ROH Death Before Dishonor 2024 results: Mark Briscoe retains, Red Velvet earns women’s TV title

Image Credit: ROH

ROH Death Before Dishonor 2024 results

Zero Hour

  1. MxM Collection (Mansoor and Mason Madden) def. Spanish Announce Project (Serpentico and Angelico)
  2. Marina Shaffir def. Angelica Risk
  3. The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean) def. Griff Garrison & Anthony Henry
  4. Top Flight (Dante Martin and Darius Martin) def. The Outrunners (Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd)

Main Card

  1. The Beast Mortos def. Komander
  2. The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) def. Kyle O’Reilly & Tomohiro Ishii (ROH Tag Team Championships)
  3. Leyla Hirsch def. Diamante (Texas Death Match)
  4. Lee Moriarty def. Wheeler Yuta (ROH Pure Championship)
  5. Red Velvet def. Billie Starkz (ROH Women’s Television Championship)
  6. Dustin Rhodes, Marshall von Erich and Ross von Erich def. The Dark Order (ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championships Title Eliminator)
  7. Atlantis Jr. def. Johnny TV, Shane Taylor, Brian Cage, Lio Rush & Lee Johnson (Survival of the Fittest Six-Way Elimination Match) (ROH World Television Championship)
  8. Athena def. Queen Aminata (ROH Women’s Championship)
  9. Mark Briscoe def. Roderick Strong (ROH World Championship)

ROH returned for their second pay-per-view event of the year on Friday night, presenting Death Before Dishonor from the Esports Arena in Arlington, Texas. The event featured matches with many of the promotion’s top champions, plus a few title changes lower in the lineup. Here’s a rundown of everything that happened:

MxM Collection makes ROH debut, The Infantry, and Top Flight earn wins

The evening started with a debut, as the former WWE team of MxM Collection, Mansoor and Mason Madden, faced off against the team of Serpentico and Angelico of Spanish Announce Project.

Despite being the first ROH appearance from MxM, the duo certainly weren’t winning a squash match. Serpentico and Angelico got a fair amount of moves in, controlling the match for periods.

However, eventually, the team of Mansoor and Madden regained control and closed out the performance. They hit their finisher, The Centerfold, for the finish.

After the match, Maria Kanellis appeared onstage to applaud the winning duo.

DEFY Women’s Champion Marina Shafir had an incredibly quick win on “Zero Hour,” putting Angelica Risk to sleep with a sleeper hold in just a couple of minutes. Shafir has gone undefeated in ROH singles matches this year, now successful in four appearances.

The makeshift tag duo Griff Garrison and Anthony Henry teamed up for the next match, meeting up against Carlie Bravo and Shawn Dean of The Infantry.

This match was designed to show the dysfunction between Garrison and Henry. After Henry tagged himself into the match, Garrison’s manager Maria Kanellis climbed onto the canvas to complain about his action. Henry was tossed into Kanellis, causing her to tumble off the apron and into the arms of Garrison outside the ring. This distracted Henry, who was hit with a double team move from The Infantry to end the match just moments later.

“Zero Hour” wrapped up with a tag match between Dante and Darius Martin of Top Flight facing Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd of The Outrunners. The match kept Top Flight’s undefeated ROH run this year alive, picking up a quick and clean win.

The Beast Mortos gets past Komander in a fast-paced opener

The pay-per-view portion of the night kicked off with a matchup between two of AEW/ROH’s elite talents from Mexico, The Beast Mortos and Komander. The duo had shared a ring nearly a dozen times before Friday but was their first time going head-to-head in ROH.

This match was a clash of speed versus power. Komander was quick and high-flying but ran up against opposition provided by Mortos’ hard-hitting strength.

Mortos’s power was on display early, catching Komander as he tried to dive out of the ring and then slamming him into his opponent’s manager, Alex Abrahantes.

