TNA Bound for Glory Results: Nemeth vs. Hendry, Masha Slamovich Wins Knockouts World Title

Photo Courtesy: TNA

TNA Bound For Glory

October 26, 2024

By: John Siino

Wayne State Fieldhouse in Detroit, Michigan

Commentary: Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt


  • Countdown: Ash By Elegance & Heather By Elegance over Brinley Reece & Xia Brookside via pinfall (8:43)
  • Countdown: Frankie Kazarian wins the Call Your Shot Gauntlet via pinfall (26:38)
  • TNA X-Division Title: Mike Bailey (c) over El Hijo del Vikingo via pinfall (14:55) (Recommended)
  • TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Title: Spitfire (c) over Rosemary & Wendy Choo via pinfall (10:32)
  • Josh Alexander over Steve Maclin by referee stoppage (14:31) (Recommended)
  • TNA Digital Media Title / International Heavyweight Title Match: PCO (c) over Matt Cardona via pinfall (13:16)
  • Mike Santana over Moose via pinfall (13:48)
  • TNA Knockouts World Title: Masha Slamovich over Jordynne Grace (c) via pinfall (16:44) (Recommended)

Ash By Elegance & Heather By Elegance (w/ The Personal Concierge) vs. Brinley Reece & Xia Brookside (Countdown to Bound For Glory)

Ash By Elegance is dressed like the devil, while Heather By Elegance is an angel. The new duo of Ash & Heather have never teamed up before, while Xia Brookside & NXT’s Brinley Reece teamed for the first time, yesterday on Xplosion getting a win over Carlee Bright & Kendal Grey of NXT. Reece & Heather start the match, but Brookside quickly tags in and gets slammed on top of Heather for a two. Brookside & Reece continue with the double-teaming, hitting a double suplex on Heather who gets sent near Ash, to tag her in. Reece quickly sends Ash to the outside, who starts yelling at Heather for it being her fault, but Heather grabs Ash to avoid an attack from Reece. The heels take control, with Ash DDT’ing Reece off the apron as Heather hits her with a double stomp to the back. The Personal Concierge gets in Tom Hannifan’s face ringside, which causes Hannifan to yell at him ‘I will end you!’, as the crowd keeps chanting that they want Xia. Brookside gets the hot tag and goes at it with Ash, taking her down with headscissors before hitting double knees to the back of her in the corner, four consecutive times. Reece hits the TKO on Heather, but the Concierge is there to put her foot on the rope, breaking the count. Brookside starts chasing the Concierge around the ring, before choking him out with his jacket. Heather takes advantage of all this distraction and hits the Spanish Fly followed by Rarified Air from Ash to get the pin and the win.

Winners: Ash By Elegance & Heather By Elegance by pinfall at 8:43

Bob Ryder Joins The TNA Hall of Fame

We get a video for 2024 TNA Hall of Fame inductee Bob Ryder with words from James Storm, Chase Stevens, Andy Douglas, Frankie Kazarian, Sonjay Dutt, Abyss, Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles, Eddie Edwards, Kurt Angle and more, and showed highlights of his time in WCW as well.

Eric Young came out to induct him and said that tonight would be special and a man who is directly responsible for it, is Bob Ryder. All of what TNA is and became started as a dream and a discussion amongst friends on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico with Jeff Jarrett, Jerry Jarrett & Bob Ryder. Without Ryder’s attention to detail, TNA wouldn’t be what it is. Young talks about Ryder’s time in ECW, WCW, and then TNA and helped pioneer how the internet sites were used before anyone knew that was a thing. Young talks about Ryder working in the travel department, and he would have answers at any moment to solve any problems. Young says that Ryder that the most important thing about Ryder was being his friend, and calls him a special man who he spent a lot of time with his untimely death hit him and others hard, as they spent countless Thanksgiving together as Ryder didn’t have anyone close to him. Young says Ryder loved football, movies, and television and loved to eat, and the only thing he loved more than those were professional wrestling and, more importantly, TNA Wrestling. Young talks about an ‘idiot backstage claiming he is the King of TNA Wrestling’, in Frankie Kazarian and claimed even he would say Ryder is the true king of TNA. Young ends by calling Ryder a pillar of this company and professional wrestling and starts a ‘Thank you, Bob’ chant.

