AEW Title Tuesday Results: Danielson & Yuta vs. Castagnoli & PAC

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite – “Title Tuesday”

October 8, 2024

By: John Siino

Spokane Arena in Spokane, Washington

Commentary: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone & Jeff Jarrett


  • Hologram over Komander via pinfall (11:59) (Recommended)
  • AEW Women’s World Title #1 Contenders Four Way: Willow Nightingale over Jamie Hayter, Nyla Rose & Saraya via pinfall (11:24)
  • Jay White over Cody Chhun via pinfall (2:49)
  • AEW TBS Title / NJPW STRONG Women’s Title: Mercedes Mone’ (c) over Emi Sakura via submission (10:10) (Recommended)
  • Bryan Danielson & Wheeler Yuta over Claudio Castagnoli & PAC via submission (15:20) (Recommended)

It’s Got To Be This Way

The show starts with a backstage promo with Jon Moxley talking about Bryan Danielson and how it has to be him to give AEW a wake-up call. He says nothing lasts forever and you don’t get to pick the day, with all these people playing with their toys on Saturday night they will see the truth. When Danielson comes back to life it’s a beautiful thing, but if you back it into a corner and provoke it, it becomes something truly terrifying. Danielson has never been truly comfortable with that part of himself and now as his world closes in around him, he will embrace his dark side and Moxley will be ready, as he has to be and doesn’t have a choice. There are not enough people in the state of Washington to stop him on Saturday night. No weapon should be formed against them and they will run into the mouth of war. Run while you have a chance and he can only hope that one day Danielson will understand, that it’s got to be this way. He says he doesn’t have time to worry about that now as the stakes are too high.

We then go to Danielson from earlier in the day who talks about Claudio Castagnoli telling Sports Illustrated this will be his last day of wrestling. He says he’s been supporting Claudio for 20 years in every company they worked together in, but tonight there is no support, just him kicking Claudio’s head in.

Take It For Granite

Darby Allin heads to the ring and calls out Brody King, as Jeff Jarrett takes Taz’s spot on commentary for the night. Darby brings up how he and Brody used to stay in crackhead hotels and say one day it’ll be worth it, and he remembers Brody being nervous with his first kid on the way. Years later, he was hired by AEW and Brody called him every single week, but Brody was signed to ROH at that time. When ROH shut down, he told Tony Khan to hire Brody and got him a job. They both don’t take anything for granted, and because of AEW they had their dads retire and Brody bought his family a house. The problem is, Brody wants what Darby has being the face of this company. He wasn’t supposed to make it, but because of AEW, he did. Brody cuts him off and says Darby is right, but the difference is he doesn’t take it for granted, and what happens when Darby climbs Mt. Everest and doesn’t come back, will his dad have to get a job again? He can lie to all these people but at the end of the day, he needs someone to save him from himself. Darby says why wait for Saturday and gets in the corner telling Brody to put him out of his misery. Brody tells him to get his ass up, as they go face-to-face before Darby slaps him, just to get knocked back down. Darby pulls out a rock and takes out Brody with it before security gets in between as Brody is seen busted open from the rock.

Lance Archer To The Don Callis Family

Renee Paquette is in the back with Lance Archer & Jake Roberts and brings up Don Callis trying to acquire Archer last week. Callis walks in and says it’s a very exciting day for the Don Callis Family, as he and Roberts have exchanged the first-ever talent exchange from AEW history, and now Archer is with the Don Callis Family. Roberts shakes his hand and says absolutely. Renee asks what this means for the Don Callis Family, as Callis says he has big plans for him. Roberts shakes Archer’s hand as Renee asks who he got, as Roberts says he likes surprises as well.

We see Daniel Garcia heading into the arena.

Hologram vs. Komander

This is the Dynamite debut for Hologram and no Alex Abrahantes ringside (Somebody is listening). Hologram and Komander start the match fast with sunset and monkey flips before having a stand-off. Hologram sends Komander to the outside and meets him with the headbutt dive. Back inside, Hologram pops up Komander before hitting a kick for a two-count. Hologram comes back with a snap suplex for another two, as we head to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Komander is on Hologram’s shoulders but gets off as they trade off kicks before speeding off the ropes. They fight in the corner, where Komander bounces off into a hurricanrana. They both get knocked out by a Spanish Fly off the top rope, as the crowd is behind both men here. Hologram heads to the top rope and tries a 450 splash, but Komander gets his knees up. Komander tries the rope walk splash, but Hologram joins him on the ropes and tries a hurricanrana as they both come crashing down with Komander holding on for a powerbomb. They trade back-and-forth blows before throwing in some kicks. Komander catches Hologram off the ropes and hits a poison rana before Hologram comes right back with one of his own. Back into the corner, Hologram catches Komander off the ropes right into the airplane spin power bomb to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Hologram by pinfall at 11:59

Jake Roberts comes out to the stage as LFI comes out and beats down on Hologram, as it looks like this was the other side of the trade with Don Callis.

