AEW Dynamite Results: Danielson Puts Career On The Line, Ospreay vs. Archer, Darby vs. Hangman

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

July 31, 2024

By: John Siino

Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, South Carolina

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone


*Dark Match: Serpentico over Rob Killjoy

*Will Ospreay over Lance Archer via pinfall (11:22)

*CMLL World’s Women’s Championship Eliminator: Kris Statlander over Willow Nightingale (c) via pinfall (9:58)

*The Beast Mortos, Rush & Roderick Strong over Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy & Tomohiro Ishii via pinfall (11:18)

*Kamille over Brittany Jade via pinfall (1:16)

*Darby Allin over Adam Page via pinfall (20:30)

The American Hero

AEW American Champion MJF starts the show making his way down to the ring, wearing an American-inspired jacket with American-themed graphics and he immediately talks down on these fans not being too bright and says he isn’t talking about South Carolina when he talks about America. He tells them to keep their meth-addicted mouths shut and he’ll be busy talking to real America. He moves on about easily defeating Will Ospreay, and walking into enemy territory for All In London, and beating him again. As he tells everyone to rise for their American hero; Will Ospreay’s music hits and he runs to the ring as MJF quickly makes an escape. Ospreay tells him to keep running after what he said about his family last week and he’ll be putting him through pain that he can’t even imagine. Ospreay says nobody acknowledges that champion since a prick like MJF is holding, but the main reason why no one is acknowledging it is because of what he did last week by throwing the International Championship in the trash. Ospreay continues that men have worked hard to make that championship have legacy and lineage like PAC, Orange Cassidy, Jon Moxley, Rey Fenix, Roderick Strong, and himself. They have no problem performing like their life is on the line for these people while MJF does not fit that criteria. Ospreay says MJF is unworthy of holding it as the crowd starts chanting ‘USA’. Ospreay understands home pride but says MJF doesn’t represent that American spirit, and at All In he will restore honor to the International Championship. MJF calls the fans disgusting turncoats and calls himself an American Hero who has morals and he’ll let his action do the talking. At Wembley Stadium he will annihilate Ospreay in front of all his ‘crooked teeth countrymen’, but after tonight he has a feeling that Ospreay won’t make it to Wembley, because tonight ‘Everybody dies’, as Lance Archer makes his way out for the match.

Will Ospreay vs. Lance Archer

Right away, Lance Archer takes Will Ospreay down with a big chokeslam. Archer continues attacking Ospreay in the corner until Ospreay eventually comes back with a corkscrew kick sending Archer to the outside where Ospreay tries to hit him with a Sasuke Special, but gets caught and dropped down by Archer. Ospreay sends Archer into the barricade with a hurricanrana, but Archer comes back by sending Ospreay into a barricade. Back inside, Ospreay tries to springboard off the corner but gets caught in a chokeslam as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we return, Archer catches an Os Cutter attempt right into a sidewalk slam followed by a spine buster, both getting two counts. Archer stays in control and tries to walk the ropes, but Ospreay drops him down and joins him at the top where it looks like Archer might hit an avalanche chokeslam, but instead, Ospreay turns it into a Spanish Fly, followed by an Os Cutter for two. Archer tries a Blackout, but Ospreay turns it into a DDT followed by the Hidden Blade for one count. Ospreay follows right away with another one right to the face, to get the pin and the win. Ospreay’s record over Archer is now 3-1.

Winner: Will Ospreay by pinfall at 11:22

As soon as the match ends, MJF runs into the ring and takes out Ospreay from behind before hitting him with a brainbuster. MJF goes to hit Ospreay with his diamond ring, but Kyle Fletcher runs out and takes out MJF, as Don Callis is in the corner. Fletcher tells Callis he knows he told him not to get involved with Ospreay, but that’s his friend and brother before calling MJF an asshole. He won’t sit there and let MJF injure people with zero repercussions and says he is MJF’s karma coming to bite him in the ass. Fletcher says MJF doesn’t care about America but what’s best for himself. Fletcher says that even though he was born in Australia, he dreamed of coming to this country where the “best wrestle”. This country has given him his dream car, dream girl, and life and he is forever grateful for that. Fletcher yells that he can speak for everyone that they are sick of MJF’s bullcrap and tells MJF to come down so he can punch him again. MJF starts yelling and teases coming to the ring before he says no. MJF says ‘Wannabe Will Ospreay’ doesn’t call the shots, but he does, and they will have the match next week on Dynamite. MJF says he’s going to kangaroo kick Fletcher’s face off, break his neck, and leave him in a pool of his own blood, just like Daniel Garcia and he’ll have only Ospreay to blame.

