GCW So High Results: Mance Warner retains GCW title against Hoodfoot, Jinder Mahal appears

Photo Courtesy: GCW

GCW So High 
July 19, 2023
Pop’s Night Club
Sauget, IL

Match Recommendations: 

1 Called Manders vs. Broski Jimmy 
Megan Bayne vs. Shane Mercer
Mance Warner vs. Hoodfoot

Commentary: Dave Prazak and Nick Maniwa

Tag Team Match: Los Desperados vs. Davey Bang and August Matthews 

Bang and Loco started the match for their respective teams, each man evading the other’s moves as they wrestled to a stalemate. Matthews and Arez then entered the ring, with Matthews taking control using a series of wrist locks. This opened the door for some tag team moves on Arez. Bang gloated to the crowd and was kicked in the back of the head, allowing Arez to tag in Gringo. Gringo hit Bang with a driver, but it was only good for a two-count. Bang was taken down with a clothesline and then had his elbow kicked by Arez for another near fall.

Desperados made frequent tags, hitting Davey with an elevated leg drop curb stomp followed by a series of big overhand chops that repeatedly dropped Davey Bang. Matthews received the hot tag and took down both members of Desperados with quick offense. Bang and Matthews hit Arez and Gringo with stereo topes, wiping them out on the floor. They hit Spears Tower on Gringo, but Arez made the save at the last second and hit them with a double DDT followed by his running stomps.

Gringo was set up on the top rope and hit his double jump moonsault, but Bang and Matthews kicked out of the double pin at the last second. The crowd chanted, “That was three!” as Arez and Loco set up for their next attempt to finish the match. Gringo caught Bang with a Basebomb followed by a double stomp by Arez to secure the victory.

Los Desperados Defeated Davey Bang and August Matthews

Singles Match: 1 Called Manders vs. Broski Jimmy 

Manders unloaded on Jimmy with a series of chops in the corner as the crowd chanted, “One more time.” Manders went for a powerslam, but Broski escaped, hit Manders with a forearm, and sent him shoulder-first into the ring post repeatedly. Broski went to the floor, grabbed two chairs, and started jabbing at Manders’ back and throat with them. Jimmy propped a chair between the first and second rope in the corner and tried to send Manders into the chair, but Manders put on the brakes, only to be hit with two superkicks followed by the Broski Boot in the corner.

Jimmy went for Radio Silence, but Manders moved out of the way and sent Jimmy headfirst into the chair. Manders hit Jimmy with a Stampede followed by a big powerslam, but it was only good for a two count. Manders grabbed a door and set it up in the ring, working over Jimmy with a steel chair. Broski hit Manders with a low blow followed by Radio Silence, but Manders managed to get his shoulder up at the last second. Manders was hit in his lariat arm with a chair, but he fired up and hit Broski with a big lariat followed by a powerslam through the door for the victory.

One Called Manders Defeated Broski Jimmy Lloyd 

Singles Match: Galeno Del Mal vs. Jack Cartwheel 

Galeno used his size and strength advantage to push Cartwheel around at the start of the match. Cartwheel went for a rana, but Galeno caught him. Jack managed to escape his grasp and sent Galeno to the floor. Cartwheel went for a dive but landed on his feet, only to be powerbombed on the apron. Galeno sent Cartwheel back into the ring for a near fall. Galeno trapped Jack in the Tequila Sunrise, but Jack inched his way to the bottom rope, only to be hit with a splash.

Galeno placed Jack on the top rope and hammered him with his forearms. Jack fought back, knocking Galeno off with a headbutt followed by a top rope Dragonrana. Jack connected with a series of kicks followed by a big floating DDT. Jack tried to go for a cover, but Galeno rolled out of the ring. Jack didn’t waste any time and hit Galeno with a Sasuke Special, taking the big man out on the floor. Jack rolled him back inside the ring and came off the top with a cartwheel double foot stomp, but Galeno kicked out at 2.

Galeno was hit with repeated knees but still kicked out at 2. He hit Jack with a Gord Buster into a powerbomb knee strike, but Jack was too close to the ropes, allowing him to grab the bottom rope to break up the pin attempt. Jack was hit with another knee strike and forearm strike, but he fired up and hit Galeno with a suplex. Galeno kicked out and hit Jack with a twisting neckbreaker for the victory.

