AEW Dynamite Results: Jon Moxley, Ricochet vs. Sammy Guevara, Tag Team Casino Gauntlet

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

September 11, 2024

By: John Siino

Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone


  • AEW TNT Championship: Jack Perry (c) over Lio Rush via pinfall (8:39)
  • Ricochet over Sammy Guevara via pinfall (10:54)
  • AEW Women’s World Title Eliminator Match: Mariah May (c) over Queen Aminata via pinfall (8:24)
  • The Learning Tree over Iron Savages by pinfall (2:31)
  • Kyle Fletcher & Will Ospreay win the Tag Team Casino Gauntlet (22:16) (Recommended)

Today I Choose War

The show starts with words from Jon Moxley after what he did to Bryan Danielson at All Out where Moxley said that over two years ago they made a commitment to build something real and tangible, long after they were gone. Moxley says he looks around and all he sees is egos out of control and he can’t take it anymore. He says their ‘mentor’ called Danielson his favorite, but he saw himself in Moxley and once told them they are who they are and can’t pretend to be someone else. He’s not a villain or a hero, but the one true king of these lands. They tried Danielson’s way, but diplomacy failed and today he chooses war.

We then see Darby Allin skateboarding into the arena as commentary says he is looking for Moxley.

Infinite Aura

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and introduces Christian Cage & The Patriarchy. Cage says that Nick Wayne told him that the ‘word on the street’ is that Christian Cage has ‘infinite aura’ and most people would say that’s true, and now that he has this contract it’s undeniable. Cage says something very interesting happened in the Gauntlet Match at All In when he looked into Killswitch’s eyes and saw that the lightbulb had finally gone off and in that moment he realized that he is a monster, a wrecking machine & a killer and he belongs to Cage. Schiavone brings up how he almost cashed in at All Out, as the crowd starts chanting for Luchasaurus. Cage said he decided it wasn’t the right time or place, but tells Bryan Danielson that his days are numbered, and being nearly suffocated is nothing compared to what he will do to him to get the AEW World Champion and he will wish that Brie Bella was the one with CTE instead. Cage continues that he is the reigning, defending, undisputed ‘next’ AEW World Champion.

We then see Kip Sabian in the front row watching on before he walks off.

The Favor

Renee Paquette is in the back with Will Ospreay & The Don Callis Family as Don Callis says he has a great idea. Callis says since Ospreay has won every Casino Gauntlet he has been in, he should tag with Kyle Fletcher to be in it. Ospreay appreciates it but says he has a lot going on and has to focus on Ricochet. Callis says that Ospreay does owe him a favor before Fletcher says he is so tired of coming so close but never quite getting it done and there is nobody who knows him better than Ospreay. Ospreay admits he can’t say no to him, as Konosuke Takeshita looks pissed off and gives Ospreay a death stare.

AEW TNT Championship: Jack Perry (c) vs. Lio Rush (w/ Action Andretti)

We see Jack Perry entering the arena with his Scapegoat bus and he goes and attacks Lio Rush before the bell rings as the crowd goes right into the ‘Cry Me a River’ chant’. Rush sends Perry to the outside but stops short from diving into him as Perry goes and shoves Action Andretti on the outside. Excalibur brings up how Aubrey Edwards got called into The Young Bucks’s locker room earlier this evening. Rush & Perry continue to fight on the outside as Perry drops Rush face-first onto the apron as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Andretti keeps getting involved as Aubrey ejects him to the back as commentary wonders if the Bucks have anything to do with that. Rush sends Perry to the outside and hits him with a pair of tope suicidas. Rush sends Perry back inside and tries to dive off the top rope, but Perry dodges it just to get hit with a standing Spanish Fly for two. Perry catches Rush and sends him right into the middle turnbuckle with the Snake Eyes. Perry hits a pair of snap Dragon Suplexes, but Rush is able to escape out of a third attempt and hits a Poison Rana. Rush tries to springboard off the ropes but gets hit with a knee strike followed by another running knee for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jack Perry by pinfall at 8:39, to retain

Alex Marvez is in the back and tries to get a word with Perry about what happened at All Out. Perry says people like him get crucified in this life to be worshipped in the next before he gets back on his bus and drives off.

