TNA Turning Point 2024 Results: Nic Nemeth vs. Eddie Edwards, Masha Slamovich vs. Jordynne Grace, Matt Riddle appears

Photo Courtesy: TNA

TNA Turning Point

November 29, 2024

By: John Siino

Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Commentary: Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt


  • Countdown: Rosemary over Savannah Evans, Xia Brookside via pinfall (9:14)
  • Mike Santana over Frankie Kazarian via pinfall (12:31)
  • Thanksgiving Turkey Bowl: Joe Hendry over Brian Myers, Rhino, Eric Young, Hammerstone, John Skyler via pinfall on Myers (8:21)
  • TNA X-Division Title: Moose (c) over Laredo Kid via pinfall (8:23)
  • No Disqualification: Steve Maclin over Josh Alexander via pinfall (23:46) (Recommended)
  • Ace Austin & The Hardys over KUSHIDA, Matt Riddle & Zachary Wentz via pinfall (16:06)
  • TNA Knockouts World Title Two Out Of Three Falls: Masha Slamovich (c) over Jordynne Grace [2:1] via pinfall (19:43) (Recommended)
  • TNA World Title: Nic Nemeth (c) over Eddie Edwards (22:05)

Joe Hendry Starts The Show (Countdown to Turning Point)

Joe Hendry comes out to start the show, as this is airing from the WrestleCade fan convention. Hendry gets on the mic and talks about wanting to be involved in the TNA World Title picture, but tonight he’s in the Turkey Bowl match. He starts showing pictures of his opponents in the match, starting with Hammerstone by putting a turkey mask on him and calling him ‘Turkeystone’. He talks about how PCO couldn’t make it tonight and is being replaced by Rhino, as he puts a mask on him as well. Hendry continues by calling Brian Myers the worst wrestler of all time and talks about how winning this match will only put him closer to becoming world champion.

Savannah Evans vs. Rosemary vs. Xia Brookside (Countdown to Turning Point)

Rosemary tries to go after Savannah Evans & Xia Brookside right away but misses them both before she and Evans start double-teaming on Brookside. Brookside fights off Rosemary and clotheslines her to the outside before going after Evans with dropkicks, sending her to the outside as well where Brookside tries to dive onto both of them and gets caught and dropped onto the apron. Back inside, they go back to double-teaming on Brookside, before Evans sends Rosemary to the outside with a clothesline. Evans takes them both down with double clotheslines before she and Rosemary start trading blows at each other. Brookside starts taking them out in the corners with splashes before going for pins on both her opponents. Brookside takes out Evans with a Codebreaker before she gets taken out by Rosemary with a reverse DDT. Rosemary & Brookside put Evans on the top rope before Brookside hits a Brooksy Bomb on Evans, just for Rosemary to break up the pin and hit a spear on Brookside to get the pin.

Winner: Rosemary by pinfall at 9:14

Mike Santana vs. Frankie Kazarian

They go for takedowns right away, as the crowd chants ‘Frankie sucks’. They trade off arm drags, before Mike Santana springboards off the ropes with a moonsault before diving into Frankie Kazarian on the outside.  They fight on the outside for a while with Santana landing a superkick, but gets stopped with a guillotine leg drop trying to re-enter and tossed back outside. Kazarian starts working on Santana’s arm, who keeps going for pins before breaking it up with a back suplex. They fight on the apron, where Kazarian hits a diving DDT sending Santana down on the outside. Kazarian hits a springboard leg drop for two before trying to put on a Chicken Wing that Santana breaks up in the corner before hitting an overhead belly-to-belly from the corner. Santana stays on top with a rolling Buck 50 for a two followed by a Death Valley Driver for another close count. Santana catches Kazarian into a twisting neckbreaker and takes off his elbow pad but gets sent back inside the ring with a slingshot cutter as Kazarian gets a two. They keep reversing each other’s moves until Santana lands the Spin the Block to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Mike Santana by pinfall at 12:31

Thanksgiving Turkey Bowl Match: Brian Myers vs. Eric Young vs. John Skyler vs. Hammerstone vs. Rhino vs. Joe Hendry