Galeno Del Mal Defeated Jack Cartwheel

Singles Match: Zilla Fatu vs. Sam Stackhouse 

The two men sized each other up with each man backing each other up in the corner. Zilla rushed in but was planted with a Samoan Drop, Stackhouse took his shirt off, popped his pecs, and went for a dive but Zilla cut him off with a forearm followed by a leg drop on the apron. Zilla used Stackhouse’s shirt as a weapon as he choked Stackhouse around ringside. The ref admonished him which only gave Zilla the opening to connect with a series of chops to Stackhouse’s chest. Stackhouse fired up and started eating the chops and unloaded on Zilla with a big double over handchop which dropped Fatu. Stackhouse returned the favor and started choking Zilla with his shirt. Stackhouse went for a big avalanche splash in the corner but connected with the ring post which gave Zilla the opening to punch him in the face and rolled Stackhouse back into the ring. Zilla grabbed a door from under the ring and he set it up on the corner before destroying Stackhouse’s back with a series of kicks. Zilla connected with a knee strike and came off the top for a splash but Stackhouse moved out of the way and leveled Zilla with a spin kick for a two-count. Stackhouse splashed Zilla in the corner a couple of times but Zilla fired up and hit him with a spinebuster and speared Stackhouse through the door in the corner. Zilla went to the top rope and hit the big man with a splash but Stackhouse was able to get his shoulder up only to eat a Samoan Spike. 

Zilla Fatu Defeated Sam Stackhouse 

Singles Match: Sidney Akeem vs. Myron Reed

The two men evaded each other’s offense and traded near falls as they tried to establish control in the match. Reed hit Sidney with a crossbody on the floor and sent him back inside the ring. Reed charged in but ate a boot from Sidney, followed by a quick roll-up for a near fall. Sidney went for a cutter, Reed blocked it, and they both threw dropkicks, ending the sequence in a pose-off. Reed leveled Sidney with a big running boot, but Sidney was able to get his shoulder up at the last second.

They traded forearm strikes with Reed gaining the advantage. He then gave Sidney a tour of the corners, smashing his head into the turnbuckles. Reed locked in a sleeper hold to wear him down, but Sidney got out of it, ducked a lariat, and connected with a chop and a lariat, followed by a twisting crossbody for a near fall of his own. Sidney connected with a clothesline in the corner followed by a kick to Reed’s head and a Molly Go-Round for another near fall.

Sidney was caught out of midair with a sit-out powerbomb. Sidney went to the floor, but this didn’t faze Reed, who took flight over the ring post, wiped out Sidney, and rolled him back into the ring for a 450 splash. Sidney got his shoulder up at the last second. Reed hit Sidney with a series of forearms. They both went for crossbodies, kipped up, and hit each other with Germans. Sidney then hit the Final Act to put away Myron Reed.

Sidney Akeem Defeated Myron Reed 

Tag Team Match: The Rejects vs. Cole Radrick and EFFY

The Rejects jumped Radrick and EFFY before the bell. Reed trapped Radrick in the ropes while working over Murdoch in the corner. Reed then hit EFFY with a powerslam on the apron and turned his attention to Radrick, delivering a Regalplex followed by a Brainbuster from Murdoch for a two-count. EFFY hit Reed across the back with a steel chair on the floor, but Reed responded with a low blow and sent a door into the ring for Murdoch. Murdoch threw the door at Radrick. EFFY returned to the ring and hit Murdoch with a Blockbuster but was caught with a chair from Reed as Murdoch set up the door across the second rope.

The Rejects hit EFFY with a Hero’s Welcome through the door, but it didn’t break. Radrick managed to save his partner. The Rejects then powerbombed Cole onto the door, but he bounced right off. Finally, they threw Cole headfirst into the door, breaking it. The Rejects went for the Judd Nelson Driver, but Cole fought out of it. He and EFFY planted the Rejects in the middle of the ring for the You Can’t See Me, but the Rejects kicked out. Radrick hit them with a double stunner followed by a spear from EFFY. EFFY then hit Murdoch with a Sack Ryder for the victory.

