Scorpio Sky speaks about his absence from AEW, knee injury & ideas for new character presentation

Photo Courtesy: All Elite Wrestling

Updates from Scorpio Sky.

The last time Scorpio Sky was in action for AEW/ROH was in October 2023. In May 2024, a vignette aired on Rampage to promote him but he has yet to appear on television. 

Updates from Sky were provided via his appearance on Insight with Chris Van Vliet. He commented on his absence from AEW and said some of it has been due to injury and the other portion is bad luck. He feels it’s been tough getting back into the rotation with the number of talents on the roster. Sky stated that he’s eager to get back to AEW and to get back on the independent scene. As of the interview recording, he is not injured and said he’s feeling great.

That’s been the question (Sky replied when asked where has he been). You know, I guess I’ve been in and out over the last couple of years. Some of it has been due to injury, some of it due to bad luck. One thing I will say is there’s a narrative out that I’m just this injury-prone guy. ‘He’s gone for a long time and he comes back and he gets hurt again and he gets hurt again.’ That’s actually not the case. So I’m actually glad I wanna be able to address that. I did get hurt about two years ago, but I was okay and within like a couple of weeks. But the problem is when you fall out of the rotation, we have so much talent, that it’s hard to get back in the rotation and I always compare it to a Ferris wheel, right? You’re up at the top at one point. But you know you’re gonna go down and you kind of have to wait your turn to get back up there and that’s a little bit of what happens so I have had a couple of injuries over the last few years. But for the most part, I’ve been healthy for 80 percent… Oh no (I’m not injured now). I feel great right now actually.

I think it’s just like I was saying, it’s really tough to get back into the rotation, because we have so much talent and there’s always talent coming in that it’s almost out of sight, out of mind, in a way. Best way I can describe it. I’m eager to get back into the ring though and flex my muscles a little bit. I’m in really good shape, I’m working out with Cezar (Bononi) and I’m excited and not only in AEW, I wanna get back on the indie scene, because I haven’t done the indies in a number of years and so, that would be a really fun thing for me to kind of go back to my roots and see who’s out there, see who’s the hot names and go and have some bangers with them.

The knee injury he suffered happened in 2022. He stated that he just needed a month to recover. He ended up being away from AEW programming for a year. Sky said after Brawl Out, he was lost in the shuffle.

I hurt my knee two years ago. It was when I had the TNT Title. Somewhere along that — I don’t even remember what match it was. But, somewhere in there is I think it was one of our multi-man matches when we were working against Sammy (Guevara), and I just — I don’t even remember what the exact diagnosis was but it wasn’t anything too crazy. All I needed was about five or six weeks, I got some P.R.P. and I was good to go after that. But it was just right after that happened is when Brawl Out happened so, everything kind of turned upside down after that so I kind of moved to the back burner and there was a lot of things that needed to get worked out, not involving me and I understood that… It was weird (my knee injury). It just started bothering me and I’d have a good day and I’d have a bad day and sometimes it would hurt and sometimes it wouldn’t and I just kept working through it and it was only a span of a month or so where this was happening and then in a match I had with Dante (Martin), it just went boom and I thought I actually tore my groin muscle in the actual match. I didn’t know it was my knee. It actually felt like it was my groin and so finished the match. I’m like hobbling around and I go to the doctor and I find out that, ‘Oh no. Yeah, you kind of strained your groin but it’s actually your knee. But it’s nothing crazy. We just do a little bit of treatment and get some P.R.P.’ and that helped a lot and I haven’t had a problem since which is nice.

Speaking about what the future could hold, Sky wants to show a new side of himself when he gets back to television. He stated that he got bored with himself and went on to explain some of the ideas he has in mind for a new presentation.

What I wanted to do with this is it’s not a current — like a big repackage. A lot of it is me, right? I am a guy that people talk to when they need motivation or when they need inspiration or they need just advice. I wanted to kind of bring that to television and give that a character and give that a face. That’s a side of me that people haven’t really seen and give myself more of a different look when I came back because quite frankly, I got a little bored with myself. I’d kind of done the S.C.U. thing and I did the Men of the Year thing and I’ve been the babyface and the heel and it’s like, okay, well, let’s really dive into a character and have some fun with it and I have so many ideas for it I don’t wanna reveal obviously but, I don’t know if I’m gonna get to do ‘em or not. We’ll see because obviously, you come up with 100 ideas, you might do two. That’s just how it is in any form of entertainment but, if some of the things that I have in mind does see the light, I think it could be a really interesting character that fans would be interested in, whoever he wrestles and that’s kind of the idea of what I wanna do.

Sky is a two-time TNT Champion and one-half of the first-ever AEW World Tag Team Champions. In 2021, he signed a contract extension with AEW and at the time, he said he’d be with the company for at least the next five years.

If the quotes in this article are used, please credit Insight with Chris Van Vliet with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.

About Andrew Thompson 9123 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.