GCW No Signal in The Hills 4: Mance Warner vs. Frankie Kazarian

Photo Courtesy: GCW

GCW No Signal in The Hills 4
Ukrainian Culture Center
Los Angeles, California
August 17, 2024

Match Recommendations: 

  • GCW World Champion Mance Warner vs. Frankie Kazarian
  • Rich Swann vs. Sidney Akeem
  • Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Los Macizos vs. Los Desperados 
  • Marcus Mathers vs. Starboy Charlie
  • Blake Christian vs. Megan Bayne

Commentary: Dave Prazak, Emil Jay, and Jordan Cassel 

Emil Jay announced that for the ninth time, GCW has sold out the UCC.

Singles Match: Broski Jimmy Lloyd with Matt Cardona vs. Mr. Danger 

Jimmy Lloyd jumped Mr. Danger before the bell rang, but his advantage didn’t last long as Mr. Danger quickly beat him down. Danger went for a dive, but Cardona pulled his leg out from under him, allowing Jimmy to regain control of the match. Jimmy set up Mr. Danger for a Broski Boot, but Danger moved out of the way and hit Jimmy with a fisherman suplex for a near fall. 

Danger went to the top rope, but Cardona got involved again, knocking him off and setting him up for the Broski Boot. Danger fired back with a superkick followed by a springboard Canadian destroyer into a tope on the floor. Danger kicked Cardona in the head, creating an opening to wipe out Lloyd with a beautiful springboard moonsault into a 450. The ref started making the count, but Cardona pulled Adam Gault to the floor, giving Jimmy the opening to hit Danger with a low blow into a piledriver for the victory.

Broski Jimmy Lloyd Defeated Mr. Danger 

Singles Match: Rich Swann vs. Sidney Akeem

The match began with both men engaging in a game of “anything you can do, I can do better” before wrestling to a stalemate. Sidney took Swann down with a big dropkick, but Swann quickly retaliated, sending Sidney face-first into the ropes and following up with a dropkick to the head. Swann lit up Sidney with a series of kicks and worked him over with a cravat. Sidney was then kicked in the face by Swann and draped over the edge of the ring before getting booted in the side of the head.

Swann locked in a Dragon Sleeper, but Sidney managed to break free, landing a combination of strikes on Swann, culminating in a standing twisting crossbody for a near fall. Sidney went to the top rope for a moonsault, but Swann moved out of the way and connected with a superkick, followed by a second-rope 450 splash for a close near fall. 

The two men traded punches in the center of the ring, with Swann winning the exchange and attempting a handspring cutter. However, Sidney blocked it, and both men knocked each other down with head kicks, sending the crowd into a frenzy.

Swann nailed Sidney with a cutter and went for another second-rope 450, but Sidney moved out of the way and hit the Final Act for the victory.

Sidney Akeem Defeated Rich Swann 

Tag Team Match: Dark Sheik and Vipress vs. CPF

CPF jumped Sheik and Vipress before the bell, sending them to the floor. Lando isolated Sheik in the ring, but she connected with a head kick followed by a 619, a springboard leg drop, and a senton. CPF fired on Sheik with a series of tandem moves, drawing ire from the crowd. Black continued to beat down Sheik with a string of kicks to her back. He tried to suplex her, but Sheik fought through it and almost made the tag to Vipress, only for Lando to cut her off. CPF hit a spike DDT combination and continued to stomp Sheik down in the corner. Danny Black knocked Vipress off the apron, drawing more boos from the crowd. 

This gave Sheik some time to recover, and she fired up against CPF with a head kick followed by a swinging DDT. Sheik made her way to her corner, and Vipress received the hot tag. Vipress ran wild on Danny Black and went for a back suplex, but Black poked her in the eyes. Black attempted a handspring, but Vipress caught him with a cutter into a springboard cutter for a very close near fall. Sheik and Vipress hit Black with their own version of Total Elimination, but Lando came in at the last second to make the save. 

All four competitors duked it out in the center of the ring. CPF gained the advantage and took out Sheik, but their celebration was cut short when Vipress hit them with a double suplex. She followed up with a stunner, and Sheik finished it off with a leg drop for the victory.