Another high point of the match came when the duo fought on the ring apron. Komander reversed what looked like a pop-up powerbomb attempt from Mortos, instead jumping onto his shoulders for a big hurricanrana. The crowd became unglued once again seconds later when Komander ran the top rope for a huge dive to the outside of the ring.

Back in the ring, Komander came off the ropes for a Poisonrana to keep his momentum going. Even though he hit a huge move, Mortos kicked out with a two. Komander went to the top for a high-flying move but ate a boot to the face while on the way down. Mortos then threw Komander into the ropes for a pop-up powerbomb. Komander kicked out of a near fall moments after this move.

Komander reversed a backbreaker into a crucifix driver, then altered another move into a Canadian Destroyer. Mortos, however, was quick to recover and score with a spear.

Both on the top rope a few moments later, Mortos lifted Komander for a loud, huge power press drop slam. This also didn’t do enough to put him away. Komander recovered from the move and hit another Canadian Destroyer to get back into the match. He then came off the ropes with a 450, but Mortos escaped. Mortos dropped Komander with a backbreaker, then won the match with a piledriver. The loud live crowd was very big on this performance.

After the match, it was announced that Mortos would face Hologram on Saturday’s episode of AEW Collision. It was also revealed backstage afterward that MxM Collection, who won their ROH debut earlier in the night, would meet FTR on tomorrow’s show as well.

The Undisputed Kingdom keep ahold of tag titles

In the first of numerous title matches on Friday evening, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett of The Undisputed Kingdom put their ROH World Tag Team Championships on the line against Kyle O’Reilly & Tomohiro Ishii. This was a tag match that Paul Wight had ordered after joining ROH’s board of directors.

While O’Reilly and Ishii had a strong start to the match, The Undisputed Kingdom was able to isolate O’Reilly later in the match and have a long stretch of control.

The match was building to O’Reilly’s eventual hot tag to Ishii. Once it arrived, he fought off The Kingdom in a two-versus-one scenario. The Kingdom eventually outnumbered Ishii, allowing them to try for a double-team piledriver off the ropes. However, playing into a storyline that Ishii can’t get hurt by a piledriver because he doesn’t have a neck, he immediately powered back up after taking the move.

Ishii tagged O’Reilly back in, giving the Canadian wrestler a chance to come off the ropes with a knee to the leg of Bennett, then put in a kneebar. Taven stopped the submission from continuing for long but got taken out by Ishii seconds later.

All four wrestlers got up to their feet and traded blows. O’Reilly and Ishii essentially won this exchange, as Ishii landed a superplex onto Bennett after the striking exchange ended. Ishii then landed a double-team move and O’Reilly hit a Chasing The Dragon, but Taven stopped a pin attempt.

As Bennett looked to motion about a knee injury, Ishii and Taven fought outside the ring. It was at this point when Kyle Fletcher and Don Callis came to the ring, distracting O’Reilly. Bennett tried for a roll-up pin, but a distracted referee prevented the pin attempt. With the referee still looking away, Bennett hit a low blow on O’Reilly to set up for a pinfall win, ending the match. The 10th-longest ROH tag title run ever will continue.

Leyla Hirsch wins bloody war against Diamante

A Texas deathmatch was next, with women’s talents Leyla Hirsch and Diamante facing off in a grudge bout.

Hirsch wasted no time getting the match started, waiting on the entrance ramp for Diamante.

Diamante put Hirsch through a huge bump early, tossing her off the stage and through a table. “Go f****** count!” Diamante told the ref, as the match followed a 10-count last-woman standing rule.

Once the match went to the ring, Diamante hung Hirsch upside down in the corner. She stacked a series of chairs in her face, then scored with a running dropkick. It was after this moment that Hirsch started bleeding from her forehead.

Hirsch got her first move in when she dodged an attack from Diamante in a corner of the ring, causing Diamante to run head-first into a steel chair. Diamante also started bleeding at this point.

Hirsch was hoping to pierce skin even more than the two visible cuts, as she unloaded a bag of thumbtacks onto the ring canvas. She then scored a creative German suplex out of the corner, causing Diamante to land on the tacks.