I’m Going To Hurt You

Lexy Nair is in the back with Mark Briscoe, who is in a serious mood saying that Chris Jericho messed up and he didn’t have to take it there. He says this isn’t a place he wants Briscoe to be at and at WrestleDream it’s not even about the ROH World Championship as he’s going to hurt Jericho.

Daniel Garcia Is Here To Stay

Daniel Garcia heads to the ring to tell us what he refused to tell Renee earlier. Garcia talks about when he was at home he was thinking about what’s best for him, and it’s not always the easiest or popular answer. He says he never wanted to be a guy who just disappears with no explanation, so he thought it was really important he come out here and look everyone in the eye to tell them what he’s going to do. He came to the conclusion that Garcia can do whatever he wants as he’s one of the best professional wrestlers in the world. Because he is one of the best professionals in the world, it’s only right that he stays ‘Where the Best Wrestle’ is. This is not the same Garcia who got little bro’d or cries and complains whenever he loses a match. This is the Garcia that represents everything in the back and that starts changing everything in AEW, calls out every champion, and that the feeling is restored.

Swerve Returns At WrestleDream

We see a video for Swerve Strickland along with highlights of MVP coming in. Swerve is seen working out in the gym with EJ Nduka. Nduka tells Swerve that he knows what time it is as it’s announced that Swerve is returning at WrestleDream. We then cut to MVP & Shelton Benjamin watching from the back.

Renee introduces Mercedes Mone’ and does her catchphrase, which disgusts Mone’. Mone’ talks about Emi Sakura having harsh words for her on Twitter/X, just like Kris Statlander did. Mercedes talks about Emi wrestling more than Mercedes has been alive, and it’s not the first time she’s dethroned a queen, and it won’t be the last.

Daniel Garcia is seen being congratulated by members of the AEW roster in the back before Katusyori Shibata stops him and tells him that he’ll be TNT Champion after WrestleDream.

AEW Women’s World Championship #1 Contenders Four Way Match: Willow Nightingale vs. Saraya (w/ Harley Cameron) vs. Nyla Rosa vs. Jamie Hayter

Mariah May joins commentary to see who will face her this Saturday, as Excalibur explains that Dr. Britt Baker DMD wasn’t medically cleared to travel, changing this match with Willow Nightingale into a four-way. As soon as the bell rings, Saraya heads to the outside to regroup with Harley Cameron. Nyla Rose goes after Jamie Hayter and suplexes her onto the top rope, but Willow gets involved and tries to powerbomb her, but gets hit with a hurricanrana from Rose instead. Willow & Hayter go at it, as Mariah keeps calling her ‘Daphne’ from Scooby-Doo. Saraya & Harley join the ring and start beating down on them since there is no disqualification. They all start brawling on the outside, as Mariah asks if Tony Schiavone needs a BlueChew before Rose takes them all out with a dive to the outside.

When we come back, Hayter is giving Willow a backbreaker, before Saraya & Rose join in as all four women are now laid out. May hopes they all lose so she can have her celebration as she’s still waiting for Mina Shirakawa and keeps asking Jeff Jarrett where Karen Jarret is. Hayter hits a double suplex on both Rose & Willow, but Saraya tries to take her out with a chair just for Hayter to take it away and take out Saraya with it. Hayter continues with the chair shots to Saraya, sending her to the outside as a table is set up against the ring. Harley attacks Hayter from behind but gets taken out as Penelope Ford runs out with a chair and attacks Hayter, who ends up chasing her out. Rose & Saraya go at it, but Rose gets knocked off the top rope by Cameron and goes crashing to the outside. Willow and Saraya go at it next as Harley enters again and helps to set up the table in the corner. Willow takes out Harley with the Babe with the Power Bomb, before putting Saraya through the table with a Death Valley Driver. Willow covers both Harley & Saraya and gets the pin and the win.

Winner: Willow Nightingale by pinfall at 11:24

May meets Willow at the top of the ramp and takes her out with a headbutt before she starts whipping her with her title belt.

The Big Picture

We go backstage with The Learning Tree as they say the people who need lessons the most want it the least. They run into Rocky Romero, who is ready to fight but they tell him it’s time for learning and want to help him with his self-esteem. They talk about how The Conglomeration doesn’t even have him on the shirt and has him fighting off Mark Sterling. Jericho talks about how Romero is just a lackey to them and they are just trying to teach him a lesson. Big Bill tells him sometimes when you’re in the picture, you can’t see the big picture. Bryan Keith tells Romero to respect Chris Jericho as he’s the future ROH World Champion.