Dark Sheik and Vipress Defeated CPF

Six-Man Tag Team Match: Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Los Macizos vs. Los Desperados 

The crowd went wild the moment Chavo walked through the curtain. Miedo and Arez started the match, wrestling to a stalemate, followed by Ciclope and Jack Cartwheel, who entered for their respective teams. Ciclope picked up where their partners left off, exchanging strikes and combinations with Cartwheel before they too wrestled to a stalemate. Chavo and Gringo then entered the match, with Gringo feigning a handshake only to boot Chavo in the stomach. Chavo retaliated with a series of forearms and a moonsault, rolling through and taking Gringo down with a head scissors into a senton. 

Gringo elevated Chavo to the floor and attempted to take flight, but Los Macizos stopped him. Cartwheel and Arez didn’t miss a beat as they came off the top with stereo dives, wiping out their opponents on the floor. Arez delivered his running kicks across Chavo’s back, lighting up Miedo in the corner with an uppercut followed by a big assisted DDT. Gringo then hit a double jump moonsault on Miedo, who was held in a prone position by Cartwheel. Cilcope found his way back into the ring but was quickly dropped by all three members of Los Desperados.

Chavo hit Arez with a backbreaker, sending Los Desperados to the floor where all three of their opponents took them out with dives. Chavo went for the Three Amigos, but Arez had it scouted, dropping Chavo with a head kick followed by a moonsault. However, Cartwheel made the save before the ref could count to three. Los Desperados lit Ciclope up with chops in the corner and set him up for an elevated leg drop from the top rope. Gringo didn’t go for the cover immediately, allowing Miedo time to return to the ring and break up the pin.

Chavo set up Cartwheel for the Three Amigos, but Gringo broke it up on the last Amigo. Chavo hit him with two, and when Arez came in to break it up, he was hit with all Three Amigos, leading to a big Eddie chant. Cartwheel hit Los Macizos with a handspring cutter, sending them to the floor where Gringo took them out with a tope, followed by a Sasuke Special from Cartwheel and a step-up moonsault to the floor. Cartwheel rolled Ciclope back into the ring and hit him with a twisting shooting star press, but on the landing, he was hit with a Frog Splash from Chavo, securing the victory.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Los Macizos Defeated Los Desperados 

Singles Match: 1 Called Manders vs. Jordan Cruz 

The match started with a stiff headlock, followed by Manders attempting a clothesline that Cruz ducked. The two men then exchanged big chops and forearms in the center of the ring. Cruz wrenched Manders’ arm over the top rope, sending Manders to the floor. Cruz capitalized by taking flight with a tope, then focused on Manders’ arm in an attempt to neutralize his lariat. Cruz took Manders off the top rope with a big suplex, but it wasn’t enough to put Manders away. 

Manders responded with a powerbomb, but it wasn’t nearly enough to keep Cruz down. Cruz hit Manders with two suplexes and went for a third, but Manders, despite his injured arm, broke out of it only to be dumped on the back of his head by Cruz. Manders attempted a lariat, but Cruz countered with a running knee, followed by a knee strike to the injured arm and into an armbar. Manders managed to reach the ropes to break the hold and kicked out after Cruz’s No More Sorrow. Fired up, Manders nailed Cruz with a lariat to win the match.

1 Called Manders Defeated Jordan Cruz

Singles Match: Starboy Charlie vs. Marcus Mathers

Starboy hit Mathers with an atomic drop into a standing shooting star press for a quick near fall, Charlie then took him to the mat but Marcus got back up to his feet and leveled Charlie with a dropkick into a forearm in the corner followed by a tope to the floor which sent Charlie into the first row. Mathers brought Starboy back inside the ring and hit him with a crossbody for a near fall of his own; Mathers lit Starboy up with a series of punches followed by a big back elbow which stopped Charlie in his tracks. The two began trading chops, Charlie ducked a charging Mathers and took him down with a Lou Thez Press into a sliced bread for a two count. Charlie called for a Gotch Style Piledriver but Mathers blocked it and hit him with a couple of shots followed by a Sister Abigail for a close near fall. 

The two men threw a flurry of strikes at each other, they hit each other with a series of suplexes, Charlie hit a standing corkscrew moonsault but it was still only good for a two-count. Charlie took his straps down and pulled Mathers towards the corner and went to the top rope and came off with a shooting star press but Matehrs moved out of the way. Mathers hit him with a cutter and went to the top for a Swanton but Charlie kicked out again. 