We get a video package for Swerve Strickland with quotes towards Bryan Danielson ahead of their match at All In.

102 Days As FTW Champion

After the break, Alex Marvez is with Chris Jericho, Bryan Keith & Big Bill who has a cake that says “102 Days As FTW Champion” and calls that next level. Jericho calls himself the longest reigning For The World Champion and says there has never been a cake that didn’t end up smashed in someone’s face, but that’s not happening tonight. He talks about smashing Katsuyori Shibata’s face and says he’s all alone without Samoa Joe & Hook, and even though he can’t take him out due to his injured hand, Bryan Keith will face him next week on Dynamite. Bill hands Marvez the cake after, as Keith teases and smashes his face into it before forcing him to eat it which Marvez says is ‘not bad’.

CMLL World Women’s Championship Eliminator Match: Willow Nightingale (c) vs. Kris Statlander (w/ Stokely Hathaway)

Kris Statlander attacks Willow Nightingale before the bell rings, by snapping her neck on the rope and hitting her with a top rope dropkick, as the match now starts. They start going back and forth in the corner before trading pin attempts. Willow hits a Fisherman’s Suplex for a two-count, before following Statlander to the outside. Willow starts tossing Statlander against the barricade, but Statlander is able to dodge a cannonball from Willow who goes crashing into it, as we go to picture-in-picture.

We return to see Willow hit a spine buster for two before she goes for the Doctor Bomb, but Statlander is able to escape, places Willow on her shoulders, and drops her down, followed by an Ax Kick for two. They go to the apron and start trading chops before Willow hits a Death Valley Driver. Willow goes after Stokely Hathaway and corners him against the barricade, as Statlander attacks her from behind and sends her back inside, where she tries a dropkick but gets caught right into a powerbomb, followed by a DDT for two. They head to the top rope, as Statlander headbutts Willow off and hits a 450 Splash, getting a very close two-count, that the crowd disagrees with. Stokely hands Statlander a metal chain before he starts distracting Aubrey Edwards. Statlander takes Willow with the chain and gets the pin and the win.

Winner: Kris Statlander by pinfall at 9:58

Stokely hands Statlander a steel chair that she uses on Willow’s back a couple of times before security runs out and tries to stop her. Statlander just takes out security, before Stokely makes her stop.

We see footage from last week with Jeff Jarrett interrupting the Bryan Danielson interview with Renee Paquette telling Danielson that a lot of people believe in him, including Jarrett, and telling him to go ‘all in’ at All In.

Presence & Promises

After the break, Bryan Danielson makes his way to the ring and says it’s great to be here in Greenville as it’s where he and his wife got their engagement photos, as Taz asks ‘Why’. Danielson talks about looking at the photos and not realizing they are the good ol’ days until they are almost gone. He mentions talking about two things tonight; presence and promises. Since coming back from his retirement, he’s been able to be present in the good ol’ days and these last 3 years in AEW have been incredible and the most fun time of his career. He continues talking about being present backstage and now here in the ring, before showing goosebumps that he has on his arm. He moves on to talk about promises and promises his daughter when she turns 7 he will stop wrestling full time and telling his family that this would be the last contract he signs, and that contract with AEW ends tomorrow. He talks about wanting to do two things in AEW, kicking people’s heads in and winning the AEW World Championship. He says he’s kicked the heads in but has not won the title yet. He talks about All In being his last shot at that, and even after being advised not to wrestle, he promises to go to Wembley Stadium and be present in that moment and give 100%. Before he can continue on, he gets interrupted by Swerve Strickland’s music.

