Vince McMahon issues statement on Netflix series, Janel Grant’s lawyer responds

Photo Courtesy: Netflix

Vince McMahon issued a statement indicating his disappointment on the forthcoming Netflix series on his life.

McMahon issued a four-paragraph statement and stated that while he didn’t regret participating in the six-part Netflix series, he accuses the documentary filmmakers of “conflating the Mr. McMahon character with my true self”.

UPDATE: After Vince McMahon released his statement, attorney Ann Callis issued the following response:

Vince McMahon physically and emotionally abused, sexually assaulted and human trafficked Janel Grant for more than two years. Calling his horrific and criminal behavior “an affair” is delusional and nothing more than a sad attempt to save his shredded reputation. Although Ms. Grant has not seen the “Mr. McMahon” docuseries, we hope it shines a bright light on his abhorrent and criminal actions by accurately portraying the realities of his abusive and exploitative behavior.

“Ms. Grant will no longer be silenced by McMahon. Her story, though deeply troubling and exceptionally painful, is one that can help other abuse survivors find their voices. We seek to hold McMahon, John Laurinaitis and WWE accountable and to give Ms. Grant her day in court.

McMahon participated in the documentary with a series of interviews that preceded his resignation from WWE.

In July 2022, McMahon stepped down from his role as chairman of WWE but returned months later due to his “super shares” that allowed him to reinsert himself and overrule its board of directors.

After the merger between WWE and UFC, McMahon no longer possessed the same voting shares and resigned a second time in January 2024 after a lawsuit was filed by Janel Grant alleging sexual misconduct and being trafficked.

John Laurinaitis and WWE are also named as defendants in the Grant lawsuit.

Grant did not participate in the Netflix series, although there was outreach. Last week, Grant’s attorney Ann Callis stated that Grant has a story to tell and will share it on her time.


About John Pollock 5778 Articles
Born on a Friday, John Pollock is a reporter, editor & podcaster at POST Wrestling. He runs and owns POST Wrestling alongside Wai Ting.