Axiom and Nathan Frazer win NXT Tag Titles, Ridge Holland turns on Chase U at No Mercy

Image Courtesy: WWE

Axiom and Nathan Frazer won the NXT Tag Team Titles in the opening contest of Sunday’s No Mercy premium live event.

After the bell, a furious Ridge Holland turned on his Chase U teammates.

Frazer and Axiom got the best of Chase in the early going with their pace and quick tags, before Ridge Holland neutralized them with his power. This pattern would repeat throughout the match.

Notable spots included Frazer kicking out of the Doomsday Device. A miscommunication saw Axiom kick Frazer as the near-falls came thick and fast.

The finishing sequence saw Andre Chase take a Spanish Fly from Axiom and Phoenix Splash from Frazer to get the pin and the titles.

After the match, Ridge Holland lost it and attacked the other male members of Chase U, including delivering a Redeemer to Andre on the announce desk.

Join Braden Herrington and Andrew Thompson on the POST Wrestling YouTube channel for a full review of NXT No Mercy right after the PLE concludes.

About Neal Flanagan 965 Articles
Based in Northern Ireland, Neal Flanagan is a former newspaper journalist and copy editor. In addition to reporting for POST Wrestling, he co-hosts The Wellness Policy podcast with Wai Ting and Jordan Goodman.