But she didn’t want to stop there. She took another bag of thumbtacks and put it on Diamante’s body. Hirsch came off the ropes with a moonsault, but Diamante moved out of the way. Hirsch landed clean on a pile of tacks.

Diamante re-emerged in the ring with duct tape, allowing her to attach the left arm of Hirsch to a ring rope. Diamante hit Hirsch with a steel chair, then hit her numerous times with a sandal.

“But wait, there’s more!” Diamante screamed. She showed off a new scandal, this time with thumbtacks on the bottom. She hit Hirsch in the forehead hard with this sandal, providing quite a gruesome graphic.

While Hirsch detached herself from the rope, Diamante started to create a contraption outside the ring. She set up four steel chairs, then laid out a pair of thin wooden strips with barbed wire on top. After a back-and-forth exchange on the ring apron, Hirsch put Diamante through the structure with a hard back body drop.

Hirsch was visibly limping when she returned to her feet and slid a ladder and table into the ring. She later duct-taped Diamante to a table, and then came off the top of a ladder with a moonsault.

Hirsch, who was visibly in pain, returned to her feet right before the 10-count, earning her the win. Upon replay it showed that Hirsch’s arm seemingly hit the ladder on the way down, causing concern for a potential injury.

Lee Moriarty ends Wheeler Yuta’s lengthy ROH Pure title run

Wheeler Yuta put his ROH Pure Championship on the line for the next match, meeting Lee Moriarty. The match saw Yuta attempt to continue the belt’s third-longest reign, which has a short history between the mid-2000s and recent years.

Yuta and Moriarty worked a technical match, causing the wrestlers to run out of their three allotted rope breaks. The match came close to the 20-minute time limit, causing curiosity about whether a judge’s decision would be needed.

At the 18-minute mark, Morairty dumped Yuta onto the ring apron with a backbody drop. The match started to pick up the pace at this point, with Moriarty doing a dive and then trying for a pin in the ring.

After Yuta played possum, he sprung up to try for a submission move against Moriarty. While Moriarty made it to a rope, the rope break didn’t allow him to stop the submission. He continued to try and escape the hold, rolling into a pin attempt that caused an end to the fight. Moriarty is now the 15th-ever ROH Pure champ, and the sixth name to earn it since the title returned in 2020.

Moriarty offered to shake the hand of Yuta after the match. While it seemed like Yuta was going to brush Moriarty off, he eventually had the belt put around his waist by the former champ.

Red Velvet dethrones Billie Starkz

Billie Starkz put her ROH Women’s World Television Championship on the line for the first time on Friday night, facing Red Velvet in a singles match. Velvet was aiming to avenge the loss that friend Queen Aminata took against Starkz for the vacant title earlier this year at Supercard of Honor.

The match was a back-and-forth battle, as Velvet seemingly came close to putting away Starkz at times. This wasn’t a match with Velvet battling from behind against the champ, but instead, a match where it was clear from the start that they were booked to be the same level of wrestler.

The match had a hot start, with Velvet knocking Starkz out of the ring with a high kick in the opening seconds. Starkz received a one-count early in the match after a nasty move in the corner, tossing the body of Velvet face-first into a top turnbuckle.

The duo went to the top rope at one point, with Velvet hitting a stunner that caused Starkz to fall to the ground. Starkz called for medical attention after this moment, which had similarly happened during her title match against Aminata in April, allowing her to win the title off a distraction.

Starkz eventually climbed back into the ring, where she snapped out of her supposed injury and landed a knee to Velvet. She has now pulled off the same trick twice! Well, almost.

Velvet tossed Starkz off the ropes as she tried for a move, then hit her new finishing move, which had just been debuted earlier this month. The move did enough to put away Starkz, crowning Velvet the new champion.