Rhino Joins The TNA Hall Of Fame

Another highlight video with members of the TNA roster as well as Raven & Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer comes out to induct Rhino, and says in the past when he inducted Team 3D and Raven, he ended up getting attacked and brings up the phrase ‘never the bride, always the bridesmaid’. Dreamer starts with the ‘who’, in Rhino, the ‘what’ being TNA Hall of Fame 2024, the ‘when’ right now in Detroit, Michigan, the ‘how’ in 1999, Rhino bursting into the scene with speed, size and violent, and the first thing he said to Rhino was ‘how does a neck fit on a guy like that’, and talks about Rhino becoming ECW Champion, then moving onto WWE becoming champion there as well. Dreamer lists all the accolades that Rhino did once coming to TNA, and brings out the ‘why’, being Rhino drinking from the fountain of youth by looking and moving the same. Dreamer says if there is ever a person who represents Detroit, it’s Rhino wearing it as a badge of honor and talking about it always being the Detroit Lions year before bringing out Rhino.

Rhino talks about his love for Detroit before making a joke about finding a suit that fits Dreamer and how Dreamer said he looks like a movie usher. Rhino makes a joke about his second favorite color being blonde like his girlfriend and some jokes about marrying her. He starts thanking his family and talks about his daughter, and not being there for her during his career. He talks about Jim Cornette bringing him into wrestling, and not knowing how small the ring was and hitting a headbutt, that he intended to be a splash. He brings up Paul Heyman, Dreamer, The Sandman, Sabu & Jerry Lynn and learning from them. He thanks WWE for giving him an opportunity, Triple H, Jim Ross, and Pat Patterson for believing in him and his ability. He thanks Edge, Christian, and Joe Legend for always being his friend, no matter what. He then takes time to thank Johnny Swinger, Scott D’Amore for training him, and Heath Slater. He brings up his brother dying from cancer, and how Slater would talk to his brother and give him life in his voice. He ends by talking about his faith in God and how he prays for everyone to make it here and back safely.

Steve Maclin bumps into Eric Young in the back and says Bob Ryder would be proud of his speech, but tells him he got this tonight against Josh Alexander. Young says if The Northern Armory shows up tonight, he got his back.

Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match (Countdown to Bound For Glory)

Frankie Kazarian (who will be refereeing the TNA World Title match later) is the first entrant, after being the person pinned in a six-way match this past Thursday on TNA iMPACT. Zachary Wentz comes out at number two and right away takes Kazarian down, but Kazarian comes right back with a guillotine leg drop. Out at number three is Jake Something who right away takes down Wentz with numerous shoulder blocks and a Thesz Press. They start double-teaming on Wentz, but the other member of The Rascalz’ Trey Miguel comes out at number four to save him. Hammerstone comes out at number five, and takes out The Rascalz, by power bombing Wentz on top of Miguel. Something & Hammerstone then take out Kazarian with a double clothesline. Rohit Raju makes his return to TNA at number 6, followed by Laredo Kid at number 7 but right away gets eliminated by Hammerstone, over the top rope. Hammerstone then press slams Miguel over the top rope onto Laredo, for the second elimination as Sami Callihan enters at number 8 and right away eliminates Hammerstone. John Skyler comes out at number 9, celebrating his birthday followed by Bhupinder Gujjar at 10.

Trent Seven comes out at number 11, after being away for 3 months and starts chopping away at Raju in the corner. KC Navarro is out at number 12 who gets attacked by Callihan. Fresh off his Hall of Fame induction, is Rhino at number 13 who right away eliminates Raju, Gujjar, Skyler & Callihan. Out at number 14 is Tasha Steelz who enters hitting a cutter on Navarro before attempting one on Rhino, and ends up twerking on him instead. Number 15 is Lei Ying Lee who goes right after Steelz, eliminating her. Number 16 is Jason Hotch, as Wentz dropkicks Navarro off the apron, eliminating him. Leon Slater enters at number 17 but gets dropped from the top rope by Kazarian. Kazarian eliminates Ying Lee as Jonathan Gresham enters at 18. JDC from The System comes out at number 19, but he takes his time and doesn’t enter the ring right away, as Slater hits a senton 450, JDC runs in and tosses him over the top rope. AJ Francis enters as the last entrant, as he earned that spot this past Thursday.