The Hangman In The Mirror

We then go to Renee Paquette who is with ‘Hangman’ Adam Page and talks about all the things he did to Swerve Strickland and asks where his head is now. Page says if he found 1,000 houses that Swerve called home he would burn 1,000 houses down and he meant every word he said to Swerve. For the people who were there in person to witness it, he made no mistake and he meant it and now he speaks to ‘all of you’, if they get in his way and stand between him and Swerve and try to protect him he will find them and hurt them. We then see Page walk off and stare down Top Flight before moving on to The Dark Order. Evil Uno says he doesn’t even know who Page is, before Jeff Jarrett gets in Page’s face and says his family has seen a lot of guys take the dark path Page has and it all ends up in the same exact place, full of remorse and regret and tells Page he’s going to regret the day he laid hands on his wife, and will find out that the toughest, most ruthless son of bitch he will face in his life is the man in the mirror. Page attacks Jarrett right away and says he didn’t ask him before members of the roster get in between and separate them.

This Company Is Broken

Private Party & Komander come out to face enhancement talent in trios action, but before the match can start they get attacked by Jon Moxley, PAC, Claudio Castagnoli & Marina Shafir. PAC gets on the mic and says enough is enough and this company is broken and what happened at All Out was inevitable, and as for him he has been very lost for very long, but not anymore as now he has something to believe in and a purpose. PAC says this company is ours and tosses the mic down. Moxley looks around as commentary states he might be looking for Darby Allin.

Suffer The Consequences

We see Chris Jericho & The Learning Tree driving in ‘with a HI GUY5’ license plate, as Jericho says it’s a wonderful day as he has the jacket Orange Cassidy ruined. He has Orange’s backpack as collateral and even though the $7,000 wasn’t in it, he found something else just as interesting that he will reveal later on.

Ricochet vs. Sammy Guevara

They start the match mirroring each other with their moves before both coming up short on a thrust kick. Ricochet hits a drop kick, sending Guevara to the outside where he hits him with a twisting dive, landing on his feet. They start working their way up the ramp, as Guevara sends Ricochet into the entrance tunnel before knocking him out with a kick. Guevara mounts the top of the tunnel and hits a moonsault, as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we return, they are back in the ring as Guevara is able to dodge Ricochet and send him to the outside where he hits him with a sliding dropkick. Guevara’s turn now hits a running dive to the outside to Ricochet, as they go back to fighting on the ramp before Ricochet runs and jumps off the barricade onto Guevara. Back in the ring, Ricochet hits a running shooting star press for a two-count. Ricochet starts hitting some Danielson-style kicks before Guevara rolls him up for a two. Ricochet puts Guevara on his shoulders, but he reserves it into a Destroyer, goes to the top rope, and hits a cutter for another two. Guevara stays in control until Ricochet escapes a GTH attempt and hits an axe kick followed by the Vertigo to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Ricochet by pinfall at 10:54

As soon as the match is over, The Beast Mortos appears and takes out Ricochet with a spear. Guevara runs in with a spear and chases Mortos away.

Not My Title… Bitch

Renee is in the back and asks Kazuchika Okada what is next after retaining the title at All Out. Okada starts pretending to cry before saying it was so easy. Don Callis & Konosuke Takeshita walk in Callis says that he didn’t pin Takeshita. Okada says that Takeshita will be a champion, but not Continental Champion, and calls Callis a bitch, as Takeshita gets in his face.

Grand Slam’s Change Of Plans

Darby Allin makes his way down to the ring and says that somebody has been looking for him and he is right here. Jon Moxley’s music hits as he and Marina Shafir make their way through the crowd. Moxley shows that he doesn’t have any weapons on him and puts his hands up before entering the ring. Marina gets in Darby’s face, before Moxley pulls her away and says he doesn’t know what Darby heard but nothing has changed between the two. Darby cuts him off and says they act like superstars, and they came from nothing hoping they don’t go back to that before he talks about his struggles to get here. He doesn’t take this for granted and how AEW gave him everything before he tells Moxley a story he never told anyone else. Darby says in his first year of wrestling he was looking for a hero, and all those people disappointed him before he found Moxley, as he didn’t change for anybody and he knew he wanted to be just like him. Darby talks about how they first met in a high school gym in the independents, and how nervous he was that day in wrestling his hero Jon Moxley, Even though he lost that match, he gained the confidence that he could be in the ring with someone like Moxley.

Darby says he couldn’t do what he did to Danielson, and asks him why he called him out. Moxley cuts to the chase and says that Darby was supposed to have a match at Grand Slam, but it won’t happen now because he’s indisposed. He says that Darby isn’t ready to be a world champion and he doesn’t have time to explain and tells Darby to hand over that title shot to him. Darby calls Moxley stupid and asks him if he’s been drinking again, and says Moxlye didn’t earn it and if he wants it so bad, to do something about it. Moxley says he will earn it and makes a match between them two at Grand Slam and says Darby will never be the world champion. Moxley says that the title shot will be his and this time he will teach him that lesson the hard way. Darby accepts for Grand Slam and if Moxley wants to burn AEW to the ground do not be surprised when he pulls him into the fire.

Alex Marvez is in the back with Christopher Daniels and asks about what just happened, but Nigel McGuinness interrupts and says he needs to go talk to Tony Khan right now, no matter how busy he is as he will want to hear this.

AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator Match: Mariah May (c) vs. Queen Aminata

They start the match by dodging each other and going for pins, before Queen Aminata stops Mariah May with a running PK, but misses the hip attack on the ropes. May starts twisting up Aminata on the ropes before hitting her with a dropkick. May continues to attack Aminata on the apron, before bringing her with her to the outside as we go to picture-in-picture.

After the break, May is in control, putting Aminata on the top rope where she chops away at her but Aminata is able to push her off and roll her up for two. Aminata hits a snap suplex and a big release German Suplex, sending May against the ropes where she is able to hit her with a running kick, getting a two count. May comes back with a DDT off the ropes but Aminata comes right back with a scoop slam, heads to the top rope, but misses a stomp. May comes right back with a dropkick and a running knee, followed by Storm Zero to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Mariah May by pinfall at 8:24

May gets on the mic and says she still hasn’t had her championship celebration and says that something and someone is missing, before telling Mina Shirakawa to please come back.

Best Tag Team Division

We go to The Young Bucks in the back who said when they started this company they wanted to have the best tag team division in wrestling, but said they really meant themselves and they are still here doing all the heavy lifting. They hear the complaints about having new champions but say they should be mad at all the teams who can’t defeat them and this is the reason why they booked this tag team Casino Gauntlet and ask if there is anyone who can get a title shot against them at Grand Slam and tells them they will need good luck as they will be out there watching live.

The Learning Tree (Chris Jericho, Big Bill & Bryan Keith) vs. Iron Savages (Boulder, Bronson & Jacked Jameson)

Chris Jericho (in his ruined orange jacket) starts the match with Boulder, by smacking him and gets punched down. Jericho quickly tags out to Big Bill, as Boulder whips Bill into the corner but misses the splash causing Bill to hit a splash of his own followed by a big boot. Byan Keith & Jacked Jameson tag in, as Keith catches Jameson off the corner with the Diamond Dust, before tagging in Jericho who puts his foot on Jameson’s chest to get the easy win.

Winners: The Learning Tree (Chris Jericho, Big Bill & Bryan Keith) by pinfall at 2:31

Jericho gets on the mic and continues talking about Cassidy ruining this jacket over 4 years ago and thinks that Cassidy isn’t going to give him the $7,000 so he’ll keep taking things from him. He reveals what he found in the backpack is a picture of Cassidy with Kris Statlander & the Best Friends. He says that Orange is still obsessed with friendship and says there are no friends in pro wrestling, and if he thinks he has a friend he’s probably being used as Bill gives Jericho an interesting look. Jericho tells Cassidy that he wants his cash and Cassidy is going to give him that cash. We cut to Cassidy on the screen who says he does have Jericho’s cash as we see Kyle O’Reilly and Mark Briscoe dumping a whole bunch of change into Jericho’s new car with an excavator. (Called it)

Nigel Challenges Danielson

We go to Nigel McGuinness who’s in the ring and talks about there not being an AEW World Championship match at Grand Slam but it’s probably for the best as Bryan Danielson is probably somewhere choking as Justin Roberts did with a tie. Nigel continues that they should have a world champion competing on the show and shows a contract, saying he’s had to watch Danielson’s years over the years that the success should have been his, and that Danielson is afraid of him. Nigel says that Tony Khan knows a money match when he sees one and says at Grand Slam it’ll be Bryan Danielson against Nigel McGuinness and he guarantees that at Arthur Ashe Stadium, Oasis will play him to the ring and asks if Bryan Danielson will join him to The Final Countdown or if we’ve seen the final match of the ‘American coward’.

