Smackdown Results: Solo Sikoa sends message ahead of title match

Image Credit: WWE

The five-year stretch of WWE program Friday Night Smackdown airing on Fox’s main channel came to an end this week with a show from the Rogers Place in Edmonton, Calgary, Canada. In the first episode since the promotion’s recent Premium Live Event in Germany, and the last before the show heads to the USA Network, here’s what went down.

Quick results

  1. Bayley def. Tiffany Stratton (10:12)
  2. Apollo Crews def. Giovanni Vinci (0:05)
  3. Kevin Owens def. Grayson Waller & Austin Theory (Triple Threat Match) (9:43)
  4. Chelsea Green def. Michin (3:57)
  5. The Bloodline (Solo Sikoa, Tama Tonga, Tonga Loa & Jacob Fatu) def. #DIY (Johnny Gargano & Tomasso Ciampa) & The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) (10:59)

Cody Rhodes vs. Solo Sikoa confirmed for next week

To kick off this week’s episode, we had backstage shots of Bayley, Giovanni Vinci, and Cody Rhodes. A recap of the Bash In Berlin match between Rhodes and Kevin Owens played next.

Rhodes, who remains the Undisputed WWE Champion, made his way to the ring after the video package finished airing. Rhodes gave credit to the fight that Owens gave him last weekend, then welcomed commentator Michael Cole back to the Smackdown team.

In a moment of rare wrestler self-awareness, Rhodes mentioned that he knew a rival would eventually interrupt his promo. He decided to get ahead of any potential run-ins and instead invite The Bloodline to the ring.

Solo Sikoa, Tama Tonga, Tonga Loa, and Jacob Fatu accepted Rhodes’ invitation, heading to the ring right after their mention. Sikoa was the sole Bloodline member who got into the ring while everybody else waited nearby.

“Are you done playing around?” Sikoa asked Rhodes. “Are you ready to defend that undisputed title against a real challenger like me?”

Sikoa then claimed that he would have been a champion by Summerslam if it were not for Roman Reigns, causing him to ask for a rematch. A loud “We want Roman” chant broke out after his name was evoked.

Instead of liking the idea of facing Sikoa, Rhodes looked to Fatu and expressed interest in facing him on next week’s episode. Fatu climbed onto the ring apron, but Sikoa gave him a strong look of disaproval. Fatu read the room and understood that he wasn’t supposed to take the spotlight away from Sikoa, and thus got off the ring apron.

Rhodes put his focus back on Sikoa. He said that he might lose to Sikoa someday, but that it won’t happen when they meet next week. Sikoa was eager to fight right now, with the help of The Bloodline. All four wrestlers hit the ring, but tag teams Street Profits & #DIY suddenly appeared behind Rhodes to give him a numbers advantage.

Before any brawling could begin, Smackdown General Manager Nick Aldis urged everyone in the ring not to fight. The tag teams were instructed to save their brawling for the main event of the night.

Aldis confirmed the match between Rhodes and Sikoa for next week and added the stipulation of a steel cage match to prevent any other Bloodline members from interfering in the match.

Nia Jax tries to help Tiffany Stratton

Backstage, Tiffany Stratton and Pretty Deadly were seen talking. Pretty Deadly got scared as Nia Jax entered the room, causing them to leave immediately. Jax questioned whether Stratton considered using her Money In The Bank briefcase on last week’s episode of Smackdown while she faced Michin. A defensive Stratton denied that she ever considered doing so, then asked if Jax would be in her corner. Jax, with a somewhat questionable tone, said she would be in Stratton’s corner and help her the same way she helped Jax at Bash In Berlin.

In her first in-ring TV appearance since Summerslam, Bayley went one-on-one with Stratton for the opening match of the night. For anyone who didn’t catch last week’s episode, Bayley did a run-in during a Nia Jax and Michin match to even the odds against Stratton.

