The MCU L8R universe is right again, as Rich Fann and WH Park are back to talk about Agatha All Along, Marvel’s sequel to WandaVision.
Set three years after the conclusion to WandaVision, the first two episodes give the viewer a lot to chew on: Who is in the coven, what are their ties to Agatha, and why can’t Teen talk to her about his past? Does Mrs. Hart have “heart”? Can Agatha go from antagonist to protagonist without issue? Find out with us!
MCNews: David Harbour has thoughts on the asterisk in The Thunderbolts*.
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MCU L8R Recommendations:
- Scarlet Witch Complete Collection (2015-2017) https://a.co/d/g8QAoOY
- Dr Strange Epic Collection https://a.co/d/72GZRGm
- Batman ‘66 Omnibus https://a.co/d/92hHtFJ
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MCU L8R is POST Wrestling’s Marvel Studios review podcast. Listen to previous episodes: https://www.postwrestling.com/category/podcasts/postwrestlingcafe/movies/
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