The Von Erichs, Dustin Rhodes earn title shot

The Rhodes and Von Erichs families united for a special six-man tag match next, as Marshall and Ross von Erich worked alongside Dustin Rhodes to meet the trio of Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno, and John Silver from The Dark Order. The match was a title eliminator for the six-man tag belts, meaning the winning team would go on to fight The Undisputed Kingdom at Battle of the Belts XI on Saturday night.

Marshall got a hot tag late in the match, allowing him to string together a series of moves against Silver. After hitting a cannonball in the corner, he came up with just a two-count from a pin attempt.

Marshall teased using The Claw but was interrupted by Evil Uno on the mat. Uno took a Claw, but the move allowed Silver to recover and regain control against Marshall.

Marshall was kept isolated in the ring for quite some time after being stopped from using The Claw. Eventually, he hit a spinebuster that allowed him to give a tag to Rhodes, who went into the ring against Reynolds. He connected with a Cross Rhodes on Reynolds during his run of moves, but Uno was able to break up a pin attempt after to keep the match going.

After some back and forth, Rhodes scored a Canadian Destroyer onto Reynolds. He put Reynolds in the corner and tried for his turnbuckle groin kick, but had the move delayed by Silver. Marshall hit the apron to give him The Claw. Uno was given The Claw by Ross, and Rhodes hit his Shattered Dreams to win the match and secure a title shot.

After the match, Katsuyori Shibata hit the ring to raise the hands of the von Erichs.

Atlantis Jr. gets through Survival of the Fittest

In what was one of the more hectic matches of the night, a six-way “Survival of the Fittest” match for the ROH World Television Championship took place. Atlantis Jr. put his belt on the line for the first time, facing off against Johnny TV, Shane Taylor, Brian Cage, Lio Rush, and Lee Johnson. This match had an elimination stipulation, meaning wrestlers would get taken out one by one until there was just one person left.

In the early minutes of the match, most wrestlers remained outside the ring as two others would battle in the ring. One wrestler would quickly get cycled out for another after an exchange on the canvas. Among the early top moments was a dive outside of the ring from Cage, followed by the tease (but not completion) of a dive from Taylor.

Taylor ended up being the first wrestler to get eliminated, getting taken out by a Final Hour frogsplash from Rush. Johnson then took out Rush, scoring with his Brain Dog finisher to earn a pinfall.

Cage and Johnny TV worked together in the ring, forming a temporary alliance to narrow down the field. This worked to at least get rid of Johnson, although the team fell apart before they could get Atlantis Jr. out of the match.

Atlantis Jr. picked up a near fall in a duel with Johnny TV, hitting a Canadian Destroyer. He then tried to go to the top but was stopped by Cage. Instead, Cage hit a deadlift superplex off the second rope.

Just as Cage was about to turn his attention to Johnny TV again, Taya Valkyrie hit the ring. The distraction from Valkyrie allowed Johnny TV to kick Cage in the groin. Johnny TV hit a GTS, but Cage came off the ropes right after for a clothesline. Cage then connected with his Drill Claw finish to take out Johnny TV, bringing the fight down to just two.

Cage, trying to put away the match, hit a discus lariat. Cage tried to connect with his finish again but Atlantis Jr. reversed a Drill Claw into a roll-up pin, earning him a win to end the match and retain his belt.

Athena’s historic title run continues

Athena put her near 600-day reign as ROH Women’s World Champion on the line in the co-main event against Queen Aminata. Texas’ own Athena had the crowd clearly behind her for this match.

After a short feeling-out process, Athena scored a dive out of the ring onto Aminata. She then threw Aminata into the ringside barricades. As Athena tried to charge into Aminata, who was against the steel stairs, Aminata avoided and caused the champ to come crashing down with full force. Aminata tried for the same move right after, but Athena also avoided being struck. Athena then lifted up Aminata and dumped her onto the floor.

Aminata started to regain momentum once the fight got back into the ring. After stringing together some moves she tried for a powerbomb, but Athena reversed it into a powerbomb. Athena looked to the steel stairs outside of the ring, thinking of maybe throwing Aminata onto it. But this pause allowed Aminata to land a snap suplex and get back in control. Aminata hit Athena with a part of hard head kicks against the ropes, then hit a double stomp off the top rope for a two-count.