Jay White (w/ Juice Robinson) vs. Cody Chhun

Jay White goes after Cody Chhun in the corner with hard chops before he starts kicking away and hitting shoulder blocks. Chhun escapes and hits a Manhattan Drop and a dropkick, before hitting a DDT for a one count. Chhun says in control with chops in the corner before White takes him out with a big clothesline. White hits a suplex to Chhun in the corner followed by a huge uranage and the Blade Runner to get the pin.

Winner: Jay White by pinfall at 2:49

White gets on the mic after and tells ‘Hangman’ Adam Page that he is one of two men who knocked him off of his path to the AEW World Championship, so he is one of two wrongs that he has to correct, being lucky number one. Last week he made it very clear to him so he asks Hangman what he’s going to do about it and expects him to come out guns blazing because he middled in his business, and now the Hangman is coming for him. That’s perfect because that’s exactly what he wants and he wants Hangman vs. Switch once more and when he puts an end to this new one, he will move on to correcting the wrong number two. He says he’s a future AEW World Champion, and it starts with Hangman this Saturday at WrestleDream.

Sympathizing With Hook

We see Hook who has taken the camera crew on a hunt to find out who attacked his father Taz. Hook says he is done chasing the punk ass who jumped his father and tells him to reveal himself. Kip Sabian bumps into him as Hook corners him before he walks off. The Patriarchy walks in as Christian Cage asks if he’s seen Sabian around. Hook says no, as Christian says they are both family men and have been through it this week. Christian talks about losing Killswitch to a medical situation so he sympathizes with Hook on the loss of his father.

Renee is in the back with Mariah May telling her the match is official at WrestleDream, but Willow Nightingale runs in and pounces May away and says she took out three other women tonight and on Saturday she will make May a former champion as she’ll win the AEW Women’s World Championship at WrestleDream

AEW TBS Championship / NJPW STRONG Women’s Championship: Mercedes Mone’ (c) (w/ Kamille) vs. Emi Sakura

Right away, Mercedes Mone’ takes down Emi Sakura with an arm drag and starts taunting the crowd. Mercedes corners Sakura with chops. They come off the ropes with shoulder blocks before Mercedes catches her and runs off the corner with an arm drag, but Sakura comes right back with a backbreaker. Mercedes takes out Sakura with a Meteora on the outside as we head to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Sakura is able to dodge a dropkick from Mercedes in the corner and meets her on the outside where she puts her onto the barricade and hits her with a splash, taking out Kamille in the process. Sakura places both Mercedes & Sakura against the barricade and takes them out with a double splash. Sakura tosses Mercedes back in the ring and starts mocking her dance, before going back in and hitting a backbreaker, but Mercedes is able to roll out to avoid the pin. As Sakura pulls Mercedes back in, she pulls onto the ring skirt. The referee goes to fix it, as Kamille trips up Sakura and Mercedes goes right into The Statement Maker as Sakura eventually taps out.

Winner: Mercedes Mone’ by submission at 10:10, to retain

They go to attack Sakura more after, but Kris Statlander runs out and chases Mercedes & Kamille out.

Everybody Invited To The Party

Renee is in the back with Private Party as Stokely Hathaway has asked for some time with them. Stokely says they have been knocking it out of the park and says they have all the tools but are missing one thing which is him and offers to manage them for WrestleDream. Marq Quen asks where he’s been for the last 5 years and says they don’t need him. Stokely says he doesn’t think that’s the right move to make, but it’s their career. Isiah Kassidy says for the first time in 5 years, they are on a pay-per-view getting a title shot and this Saturday at WrestleDream they will beat The Young Bucks and take their spot, and after they do that that’s a party everybody is invited to.

“Yes, I Sent Him!”

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and brings out Will Ospreay and talks about what happened last week in his match with Ricochet. Ospreay says last week it was meant to be him looking at his past and beating him, but after the match, they can say they are equal because of one man only in Konosuke Takeshita. Ospreay knows how the Don Callis Family operates and knows Takeshita doesn’t do anything with Callis and calls him out for a chat. Callis comes out and tries to reason with Ospreay and talks about all the great times with Ospreay, as the crowd is raining down boos. Ospreay tells him to stop talking about last year and to talk about last week and straight up asks Callis if he sent out Takeshita to attack him. Callis keeps stalling and says Ospreay doesn’t need to know that, as they are bickering back and forth before Callis screams that yes, he did send him out of frustration because Ospreay wouldn’t listen.