Mathers called for the end but Charlie got his knee up and delivered a big kick, Mathers caught Charlie out of mid-air and hit him with the Blue Waffle for only a two count. Charlie had a brutal landing right on his head but still got his shoulder up, Mathers went to the top for a 450, but Charlie got back up on his feet and hit Mathers with a Pele, Charlie went to the top and hit the Cosmic Swirl but Mathers got his knees up for a two count. Charlie nailed Mathers with two Poisonranas followed by a Gotch Style Piledriver for the victory. Incredible match, these two worked their asses off and the crowd was with them through the entirety of the match. 

Starboy Charlie Defeated Marcus Mathers

Singles Match: Megan Bayne vs. Blake Christian 

Blake nailed Megan with a knee strike the moment the bell rang and started to work her over in the corner with a boot across her throat. Blake came off the top rope, but Bayne caught him and launched him with a belly-to-belly suplex, then drove her shoulder into his midsection repeatedly in the corner. Bayne caught Christian in mid-air and tossed him with a fallaway slam, followed by a splash in the corner, a butterfly suplex, and another splash for a two-count. Blake rolled to the floor but was met with a series of knees to his chest and a stiff chop before being rolled back into the ring. Bayne went under the ring and grabbed a door, but she took too much time, giving Blake the opening to hit a missile-like tope into the door, causing Bayne to crash into the first row. Blake then started working over Bayne’s arm to try and take away her running lariat. Bayne was rolled back into the ring, where Blake continued to work over her already injured arm.

Blake trapped Bayne’s arm, stretching and snapping her shoulder repeatedly. Bayne fired back with a flurry of strikes, trying everything she could to get back into the match. Blake nailed her injured shoulder with a knee strike, followed by a spin kick to her head. He went for a handspring cutter, but Bayne caught him and went for a back suplex. Blake escaped for a quick roll-up, but Bayne kicked out. Blake then rolled to the floor after eating a big lariat followed by a tope. Bayne hit Blake with a powerbomb, but it was only a two-count. Blake responded with a handspring head kick, bringing Bayne down to her knee, and followed it up with a springboard knee and a roll-through splash for a two count.

Bayne and Blake traded shots in the center of the ring. Blake connected with a flurry of forearms, but they only fired up Bayne, who leveled him with an uppercut into a boot. Bayne went for the spear but collided with the turnbuckle instead, and was turned inside out with a half-and-half suplex. However, she rolled through and hit Blake with a spear. Bayne muscled Blake up for a Tombstone, but Blake rolled through for a near fall. Bayne then dumped Blake with a deadlift German suplex followed by an F5, but Blake Christian still kicked out. They battled on the apron, where Blake nailed her with a head kick, took out Bayne’s leg with a chop block, and followed up with a crossbody. Blake sent Bayne back into the ring and hit her with a springboard 450 splash, but Bayne managed to get her shoulder up at the last second. Blake then hit her with a Dragon screw to take out the power of her legs.

Blake brought the previously used door into the ring, setting up a door bridge in the corner, and placed Bayne on top. Bayne got back to her feet, knocked Blake off the top, and brought him back into the ring with a deadlift German suplex. She got Blake up in the Tombstone position and hit a jumping Tombstone from the mat through the door—an incredible feat of strength and ingenuity. Blake got his foot on the bottom rope and put on brass knuckles. He nailed Bayne with them and followed up with a running forearm to the side of her head, but Bayne somehow got her shoulder up. In a final act of defiance, Bayne slapped Blake across the face before Blake nailed her with a curb stomp for the victory.

Blake Christian Defeated Megan Bayne

GCW Tag Team Championship Match: Violence is Forever (Champions) vs. The Wolf Zaddies 

The Zaddies took out ViF before the bell and eliminated Ku with a tope on the floor. Tito and Che ran wild on Ku back inside the ring. Ku tried to respond with some chops, but Tito easily dropped him with one of his own. Tito hung Ku up in the corner and stomped on him as he posed for the crowd. Che returned to the match, repeatedly driving his shoulder into Ku in the corner. Ku tried to fight back but was once again dropped by a chop from Che, who then hit Ku with a military press for a two count. Dom hit Che with a flurry of strikes but was nailed in the back of the head with an elbow. Ku created some separation with a combination of strikes followed by a back suplex, making the hot tag to Dom.

Dom took out both Zaddies with flying knees and clotheslines in the corner, followed by another double clothesline in the center of the ring, taking both of the Zaddies down. Che fired up with a series of forearms and came off the ropes, only to be caught by Ku, who tossed Che to Dom, hitting him with a suplex followed by a lariat for a two count. They set up Che for Chasing the Dragon, but Tito made the save and hit them with a suplex as Che came off the top rope with a splash for a very close two-count. They got Che up and leveled him with Chasing the Dragon for the victory.