Athena dropped Aminata with a hard forearm after a series of reversals, earning her a near fall as well. Aminata landed a nasty German Suplex, sending Athena crashing into the turnbuckles. Aminata then came off the ropes for a hard knee strike, then an Air Raid Crash for a near fall.

Athena avoided a stomp off the top rope from Aminata, then landed a German Suplex into the turnbuckles which mirrored the spot that emerged earlier in the match.

Both on their knees before working up to their feet, Athena and Aminata traded strikes. Aminata came off the ropes for a knee strike, but Athena caught the blow for a single-leg crab. Aminata tried for her own submission, but Athena transitioned into a crossface attempt.

After Aminata escaped the submission by reaching the ropes, Athena tried for her O-Face finisher. Aminata escaped the submission and eventually landed a front kick afterward. The fight then went near the steel staircase outside of the ring, where Athena had stood up earlier in the match. Athena picked up Aminata, hitting a piledriver on top of the stairs in a spot which received a huge reaction from the crowd.

Aminata hit a piledriver in the ring after kicking out of a pin attempt. After this moment, Billie Starkz and Red Velvet came down to the ring and started to brawl. As the referee was distracted, ring announcer and ally of the champ Lexy Nair handed Athena a weapon. Athena hit Aminata with this object, then scored the O-Face for the win.

Mark Briscoe retains against ROH vet Roderick Strong

The main event of the night saw ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe face fellow promotional veteran Roderick Strong. It was the seventh head-to-head match between Briscoe and Strong since 2006 per, with their record even at three wins each in the past.

The match turned into a brawl outside of the ring early, including Briscoe launching himself with a chair to dive over a barricade and onto Strong. Briscoe brought Strong back into the ring for an elbow drop off the top, but Strong was able to put his knees up to counter the shot.

Briscoe’s strikes overwhelmed Strong, causing him to flee the ring. But Briscoe remained on him, doing a dropkick through the ropes and to the outside, then coming off the ring apron for an elbow drop.

After another kickout, Briscoe took Strong to the ring apron. The duo traded strikes until Strong scored a hard slam onto the apron. Strong unloaded with a combination of strikes outside the ring, then tossed Briscoe into the ring apron. After a quick camera cut away, it was revealed that Briscoe had started bleeding.

Strong continued to pick apart Briscoe in the ring, who was dripping blood onto the canvas. Strong hit a J-Driller of his own, but Briscoe kicked out after just the one-count. Strong kept hitting Briscoe with strikes, but the champ was only powering up in the process.

Briscoe started to mount a brief comeback after the J-Driller woke him up. This was stopped quickly after Strong met Briscoe on the top rope for a right-angle slam. The move, however, only earned Strong a two-count.

Briscoe worked back up to his feet to exchange strikes with Strong. After a J-Driller was stopped, Briscoe scored a Ura nage. It was at this point that The Undisputed Kingdom ran interference in the match, with Mike Bennett striking Briscoe in the head while the referee wasn’t looking. However, the strike did not put Briscoe away. Strong came off the ropes for a head kick, but again Briscoe kicked out. 

Kyle O’Reilly and Tomohiro Ishii came to the ring to even the odds, causing all the ringside wrestlers to brawl to the back. After not getting a three-count on a roll-up pin, Briscoe scored a lariat. He tried to go to the top for a below drop, but Strong stopped him. Briscoe prevented a superplex, sending Strong down with a right hand. He then landed the Froggy Bow, causing a three-count for the win. Briscoe is still the ROH world champ, continuing the reign which started in April.

About Jack Wannan 402 Articles
Jack Wannan is a journalist from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He writes and reports on professional wrestling, along with other topics like MMA, boxing, music, local news, and more. He graduated from Toronto Metropolitan University in 2023 with a bachelor's degree in journalism. He can be reached at [email protected]