The duo had a sequence on the ring apron before a commercial break, ending with Stratton scoring a big dropkick to the head of Bayley. They were back in the ring as the match returned, with Stratton still in control. Bayley started to regain momentum, reversing some moves and evading other maneuvers. She got a hold of the match after scoring a suplex outside of the ring, then a series of clotheslines in the ring. She came running off the ropes for a kick, resulting in a two-count.

Bayley went to the top rope to land an elbow drop for another near fall. It was by this point that Jax appeared at ringside. Stratton avoided a Bayley-To-Belly and reversed the move into a slam that earned her a two-count. Bayley hit the Bayley-To-Belly. Bayley then did a Suicide Dive onto Jax, who as at ringside. Jax started complaining to the referee while Stratton tried for a roll-up pin, causing the count to be significantly delayed. Bayley kicked out of the pin, then hit the Roseplant for the win. Jax seemingly tried to help Stratton, but only hurt her.

This was Bayley’s first win on TV since mid-July. “It’s about time something went Bayley’s way,” Michael Cole said.

Backstage, Austin Theory and Grayson Waller bugged Kevin Owens, who was looking at a Wayne Gretzky display “What you readin’ about there, a bunch of losers?” Waller, who has never been much of a hockey guy, asked. He subtly plugged the NHL-themed WWE belts that are on sale. Owens once again tried to stir up tension between Waller and Theory, trying to book a triple-threat match between the tag duo and him. This match ended up happening just a little later in the episode.

A video package aired of a Legado Del Fantasma meeting. Angel and Berto were laughing about their last win, but Santos Escobar didn’t find it so funny, as success shouldn’t be a surprise to them. “Success, we don’t just find it. We make it.” Escobar said. 

Giovanni Vinci brutally loses in return

Giovanni Vinci made his official return in the next match, meeting Apollo Crews in a singles bout. This was his first match since April, and his first appearance since Ludwig Kaiser dramatically kicked him from Imperium.

Vinci ignored the referee as he tried to start the match, as he was too busy showing off to the crowd. The referee started the match anyway, allowing Crews to catch Vinci off guard with a roll-up pinfall. Vinci’s return lasted just five seconds. This was Crews’ first broadcast TV win since late 2023, when he beat Brooks Jensen on WWE Main Event. His previous win on a main WWE TV program dated back to January 2023, when he beat Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams alongside Axiom on NXT TV.

Backstage, Chelsea Green and Piper Niven were talking with Nick Aldis in his office. Michin came into the office and started to argue with Green, who made fun of her for losing a street fight last week. Aldis liked the idea of the two facing off in a singles match and booked the bout for later tonight.

Kevin Owens overcomes the odds in a triple threat match

The previously mentioned triple threat match between Kevin Owens, Grayson Waller, and Austin Theory was up next. Showing that they are a team despite technically being in a match against each other, Waller and Theory entered together. Waller was wearing a Florida Panthers shirt, trying to get cheap heat in front of the Edmonton Oilers-supporting crowd.

Owens immediately took Waller and Theory out of the ring, then did a cannonball onto both from the apron. Owens was in a two-versus-one situation, causing him to be at a significant disadvantage. Waller set up a table and tried for a move but instead was the one who got powerbombed through the table before a commercial break.

Waller remained on the ground after the table bump as the show returned from a break. In the ring, it was a one-on-one between Owens and Theory for the time being. The broadcast showed that NHL player Corey Perry helped hold Theory back for a spot at ringside with Owens during the commercial break.

Owens hit a series of moves on Theory, including a cannonball in the corner. He connected with a Swanton Bomb but had his pin attempt broken up by Waller. Theory scored a Blockbuster onto Owens, but pulled Waller off as he tried for a pin attempt. Theory wanted to get the pin for the move he hit. The two argued briefly but then went back to beating up Owens.

Waller and Theory tried for a superplex but Owens was able to reverse. He took both off the ropes by clashing their heads together. Theory went back up to the top but was put in a rolling senton off the ropes. Waller broke up the pin and went to the top but had his move reversed into a super fisherman buster from Owens. Another pin attempt from Owens was stopped by Theory.