Swerve, along with Prince Nana, make their way into the ring as the crowd goes back and forth with the Yes chants and the Swerve’s House chants. Swerve talks about respecting Danielson for inspiring people including himself, and if it was any other time he would be rooting Danielson on to go to All In and have his moment, but this is Swerve Strickland’s time. Swerve talks about being so ahead of his time, that in 10 years people will press rewind. Swerve talks about Danielson kicking heads in but not being able to accept it when they kick back. Swerve says this is not an achievement award but it proves being the best in the world, which Swerve says he is. Swerve brings up not only losing to Will Ospreay but getting hurt, while he won along with Danielson losing Anarchy in the Arena while leading Team AEW to win Blood & Guts. Swerve brings up wrestling at All In last year, while Danielson was too broken down to even make it to London and maybe his body can’t handle the pressure. Swerve promises that he’s the most dangerous man in AEW and that Danielson won’t be walking out of All In as champion, and after he’s done with him, he may not walk again. They go to leave, but Danielson stops him and says he has one more promise, that if he doesn’t win the AEW World Championship he will never wrestle again, and reiterates it as a title vs. career match for All In, which Swerve shakes on. Swerve calls it noble, but tells him not to keep that promise to him, but to Danielson’s family.

Renee goes to try and get a comment with Danielson, but Jeff Jarrett and his crew are clapping at what Danielson just did, Danielson stops him and tells Jarrett if he wants to see how ‘all in’ he is, that he can find out next week and challenges him to a match for Dynamite.

Roderick Strong, Rush & The Beast Mortos vs. The Conglomeration (Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy & Tomohiro Ishii)

Don Callis goes to join commentary for this match, as Kyle O’Reilly sends The Conglomeration to the ring before heading to the back. They all start to go at it, before it’s just Orange Cassidy & The Beast Mortos in the ring, as Cassidy lures Mortos in with his jacket as if he’s a bull before spinning around on Mortos. Mortos gets back up and spears Cassidy out of the ring, before going at it with Tomohiro Ishii. Ishii gets up from a belly-to-belly throw and continues exchanging blows with Mortos, before hitting a brainbuster. Rush & Mark Briscoe go at it next, before Briscoe sends Rush to the outside with an elbow and sets up his chair to dive, but Roderick Strong stops him. Briscoe comes back with a flipping neckbreaker to Strong before leaping off the chair that was on the apron to Mortos & Rush before we go to picture-in-picture.

We return to see Rush & Mortos double-teaming Cassidy, but he’s able to escape and tag out to Briscoe. Ishii quickly enters and takes out all three opponents with German Suplexes, with the last one dropping Strong on his shoulder. Cassidy & Briscoe enter, including hitting a Froggy Bow and a Sliding D from Ishii, but Morots & Rush break it up. Mortos takes out Briscoe on the outside with a dive, followed by an attempt by Cassidy who gets caught by Mortos. Rush follows with a dive taking them all out. Inside, Strong takes out Ishii with an Olympic Slam followed by a Tiger Driver for two. Everybody starts going at it next until Mortos hits the Taurus Driver to get the pin and the win.

Winners: The Beast Mortos, Rush & Roderick Strong by pinfall at 11:18

Nut Up Or Shut Up

We go to The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn in the back, and Gunn tells everyone to strap their seatbelts on as they are coming to Collision this Saturday. Max Caster says they are looking for FTR in their own home territory, but they are nowhere to be found. Caster calls FTR scared and says they said he wasn’t serious because he’s a rapper and makes rap videos. Caster calls FTR not serious wrestlers for not showing up in their hometown, as Anthony Bowens says they will go to them on Collision, and questions if they will even show up.

The Romance Of A Bloody Lifetime

We go to Renee’s sit-down conversation with Mariah May as May says what else is there to explain as it’s all been very clear from day one, she said she wanted to be just like Toni Storm and gained her love and trust, before slicing her open and wearing her skin. May then asks Renee what she doesn’t understand, and Renee asks why Storm. May says Storm did nothing and that was perfect, she loved Storm who gave her everything she ever wanted. May says it’s her turn to eat and that she isn’t answering any more questions.

We transition back to the arena, and we see Storm crying on her knees saying she loved May also. Storm says that All In is going to be the romance of a bloody lifetime, as you must kill what you love. Storm then goes wild and tosses her shoe around before leaving.