Francis starts attacking everybody, kicking Gresham off the ropes to eliminate him. Francis and Seven go at it, until Francis takes out Seven with the Down Payment chokeslam onto the apron to eliminate him, as Something eliminates Hotch. Wentz & Something starts battling on the apron, before Wentz hits him with the Death Valley Driver to eliminate him, followed by Something helping Francis eliminate Wentz as we are down to the final four with JDC, Rhino, Kazarian & Francis. Rhino hits the Gore on Kazarian to a big pop, before he tosses JDC over the top rope. Francis hits a gore of his own on Rhino, but Rhino comes right back with a clothesline to eliminate Francis over the top rope as it’s now down to just Rhino and Kazarian. Kazarian pushes the referee away and hits a low blow on Rhino, before covering him for the pin and the win.

Winner: Frankie Kazarian by pinfall at 26:38

TNA X-Division Championship: Mike Bailey (c) vs. El Hijo del Vikingo

This is El Hijo del Vikingo’s first match back in TNA since January, and the crowd already starts with a ‘This is awesome’ chant as they shake hands before going right into fighting stances. They start going back and forth with kicks and pin attempts before Vikingo sends Mike Bailey to the outside and hits him with a dive. Back in the ring, Vikingo starts hobbling the knee that he just came back from injury with, as Bailey puts him right into a kneebar. Bailey stays on top with kicks and chops, but Vikingo stops his momentum with a kick with his injured leg, that shows. Vikingo starts out speeding Bailey, which many can’t do, sending him to the outside. They battle out there, where Vikingo hits a hurricanrana off the barricade onto Bailey, but Bailey comes right by with a fantastic-looking twisting moonsault off the ropes to Vikingo. Bailey misses the Shooting Star back inside but hits the Green Tea Plunge for two. Bailey goes up and this time connects with the Shooting Star Press, getting a two-count. Bailey goes to hit the Tornado Kick but gets stopped with a Tornado Kick of his own from Vikingo, instead. They get into a chop exchange, but Bailey tricks Vikingo and starts kicking away instead. Bailey follows with a Crane Kick, double knees, and the Tornado Kick, before hitting Ultima Weapon, but Vikingo kicks out at two. Bailey tries the Flamingo Driver, but it gets reversed into a Canadian Destroyer, as we get a very cool over-to-top camera shot. Vikingo heads to the top, but as Bailey escapes to the outside, he hits him with a corkscrew moonsault off the ropes instead. Bailey misses double knees on the apron before Vikingo jumps off the top of the ring post to hit a Destroyer onto Bailey off the apron. Unbelievable. They start fighting on the top rope before Bailey hits Meteor Rain to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Mike Bailey by pinfall at 14:55, to retain

TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship: Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) (c) vs. Rosemary & Wendy Choo

Commentary mentions how Wendy Choo could become the first active WWE superstar to hold a TNA championship. Jody Threat & Choo start the match, but Dani Luna quickly tags in and slams Threat onto her, for a one-count. Rosemary tags in, as she and Choo hit a double suplex. Luna hits a big lariat on Rosemary, who creepily sits up from it. Threat tags herself in as she and Luna go after Rosemary. As Rosemary gets whipped into a corner, Choo softens her blow with her pillow but Threat just takes it away, and German suplexes the pillow out of the ring. Yes, that happened. Luna & Rosemary both get tagged in, with Luna taking her down with a single-leg dropkick, before knocking Choo off the apron, followed by a missile dropkick on Rosemary. Rosemary rolls to the outside as Luna dives onto her, with Threat getting tripped up as she was trying to do the same. Rosemary & Choo hit a double DDT to Luna, taking her out on the floor. Threat climbs the top rope and takes them both out. Luna tries to tag out, but Choo is there to pull Threat off the apron as Rosemary hits a spear on Luna, but pulls off before making the three count. Rosemary & Choo put Luna on the top rope, but she escapes out and takes them both out with a double powerbomb, before making the tag out to Threat. Threat goes after Rosemary, but Choo stops her with a Codebreaker. Choo holds up Threat, but Rosemary misses and hits Choo instead, sets them both on the ropes and hits double knees followed by a double German Suplex. Threat tags in Luna as they hit the Pressure Drop on Choo to get the pin and the win.

Winners: Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) by pinfall at 10:32, to retain

After the match, Rosemary takes out Choo with a spear before kissing her on her forehead.

Gia Miller tries to get a word with Frankie Kazarian in the back, but he’s busy studying Earl Hebner’s book, as he’s reading about Virgil vs. Tatanka. Kazarian says he’s prepared, just like he was prepared to win the Call Your Shot Gauntlet, and says at the end of the night, he’s going to raise the hand of the real TNA World Champion.

Steve Maclin vs. Josh Alexander

Steve Maclin attacks Josh Alexander up the ramp before the match starts, as Tom Hannifan mentions that Judas Icarus & Travis Williams of The Northern Armory aren’t here tonight due to travel issues. Alexander sends Maclin face-first into the ring post and puts the Figure Four on him in between the ring post before they enter the ring and officially start the match. Maclin hits a backbreaker on Alexander, and stays in control, heading to the top rope, but Alexander runs up there only to get pushed off, as Maclin misses the headbutt. Alexander hits a backbreaker, but Maclin kicks out at one. The crowd starts entertaining themselves by chanting ‘Jared Goff’ (quarterback for the Detroit Lions) before staying on brand with a ‘Walking Weiner’ chant. Alexander hits a flurry of German Suplexes before Maclin turns it around and hits his own with the crowd getting on their feet for the final one. They go back and forth with forearms, before Maclin puts Alexander into the Tree of Woe, but misses the Crosshairs. Alexander takes advantage of this and slams Maclin down onto the apron, followed by the crossbody through the ropes. They head to the top rope, where Maclin hits a superplex, and holds on, hitting a Death Valley Driver for two. With Alexander on his shoulders, Maclin inadvertently takes out the referee. Alexander takes advantage, hitting a low blow before tying up Maclin with a zip tie. The referee wakes up and notices it, but Maclin refuses to get cut from them and goes after Alexander, setting him up for the Crosshairs. With Alexander on the outside, Maclin dives onto him, still tied up. Every time the referee tries to cut them off, Maclin spots Alexander and goes after him instead. Alexander takes over and hits a Tombstone, but Maclin still kicks out. Maclin hops up from a German Suplex and takes out Alexander with a headbutt. Alexander trips him up and puts on an ankle lock, but Maclin can’t reach for the ropes or even tap out, so as he passes out, the referee ends the match.

Winner: Josh Alexander by referee stoppage at 14:31

TNA Digital Media Championship / International Heavyweight Championship Monster’s Ball Match: PCO (c) vs. Matt Cardona

Matt Cardona comes out in Ghostbusters-inspired gear, with an image of PCO in the logo, instead of a ghost as it says ‘Deathmatch Busters’. They didn’t show them coming out of a dark room with no light or food, like previous Monster’s Ball matches in the past. Right away, Cardona sends PCO crashing to the outside and tells the referee to count him out, which isn’t a rule in this. So instead, Cardona goes after PCO on the outside and whips him hard into the steel steps. Cardona yells into the camera that he hopes Steph De Lander is watching her husband, as he’s about to take his titles. PCO grabs a trash can from under the ring but ends up getting back body dropped onto the steel steps. Cardona grabs a door from under the ring and sets it up against the corner of the ring just to get sent through it by PCO with a backbody drop himself. PCO sends Cardona to the outside, but as he attempts to dive into him, gets stopped with a trash can to the head. Cardona grabs another door and chairs that he tosses into the ring, yelling into the camera that he should be one of the faces on the chair. Cardona sets up the door onto the chairs and adds more chairs under it. PCO starts punching Cardona in the corner but gets sent back first onto the door with chairs, but Cardona gets a two-count. Cardona gets a bag of tacks and stuffs them into PCO’s mouth, before hitting him with the Reboot. Cardona dumps more out and starts slamming PCO’s face into it. Cardona then starts using PCO’s face like a pin cushion with the facts, but this only fires PCO up. Cardona hits the Radio Silence, but PCO kicks out at two as blood is pouring from his head now. Cardona brings in another door, but PCO stops him and smashes the door on him, getting a two-count. PCO grabs another bag of tacks and pours them, just to get hit with a low blow from Cardona. Cardona grabs a green barbed-wired baseball bat and starts attacking PCO with it, but he’s able to fight him off and chokeslams him right onto the tacks. PCO follows with the PCO Sault to get the pin and the win.

