestling

A candid story from Saraya.

Guest appearing on an episode of Broad Ideas with Rachel Bilson & Olivia Allen was Saraya. The former AEW Women’s World Champion joined the show for an extensive conversation about her life and career.

Along the way, she opened up about undergoing surgery after discovering she had an ectopic pregnancy and having the support of her significant other, Ronnie Radke.

I do (want kids). I actually went through an ectopic pregnancy before with him (Ronnie Radke). It scared the sh*t out of him too because — let me tell you this f*cking story. These freaking doctors. They scare the sh*t out of you for no reason. So Ronnie’s on tour and we had cameras all around the house, inside the house because at this point, there’s fans, his fans and my fans that kept finding us so we were just like, ‘Cameras all over the house.’ They were insane and so luckily, we did have ‘em though because Ronnie was on his last day of the tour and luckily, it was somewhere like San Diego. Pretty close, right? And I just got this awful pain in my stomach and then all of a sudden, all this blood started coming out and I couldn’t even stand up. My stomach ballooned up. It was really bad and so I was crawling on the floor and I was screaming and there was no one there. I was like, I don’t know what the f*ck is gonna happen. So Ronnie saw that I wasn’t answering the phone, looked on the cameras, saw me on the f*cking ground, calls an ambulance, books a flight, comes directly home but the ambulance comes and then I crawl myself out the front door and I’m puking too. It was insane. It was just every hole was like — it was terrifying. I crawl out, the door closes behind me and it locks so I’m like, ‘Oh f*ck. I can’t get back in again.’ So then the ambulance people come, the doctors come and they try and go around the back and then they saw I have Lobster. Lobster is a pit bull, so they were too scared to go inside. They were like, ‘Do you think you can crawl through the doggy door?’ And I’m like… So I crawl through the doggy door, bleeding. There’s a lot of blood by the way. There was a lot of blood. I crawl through, I unhook the door because they needed to get my I.D. and everything like that. Whatever it is they needed to get from me… (In those circumstances, they could have taken me) Straight to the hospital. It was bad so it started off kind of wacky. So then I get there and they put me in a little hallway while I’m just bleeding out and then they rush me into this room, I have people everywhere. This woman that’s going into my freaking crotch trying to clean everything out, trying to see, you know? And I’m just in pain and screaming… No (I didn’t know I was pregnant). No. I had no idea. With endometriosis, they told me that it would be really difficult to even have kids in the first place. So, I had no idea. So then this doctor — I’ve been there for a couple of hours at this point. Ronnie finally gets here — well, just before he gets here actually because I call him about this. But the female doctor was like, ‘Yeah, something bad is happening. It’s like an ectopic pregnancy’ and I was like, ‘Oh my God! Am I gonna die!?’ And she was just like, ‘It’s okay to cry’ and I’m like, ‘Oh my God!’ I was like, ‘What does that mean? Am I gonna die?’ And I call Ronnie, I was like, ‘I think I’m gonna die. I’m having ectopic pregnancy’ and he’s crying and she’s not telling me I’m not gonna die. She’s just like, ‘It’s okay to cry, it’s okay’ and I’m like, ‘Oh my God’ and I’m freaking out. So, she leaves and then a couple hours later, Ronnie’s here. This other doctor comes in. I was like, ‘You’re a different doctor’ and she was just like, ‘How you doing?’ And I’m like, ‘Well, I’m gonna die.’ She’s like, ‘No, you’re not.’ She was like, ‘What are you talking about?’ She was like, ‘You’re here, you’re fine… but you’re having an ectopic pregnancy so we just have to get you into surgery, get everything fixed’ but she was like, ‘You’re fine.’ She was like, ‘Why do you think you’re gonna die?’ I was like, ‘That woman…’ She was like, ‘That’s a student medic. She shouldn’t have even said anything to you. She’s not allowed to give you diagnosis, she’s not allowed to do any of these things so she shouldn’t be even talking to you…’ So then, I feel better, I go into surgery pretty much then and there. Come out, I stay there overnight, everything’s fine. Ronnie wasn’t allowed to stay and luckily, the hospital’s really close to our house at the time. Actually, it wasn’t too far from here. We used to live around here too and so, he comes back in the morning and he didn’t wanna wait for them to come and see if I was okay so he puts me in the wheelchair and just runs me out of the hospital to our house. I was like, ‘That’s fine. Just get me out of here. I f*cking hate hospitals’ but he hates hospitals too. He’s like, ‘You’re fine’ and I’m like, ‘I don’t know. My ass. It’s just hanging out,’ you know? (She laughed)

AEW is inching closer towards their All In pay-per-view at Wembley Stadium. It was at the 2023 installment of the event that Saraya was crowned AEW Women’s World Champion

She appeared on the July 19th episode of Rampage and said the company is scared of her and they can’t keep her off All In 2024.

If the quote in this article is used, please credit Broad Ideas with Rachel Bilson & Olivia Allen with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.

About Andrew Thompson 9127 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.