He had to show Ospreay who makes the decisions in the family and he sent Takeshita to show him. Callis says Ospreay dropped the ball and was too mentally weak to win the AEW World Tag Team Championship. Ospreay brings up how he brought him the International Championship and if he didn’t stick to his business, he would have won the World Championship as well, and tells Callis he doesn’t know shit. Callis says maybe like he did before, maybe he has to throw the best wrestler in the world in the garbage one more time, as Excalibur mentions that he’s talking about Kenny Omega. Ospreay says Callis is utter scum and everything people warned him about, and says that he and Callis are done. Callis slaps Ospreay, but as Ospreay goes after him he gets attacked from behind by Takeshita. Kyle Fletcher goes to stop him, but Ospreay doesn’t attack him as Takeshita takes out Ospreay from behind. Callis puts the screwdriver in Fletcher’s hand and tells him to use it on Ospreay, but he doesn’t and leaves the ring instead. Ospreay & Takeshita go at it, but Callis holds Ospreay back as Takeshita takes him out with an elbow strike. Ricochet runs out and takes out Takeshita before he’s able to escape out with Callis.

Angry Andretti

We go to Top Flight in the back as Darius Martin says they are pissed off for losing on Collision. Dante Martin agrees and says they beat the Bucks and they should have a world title shot on Saturday. Action Andretti says they lost and start screaming at them, as Leila Grey says what he did to them last week screwed them. Andretti says they just don’t get it and walks off.

Speaking Violence

When we return, Jack Perry is in the back and talks about Shibata being the embodiment of professional wrestling and talks about having a turkey leg in his trunks. Perry says he wants to have a conversation in the language Shibata really speaks; violence and talks about how he almost killed himself in the center of the ring, being willing to sacrifice so much. There is no question, he deserves to be the TNT Champion, but it’s about what you are willing to take, and the TNT title says that Perry is one of the best and to come and take it from him.

Bryan Danielson & Wheeler Yuta vs. Claudio Castagnoli & PAC

Bryan Danielson & PAC start the match, as Danielson starts a ‘Yes’ chant before taking out Claudio Castagnoli in the corner. Danielson takes out Claudio with a dive on the outside before Wheeler Yuta takes out PAC before they both hit dives to the outside to their opponents. Danielson keeps PAC in their corner, before tagging in Yuta as they tag in and out working on him. Claudio tags in as now he and PAC start working on Danielson next. Danielson comes back with uppercuts before Claudio stops him and starts stomping him out. Danielson is able to escape from PAC and tag out as Yuta hits a Manhattan Drop, Enziguri, and fast chops to PAC in the corner. Yuta hits a German Suplex for two but holds on for the Cattle Mutilation, but Claudio breaks it up by just pulling off Yuta. Yuta smacks him, but Claudio can’t hit him back. Danielson knocks Claudio to the outside and tries diving onto him, but Claudio catches him and hits a Neutralizer as we head to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Danielson is knocked out on the outside still as Yuta tries to tag out to him to see no one there. Yuta keeps fighting off both Claudio & PAC, who hits Claudio with a Tornado DDT from the corner as Danielson is now up in the corner and tags himself in hitting a missile dropkick to Claudio. Danielson hits three running kicks to Claudio in the corner, before he goes into back-and-forth kicks and chops, puts Claudio on the top rope, and tries a hurricanrana, but Claudio stops him and tries a powerbomb, just to get hit with the hurricanrana. Danielson starts hitting his kicks to Claudio’s chest before he starts kicking his head in, but PAC stops him. Danielson stops PAC and then starts kicking his head in, but this time Claudio stops it and goes for the Neutralizer, but it’s stopped before Danielson tries a backslide for two. Danielson goes to hit the Busaiku Knee but sees Jon Moxley & Marina Shafir ringside and stops. Claudio takes out Danielson with an uppercut, followed by a 450 splash from PAC but Danielson kicks out at two. PAC goes to grab the ring hammer, but Yuta is there to take it away from him. Danielson puts the LeBell Lock on PAC as he taps out.

Winners: Bryan Danielson & Wheeler Yuta by submission at 15:20

As soon as the match ends, Danielson goes after Moxley and they start fighting all the way to the back. Ringside, we see Marina attacking Yuta but we cut back and forth to the back as Danielson & Moxley are still fighting. PAC & Marina keep kicking away at Yuta before Claudio stops them. Claudio then has them hold him up as he attacks him in the stomach with the hammer repeatedly. Moxley & Danielson make their way back to the ring before it’s just Danielson & Yuta in the ring. Danielson does his Yes chants as Yuta is dying from pain in the middle of the ring, crying for help.

About John Siino 400 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.