Owens tried for a stunner but had the move stopped by Theory, who threw him into Waller on the ring apron. Owens ended up later connecting with another stunner onto Theory, giving him the pinfall win in just under 10 minutes. The tag team wasn’t going to let Owens get the last laugh, beating him up after the match. Despite some hiccups during the match, Waller and Theory shook hands afterward and made up.

A recap of the feud thus far between Carmelo Hayes and Andrade played next.

Carmelo Hayes, Andrade eye U.S. title match

WWE United States Champion LA Knight took to the ring for the next segment. As Knight was bragging about his title reign, he was interrupted by Carmelo Hayes.

Hayes pointed out that Knight has only defended his title twice. He then bragged about beating Andrade twice in a row, then said he is next in line for a title shot. Expectedly, Andrade came out shortly after.

Andrade made a valid point, mentioning that he and Hayes are actually tied at two matches each in their rivalry. Knight mentioned that Andrade and Hayes should fight over who gets him next. it wasn’t long after that moment that the interaction devolved into a brawl between the three, with Knight taking out both.

Backstage, Grayson Waller and Austin Theory asked Nick Aldis for a tag match against Kevin Owens and a partner of his choice next week.

Chelsea Green gets past Michin, with some assistance

The match between Chelsea Green and Michin, which was booked earlier in the program, was up next in the co-main event spot. Michin was selling an injury to her torso, which the commentary said came from her street fight last week against Nia Jax.

Michin hit a double knees and then was about to hit another move, but was distracted by Piper Niven at ringside. Green tried for a roll-up but only got two. Michin avoided an Unpretty-Her and tossed Green out of the ring. Michin landed a suicide dive, then threw Green back into the ring. Before Michin joined Green in the ring, she had a staredown with Niven.

Michin was caught with a kick to the head from Green once she got to the ring apron, sending her back to the ground. As the referee was watching Green, Niven hit a running senton onto Michin. Niven threw Michin into the ring, where Green scored with the Unpretty-Her for the win.

This week’s Progressive Match Flo included a recap of Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair regaining the women’s tag titles against Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn.

Before the main event, two matches were confirmed for next week: Kevin Owens and a mystery partner versus A-Town Down Under, plus the fifth meeting between Carmelo Hayes and Andrade.

The Bloodline wipe out Smackdown’s babyface teams

This week’s episode of Smackdown wrapped up with a match that saw The Bloodline’s Tama Tonga, Tonga Loa, Solo Sikoa and Jacob Fatu face the teams of #DIY and The Street Profits. This match had a quick start, beginning right as #DIY hit the ring.

Sikoa sent Ciampa flying over the commentary desk as the match went to a commercial break with The Bloodline in full control. The tag bout was described as a “massacre” as the show returned from commercials. Ciampa was still being isolated by The Bloodline, building up an eventual hot tag.

Ciama scored a tag but touched the hands of both Dawkins and Gargano in the ring. The referee struggled to determine who the legal man was, and instead sort of let the babyface team do what they wanted.

Dawkins got a near fall on Sikoa after his teammates took out the rest of The Bloodline. Ciampa got tagged back in and tried for a running knee, but was instead reversed into a Spinning Solo. Solo was dragged to the outside, where a brawl featuring numerous wrestlers took place. Ciampa superplexed Tonga off the top and onto everyone standing at ringside, a move that received a huge reaction from the live crowd.

Ciampa tagged in Ford, who landed a 450 Splash. Fatu scored a senton to break up a pin attempt that followed. Fatu dragged Tonga into their corner and tagged himself in. He took out the babyface team one by one, hitting a Samoan Drop and superkick along the way. Ford got hit with a brutal DDT, and then Sikoa got tagged back in. Sikoa, who wanted to send a message before his match against Cody Rhodes next week, landed a pair of Samoan Spikes to win the match.

About Jack Wannan 363 Articles
Jack Wannan is a journalist from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He writes and reports on professional wrestling, along with other topics like MMA, boxing, music, local news, and more. He graduated from Toronto Metropolitan University in 2023 with a bachelor's degree in journalism. He can be reached at [email protected]