Winner: PCO by pinfall at 13:16, to retain

Moose (w/ JDC) vs. Mike Santana

They spotlight Westside Gunn sitting in the front row, as the crowd seems split. As soon as the bell rings, Moose heads to the outside where Mike Santana follows him and whips him hard onto the barricade. Santana heads back inside to hit a dive, but JDC pushes Moose out of the way and takes the bullet, as Moose follows this with an apron powerbomb to Santana. With Moose distracting the referee, JDC sends Santana into the steel steps. Back inside, Santana tries a cannonball into Moose, but Moose catches him and hits a powerbomb for two. Moose stays in control as Santana eggs him on by spitting onto Moose, as they go into a chop exchange. With Moose & JDC on the outside, Santana dives onto them with a crossbody off the top rope. Santana stays on top hitting an Asai moonsault, before sending Moose back inside where he sets up for the Spin the Block, but gets it blocked. Santana instead sends Moose into the corner with a Death Valley Driver, heads to the top, and hits a 450 Splash for a two-count. As he heads back to the top, JDC gets on the apron and distracts him allowing Moose to hit Go To Hell, not the prettiest, getting a two. They go back and forth on the apron, as Moose hits a powerbomb, but Santana runs in at the last second beating the 10 count. JDC enters with a steel chain but gets taken out by Spin the Block instead. Moose quickly follows with a Spear, but Santana kicks out. They go back and forth before Santana lands the Spin the Block to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Mike Santana by pinfall at 13:48

TNA Knockouts World Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Masha Slamovich

Jordynne Grace is in red, while Masha Slamovich is in white, as Matthew Rehwoldt comments that they are in reverse colors from the last time they faced at Bound For Glory in 2022. They go at it hard to start, with Masha kicking Grace to the outside where she hits her with a twisting dive. Grace gets the upper hand after they tussle on the apron before Grace starts knocking Masha into the ring post followed by a rolling throw on the outside. Grace sets up for the Juggernaut Driver, but Masha turns it into a hurricanrana for two. Masha kicks away at Grace, taking her down with a big spinning heel kick, for a two-count. Masha stays on top, hitting a DDT but holding on with a Guillotine, just for Grace to power up into a Jackhammer for two. Grace misses the Vader Bomb, and heads to the top rope, where Masha runs up and hits a Hurricanrana followed by the Snow Plow, but Grace kicks out at two. They battle a bit off the apron, before heading into the corner where Masha stays on top with a knee strike and rolling kick, getting another two. They go back and forth with a Tombstone attempt, and Grace turns into a Tombstone German, followed by the Kryptonite Crunch, which Masha kicks out of at two. They battle in the ropes, as Masha viciously snaps Grace onto. Masha escapes out of a Muscle Buster attempt and hits the Burning Hammer for two. Grace hits a big back fist but gets hit with a flurry of kicks before Grace catches the last attempt followed by the Juggernaut Driver, but Masha kicks out at two. Grace goes right into a leglock, turning it into the Stretch Muffler, but Masha grabs the bottom rope. They head to the top rope, as Masha hits an avalanche Snowplow, followed by a piledriver to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Masha Slamovich by pinfall at 16:44, to become the NEW TNA Knockouts World Champion

About John Siino 405 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.