Things did not get back on track after the injury.
For one calendar year, Quincy Elliot was under contract to WWE and was a member of the NXT brand. He wrestled in a total of 27 matches throughout that stretch.
One of Elliot’s on-screen highlights was co-hosting the 2022 installment of Halloween Havoc with Shotzi. He opened up about that period of his career while speaking to Bryan Asbury of Developmentally Speaking.
Elliot was supposed to do something physical on the show but suffered an injury. He admitted that he hid the injury from WWE and feels that was not the mature thing to do. They discovered Elliot’s injury when he was rehearsing a match and took a slam. He shared that he underwent foot surgery after Halloween Havoc.
That was like honestly one of the most stressful times of my life (time period when he co-hosted NXT Halloween Havoc) because I was supposed to wrestle on Halloween Havoc. I would do something physical but at the time, I got injured. I got injured and I had a match in October — against Xyon Quinn — of that year but I got injured because I used to ride a moped. I got injured in an accident and I found out I was pretty much hosting the night before the match or whatever and I was injured and I hid it from the company. In October, I hid it from the company, which wasn’t the most mature thing to do, I will admit but I was like, I worked hard for this opportunity. I’m not just gonna throw it away. So I got injured and that was a bummer so, but the exciting part about that is I got to pretty much express myself on Halloween Havoc, do different costumes and things and it was a fun time but it was also stressful because I’m like, I just wanna be able to wrestle and show the world what I can do, you know?
It was very frustrating and I remember at the time, during rehearsals, because Xyon slammed me and I reacted like, ‘Ah!’ Then they figured out I was hurt so I was like, ‘Damn.’ But you know, it ended up working out. Everything still ended up working out but it was just like, I knew that if I was able to wrestle on Halloween Havoc or do something physical, maybe show myself off a little more, it would have been much more fulfilling but I’m grateful for the opportunity either way.
Honestly, no (WWE did not put more stock into me after Halloween Havoc). After Halloween Havoc, I had to go have surgery on my foot. So it was gonna be a couple weeks before I could even get back and do anything. So I was mentally frustrated with the world and at the time, six weeks on paper right now doesn’t seem like the longest time ever but when you’re — NXT’s on the go, it’s running every week. Six weeks is a long time to not be on television. So, I ended up off of TV for a while for that and then a bunch of drama went down and you know, I was just all over the place just circling, trying to get that momentum that I had back.
Elliot’s time with WWE came to an end in September 2023 when he was released. To read his comments about his on-screen character and the support he received from Shawn Michaels, click here.
If the quote(s) in this article is used, please credit Developmentally Speaking with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcription.