Kurt Angle thinks idea of him managing WWE’s American Made is ‘great,’ says he’d be able to take some bumps

Photo Courtesy: WWE

American Made and potentially coaching at NXT became topics of conversation.

Joining K & S WrestleFest for a virtual signing was WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle. He heaped praise onto Chad Gable and then brought up the American Made stable that Gable is leading which includes Ivy Nile, Julius Creed and Brutus Creed.

Angle thinks the idea of him managing the group is ‘great.’ He added that he’d be able to take some bumps, but could not wrestle a match.

If the money was right (I would come back to manage a faction)… The spot (matters too), yeah, definitely. I think Chad (Gable) and his gang that he has right now, that would be a great idea.

I wouldn’t mind doing a spot here and there. But, if you’re gonna ask me to do a wrestling match, it’s just not gonna happen. Yeah, I could take some bumps. 

When asked if he’d be interested in becoming a coach in NXT, he shot it down simply because he does not want to be away from his family for long periods of time. 

Angle revealed that he’s currently serving as Chairman of USA Wrestling to help raise funds for athletes while they’re preparing for the Olympics.

Um, no (I wouldn’t consider becoming a trainer for NXT). You know what? I love my life right now. Being retired, spending time with my family. I missed a lot of that when I was in the business and I like where I am in my life right now. I’m working with USA Wrestling right now as the Chairman to raise funds for the wrestlers so they don’t have to work while they’re training for the Olympics… Look at athletes in Russia and China. They’re Olympic athletes. The government pays them to be athletes. They pay them to train and compete. Here in the United States, we don’t have that luxury. So we need to fundraise for our athletes, or they have to get jobs and they have to work their training schedule around their job and if you’re doing that, you’re not gonna be at your full ability. There’s just no way. So, we’re raising funds for the athletes so that we can fund them, so they can worry — just strictly focus on training and competition.

In early 2024, Angle stated that he’s still under contract to WWE. He last appeared on-screen for the company in January 2023 at Raw XXX.

If the quotes in this article are used, please credit K & S WrestleFest with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.

About Andrew Thompson 9218 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.