EFFY and Cole Radrick Defeated the Rejects

As the match ended, two masked men attacked EFFY from behind with a crowbar. Cole managed to fend off one of them, but the other attacked him with a tire iron. Manders rushed to the ring and hit the masked man with a brutal lariat as Cole and Manders threw the masked men out of the building. EFFY was left alone in the ring when Raj Dhesi, formerly known as Jinder Mahal, attacked him from behind and left him lying in the ring.

Singles Match: Shane Mercer vs. Megan Bayne 

Bayne and Mercer locked up, with Mercer initially gaining the advantage and backing her up. Bayne did the same, backing him into the corner. They tried to take each other off their feet with shoulder tackles, but Mercer caught her and sent Bayne flying with a belly-to-belly suplex. Bayne popped back up and sent Mercer flying with a belly-to-belly suplex of her own. Mercer connected with a back elbow on the floor and sent Bayne back into the ring. Bayne fired up and took Mercer out with a big tope, followed by repeated shoulder tackles in the corner. 

Bayne connected with a big splash in the corner, but Mercer turned the tables by targeting Bayne’s bad eye and choking her for good measure. Mercer hit Bayne with a military press, but Bayne managed to kick out at the last second. Mercer tossed Bayne across the ring, but Bayne kept kicking out. Bayne hit Mercer with repeated exploder suplexes, followed by a big fallaway slam. 

Mercer fired up and hit Bayne with a Diablo Driver, only for Bayne to pop back up and take Shane out with a big lariat and a sit-out powerbomb for a very close near fall. Shane placed Bayne on the top rope and went for Moonsault and Battery, but Bayne got out of it, speared Mercer in half, and hit him with a tombstone for the victory.

Megan Bayne Defeated Shane Mercer 

Post Match: Christian hit her with a  superkick followed by a stomp 

GCW World Championship Deathmatch: GCW World Champion Mance Warner vs. Hoodfoot

Mance stomped away at Hoodfoot, who responded with a series of chops followed by a bulldog. Hoodfoot went for a dive, but Mance moved out of the way, sending Hoodfoot crashing onto the brick floor. Mance then started to work Hoodfoot over with a steel chair and sent him headfirst into the ring post. Hoodfoot had enough and broke a tube over Warner’s head, dropping him face-first across the end of the ring. Mance responded by breaking a tube across Hoodfoot’s back and face for a close near fall.

They did the bar fight spot, with each man trading fists in the center of the ring. Hoodfoot got the best of the situation and hit Mance with a brainbuster on the open steel chair. Hoodfoot broke a tube across Mance’s head and headbutted the rest of the tube into the back of his head. Hoodfoot then used the broken edge of the tube to carve away at Mance Warner’s head as the crowd went crazy. Hoodfoot hit Mance with a backdrop driver through a door, but Mance Warner got his foot on the bottom rope to break up the pin attempt.

Mance stabbed Hoodfoot’s foot with the screwdriver and once in the head for good measure. Mance Sabu’d Hoodfoot and stabbed him in the head again with the screwdriver, followed by a lariat, but Hoodfoot was able to kick out at two. Hoodfoot elevated Mance on the top rope, but Mance got out of it and hit Hoodfoot with a superplex through the door, followed by a tube-assisted running knee. Somehow, Hoodfoot was able to kick out at the last second.

Mance hammered a handful of skewers into Hoodfoot’s scalp. Hoodfoot hammered some into Mance’s head and hit him with a backdrop driver, but Mance kicked out. Hoodfoot brought out a pane of glass and set it up in the center of the ring, but before he could use it, Jimmy Lloyd jumped him from behind with a bundle of tubes. Mance Warner chokeslammed Hoodfoot through the pane of glass and hit him with the impaler DDT in the pile of glass to retain the GCW World Championship.

Mance Warner Retained the GCW World Championship 

About Jon Pine 174 Articles
Living in Providence, Rhode Island; when Jon isn’t watching AEW or GCW with his dogs Dakota and Aurora, he’s probably watching the CSPAN feed of the Senate floor or listening to Bennington on SiriusXM.