We see footage from San Diego Comic-Con, where Mercedes Mone’ & Dr. Britt Baker DMD had to be separated before their match was made official.

Kamille (w/ Mercedes Mone’) vs. Brittany Jade

Kamille comes out for her debut match, to Mercedes Mone’s music before going right after Brittany Jade in the corner. Kamille goes to the corner and tries to lift up Jade, before tossing her away and hitting her with a guillotine leg drop. Kamille follows with a big kick and lifts her up on her shoulder, dropping her front first, before getting the easy pin and win.

Winner: Kamille by pinfall at 1:16

Mercedes gets on the mic and introduces the newest member of Money Corporation in Kamille. Mercedes says for weeks she’s been victimized by Britt Baker as the crowd starts chanting DMD. Mercedes says she’s tried to be diplomatic, but Baker has been obsessed with her and asks who isn’t obsessed with the CEO. Mercedes says Baker’s actions at Comic-Con got her suspended by the EVPs. Mercedes continues that nobody cares about Baker, as AEW is her house now and she’s about to turn this house into a mansion, because that’s how she rolls. At All In, Baker losing to her will still be the best thing that’s happened to her career as money changes everything.

Adam Page vs. Darby Allin

This is their first encounter in AEW, after first wrestling on the Jericho Cruise in 2020. Excalibur corrects Taz on saying Darby Allin was day one with AEW, noting he didn’t come in, until July of 2019. Right away they take it to the outside, where Adam Page catches Darby from a Coffin Drop attempt, and sends him down with a German Suplex. Page starts following Darby up the ramp with a chair, but as Bryce Remsburg yells at him to go back to the ring, Darby takes control with a stunner, before climbing the side of the entrance tunnel and hitting a Coffin Drop. Darby starts dragging Page to the ring, as we head to picture-in-picture.

When we return, Page is in control as the crowd seems divided. Darby is able to escape out and hits a springboard splash for two, as the lights in the building go out. The lights turn back on and it’s a rare case where nothing happened, as commentary blames electrical issues. Page sets up steel steps on the outside before dropping Darby on the apron with three power bombs. Page picks Darby up and sends him into the steps with a fall-away slam before we go back to picture-in-picture.

We come back, with Page still in control tossing Darby around but they take it back to the steel steps on the outside, as Darby sweeps Page down onto them. Darby places Page seated down on the steps and takes him out with a dive from inside the ring. Darby stays in control and heads to the top rope, but Page is able to catch him on a Coffin Drop attempt. Darby goes for the Buckshot Lariat, but Page stops him with a lariat himself for two. Page continues and hits a Dead Eye, but hangs on (he is the Hangman), before hitting another one. Page takes his time and looks into the crowd before setting up for the Buckshot Lariat, but as he goes for it, Darby collapses down. They go back and forth before Darby rolls up Page out of nowhere and gets the pin.

Winner: Darby Allin by pinfall at 20:30

Page goes wild after and starts tossing chairs into the ring as Darby is on the ramp, flipping him off

Next Week On Dynamite

  • Katsuyori Shibata vs. Bryan Keith
  • MJF vs. Kyle Fletcher
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Jeff Jarrett


  • Darby Allin, Mark Briscoe & FTR vs. The Beast Mortos & The Undisputed Kingdom


This show was a big step down from the previous weeks of Dynamites which all had some real stellar matches and overall felt like important shows, while this one sort of just happened with no real stand-out matches you must go out of your way to watch. The one strong segment I would highly recommend wasn’t even a wrestling match, with Bryan Danielson & Swerve Strickland. Danielson continues to hit it out of the park whenever he does these sorts of promos, with keywords, with today’s being ‘presence’ and ‘promises’ and somehow tying it into the key point of the promo which was putting his career on the line at All In. It puts an interesting wrinkle into the story, as we all know Danielson said he wouldn’t be wrestling full-time after this year, but never said he would stop full-on. This now, puts some real doubt on the finish and if it’ll indeed be Danielson’s last match or if he will take the belt off of Swerve. With the stipulation on the line, it leads me more to believe that he will indeed be crowned AEW World Champion at All In.

About John Siino 392 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.