Hook Challenges Strong

We go to Hook who says he respects Roderick Strong, but his respect was disturbed when he and his buddies jumped him and he went and whined about his foot being under the rope, and this is not the Strong he knows and respects. He challenges Strong to any time and place that he wants and he wants to see Strong try and take the FTW Championship from him.

Tag Team Casino Gauntlet Match

The Young Bucks come out and take seats on the ramp as FTR comes out as the first team, followed by Will Ospreay & Kyle Fletcher to see which team will face the Bucks at Grand Slam. Fletcher & Dax Harwood take it to the outside right away, as Ospreay sends Cash Wheeler down with a hurricanrana. FTR starts double-teaming on Ospreay, but Fletcher is there to stop the pin attempt from a Liger Bomb. Dax stops Ospreay on the top rope where he hits the superplex followed by the splash by Wheeler, as Ospreay kicks out. The Righteous come out as the third team and go after FTR. They take it to Ospreay next and go for multiple pin attempts, but aren’t able to secure the win. Fletches comes back with a cutter on Dutch but gets a two as the fourth team is revealed to be Matt Taven & Mike Bennett of The Undisputed Kingdom. They go after Ospreay as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, The Acclaimed come out as the fifth team. They all start fighting on the outside, as we see Stokely Hathaway in the front row watching on. Back in the ring, Max Caster hits a top rope crossbody on Matt Taven, before hitting Dutch with a Death Valley Driver, but Wheeler breaks it up. The Acclaimed both hit Fameassers on Harwood, as MxM Collection comes out as the next team and gets right in The Acclaimed face, as Taven & Bennett attack both teams. MxM stays in control but worries more about posing than winning the match. All the teams in the ring hit an ugly-looking multi-man suplex as we go back to picture-in-picture.

We return to see all the teams fighting on the outside as Top Flight comes out as the next team. They all battle until it’s just Ospreay and Dante Martin having a face-off before going at it. They run the ropes and test each other out until Dante sends Ospreay to the outside. FTR runs in and hits the Shatter Machine on Bowens but every other team breaks it up as The Outrunners come out as the next team to a big reaction and take everybody out. Grizzled Young Veterans come out as the next team, but FTR stops them at the top of the ramp as they brawl to the back, with GYV not even being able to enter the match. Turbo Floyd & Mansoor end up on the top rope, where Floyd suplexes Mansoor onto everybody else on the outside. Outrunners got for the pin, but Vincent is there to break it up. Everybody starts taking turns hitting offense in the ring with Dante coming close on the pin off of Fletcher. Dante tries a splash to Fletcher, but he gets his knees up, followed by the Hidden Blade from Ospreay, as Fletcher rolls up Dante to get the pin.

Winners: Kyle Fletcher & Will Ospreay by pinfall at 22:16

Grand Slam Line-Up

  • Jon Moxley vs. Darby Allin (with Darby’s AEW World Title shot on the line)
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks (c) vs. Kyle Fletcher & Will Ospreay

Next Week’s Dynamite

  • Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy


Not a bad show at all, but also not great. The crowd definitely brought a lot of the energy down for most of the matches and talking segments, and even seemed confused about a lot of the Moxley stuff throughout the show as they didn’t seem to know how to react to it. Was a bit weird too to see Danielson get taken out of the match, just to later be put into a different match. Even though I called that Orange Cassidy segment to happen with the change, I wish it was executed a bit better. The crowd did seem to wake up a bit for the main event (especially The Outrunners) but it seemed they might have been waiting for a surprise or two (i.e.; Motor City Machine Guns). A thumbs in the middle sort of show, with all the focus being toward Grand Slam as they try to bulk up that crowd to help ticket sales.

About John Siino 395 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.