Linda McMahon’s attorney calls WWF ring boys lawsuit ‘baseless,’ adds that Linda & Vince are separated

Photo Courtesy: Jessica Hill/AP

Linda and Vince are separated.

In October, there was an 82-page lawsuit complaint filed to go after Vince McMahon, Linda McMahon and the WWE for their alleged complicity in sexual exploitation acts being committed by a former company employee.

It is being alleged that higher-ups in the WWF/E at the time, including the McMahons, did not step in to prevent former staffer Mel Phillips Jr. from committing acts of sexual abuse. Five unidentified ‘John Doe’ plaintiffs are seeking a case against WWE, Vince, Linda and TKO Group Holdings. 

Linda’s name is circulating in headlines because President-elect Donald Trump selected Linda to lead the Education Department. An extensive piece on the matter was published Beth Reinhard and Abha Bhattarai of The Washington Post.

They received comments from Linda’s attorney, Laura Brevetti, and she called the ring boys lawsuit ‘baseless.’ She added the following about the suit:

This lawsuit based upon thirty-plus-year-old allegations is filled with scurrilous lies, exaggerations, and misrepresentations.

Brevetti confirmed to the outlet that Vince and Linda are currently separated. Vince is facing a sex trafficking lawsuit that was filed by former WWE employee Janel Grant in January.

About Andrew Thompson 10306 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.