Violence is Forever Retained the GCW Tag Team Champions

GCW World Championship Match: GCW World Champion Mance Warner vs. Rob Shit

The lovely fans in LA threw trash at Mance Warner as he made his entrance, which is one of my least favorite things GCW fans do.

Rob Shit answered Mance Warner’s open challenge. After the introductions, Shit jumped Mance and beat him up in the corner with a flurry of punches, followed by a big boot in the center of the ring. Shit lit Mance up with ten punches in the corner, followed by two big splashes. He went for a third, but Mance moved out of the way. Mance reached into his boot and retrieved a screwdriver, stabbing Shit in the head. Shit came up bleeding as Mance jaw-jacked with the rowdy crowd. Mance then turned his attention back to Shit, stabbing him again in his bloody head. Several referees came to ringside to check on Rob Shit and escorted him to the back.

No Contest

Mance Warner cut a promo and told the crowd he was going home as Frankie Kazarian’s music hit as the TNA legend made his way to the ring. 

The fans in LA continued to throw trash, in an attempt to make it further about themselves.

GCW World Championship Match: GCW World Champion Mance Warner vs. Frankie Kazarian 

Mance Warner and Kaz started trading punches in the center of the ring, with Mance being leveled by a back elbow followed by a series of chops in the corner and a neckbreaker for a two-count. The brawl spilled to the floor as they continued to exchange strikes and chops. Mance raked Kaz’s eyes and attempted to hit him across the back with a steel chair, but Kaz dodged it, only to be struck with the chair in a Sabu-like fashion. Mance then beat Kaz down with a few more chair shots before bringing four doors into the ring.

Mance set up a door in the corner, but Kaz fired back, only to be taken down by a headbutt from the champion and another chair shot across his back. Kaz rallied, hitting Mance with a flurry of punches and gouging his eyes, but it did little to slow Mance down, who struck Kaz again with the chair. Mance then set up a door bridge in the corner and went to the top rope, but Kaz cut him off and brought him down through the door with a superplex. Both men got back to their feet, and Kaz used a broken piece of the door to attack Mance.

Kaz nailed Mance with a chair-assisted springboard leg drop for a close near-fall, followed by a springboard DDT onto a chair, but Mance managed to get his shoulder up. Mance struck Kaz in the back of the head and went for a running knee strike, but Kaz countered, lifting him onto his shoulders and sending him through the door with a Death Valley Driver. Even that wasn’t enough to put the champion away.

Kaz went for the Fade to Black, but Mance escaped and nailed Kaz with a running knee, though Kaz somehow survived and kicked out at two. Mance then set up a door in the ring and chokeslammed Kaz through it, but Kaz kicked out again at two. Mance set up a series of open chairs in the center of the ring and attempted to piledrive Kaz, but Kaz reversed it, hitting the Fade to Black through the chairs. Still, Mance kicked out.

Kaz beat Mance across the back with a steel chair and set up another door in the corner. However, Mance reversed the momentum, spearing Kaz through the door. Mance then pulled Kaz back up and choke-slammed him through the door, successfully breaking it this time. Crawling to the opposite corner, Mance grabbed hold of the championship belt and tried to hit Kaz with it, but Kaz ducked, causing the belt to collide with the referee. Kaz hit the Fade to Black and got the visual pinfall, but referee Dan Perch ran in to make the count, only to be pulled out of the ring by Broski Jimmy.

Lloyd threw powder into Kaz’s eyes and hit him with the Radio Silence. Mance crawled on top of Kaz, but Kaz kicked out. Jimmy then took out referee Adam Gault and tried to hit Kaz with the belt again, but Kaz ducked and struck Mance in the head with it. Kaz hit the Fade to Black on Jimmy, got a bottle of water to clear his eyes, and was leveled with a running knee from Mance Warner, but somehow kicked out again. Mance Warner was then locked in the crossface chicken wing, but Jimmy Lloyd distracted Dan Perch as Mance Warner tapped out behind his back. Kaz broke the hold, only to be kicked in the groin by Mance Warner, who then pinned him to retain the GCW World Championship.

Mance Warner Retained the GCW World Championship

About Jon Pine 174 Articles
Living in Providence, Rhode Island; when Jon isn’t watching AEW or GCW with his dogs Dakota and Aurora, he’s probably watching the CSPAN feed of the Senate floor or listening to Bennington on SiriusXM.