As tradition goes, the person who gets pinned to lose this match must wear the turkey suit or they will get fired. All six men go at it to start the match before it ends up being just Joe Hendry & John Skyler in the ring where Hendry hits a stalling suplex for two. Brian Myers & Rhino go at it next, but Hammerstone stops Rhino from hitting a gore. Hammerstone goes after Eric Young but it looks like Hammerstone might have sustained an injury as he struggles to run the ropes, move around, and ends up rolling to the outside. Myers & Skyler start double-teaming on Young as Hammerstone gets back in the ring, but Young is able to fight all three off. Hammerstone still looks to be struggling a bit, before Rhino takes him out with a Gore and hits a Tower of Doom spot with Young, Myers & Skyler. Hendry starts taking everybody out including a big fallaway slam on Hammerstone. Rhino hits another Gore on Hammerstone, before hitting one on Skyler just for Myers to take out Rhino with a spear. Myers sets up the Roster Cut on Skyler, but Hendry pushes him out of the way and catches Myers right into the Standing Ovation to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Joe Hendry by pinfall at 8:21

Myers goes to leave the ring, but Rhino tosses him back in and hits him with a belly-to-belly suplex, followed by an Attitude Adjustment from Hendry and a Gore from Rhino. The crowd chants ‘Turkey Myers’ as they put the costume on him.

We get a Rosemary promo in the back as she sets her eyes on the winner of tonight’s match between Masha Slamovich & Jordynne Grace, saying it doesn’t matter who it is and nothing can stop her.

TNA X-Division Championship: Moose (w/ Alisha Edwards) (c) vs. Laredo Kid

Laredo Kid starts pushing and kicking Moose, but as he tries to use the ropes, Moose pushes him outside. Moose follows him and whips him hard into the barricade, as Alisha Edwards taunts Laredo & the crowd. Back in the ring, Moose goes for a powerbomb but Laredo reverses it just to get taken down with a boot to the face. Moose places Laredo on the top rope and starts tearing away at his mask, before distracting the referee as Alisha does the same. Laredo dodges the spear and goes for a couple of pins before getting stopped with a uranage. They fight in the corner before Laredo sends Moose to the outside with a missile dropkick, before diving onto him. In the ring, Laredo tries a top rope hurricanrana, but Moose holds on to the ropes. Laredo runs back up and hits Moose with a Spanish Fly for two. Laredo tries the 450 Splash, but Moose gets his knees up and hits a spear. Moose hits one more spear and gets the pin and the win.

Winner: Moose by pinfall at 8:23, to retain

No Disqualification Match: Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin

Judas Icarus & Travis Williams of The Northern Armory are banned from the building for this match. Steve Maclin comes out wearing his Memento Mori facepaint, which commentary mentions he hasn’t worn since Victory Road 2022 in the Barbed Wire Massacre Match. They start the match fast with Maclin clotheslining Josh Alexander to the outside and hitting him with a scud missile. Maclin keeps attacking him before pulling out a table that he sets up. They fight on the apron as Alexander stops from being put through the table. Alexander hits a barrage of suplexes before Maclin stops it with one of his own. Alexander grabs another table from under the ring and sets it up against the ring. They fight on the outside for a while before Maclin sends Alexander through the table with a Death Valley Driver. Maclin tosses a trash can and chair in the ring before he starts attacking Alexander with the lid. Alexander goes for the ankle lock but Maclin stops it with the lid. Alexander tosses more weapons into the ring before putting the trash can on Maclin, sets him up on the apron, and takes him out with a crossbody. Alexander grabs a door from under the ring, but Maclin stops him by dropkicking the door into Alexander. Maclin places the door on Alexander and hits him with the Cactus Elbow. Alexander places Maclin’s legs against the ring post and attacks him with pieces of the door. Alexander keeps attacking his ankle and goes to piledrive him onto chairs, but Maclin reverses it and sends Alexander crashing onto them with an Alabama Slam. Maclin ducks a chair shot and hits Alexander with a Busaiku Knee as he has the chair in between them. Maclin goes for a top rope headbutt, but Alexander stops him by tossing a chair into his face, then drops Maclin from the ring onto the table on the outside with a Torture Rack Bomb, as Maclin lands awkwardly through it. Alexander pulls him back in, to get a two count and puts on an Ankle Lock, but Maclin reverses it and sends Alexander head-first into the trash can, sets him up in the Tree of Woe, and hits three Crosshairs followed by the KIA. Maclin goes for the pin but pulls up before a three can be made and goes and grabs a black bag from under the ring. Maclin dumps out bullet shell casings from the bag, but Alexander stops him with a low blow. They fight on the top rope for a bit, before Maclin hits a KIA onto the shell casings to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Steve Maclin by pinfall at 23:46

We get a video in support of Chris Bey with highlights and the link to his GoFundMe page over the song ‘Finn Balor’ by Westside Gunn.

Ace Austin & The Hardys (Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy) vs. KUSHIDA, Zachary Wentz & Matt Riddle

Zachary Wentz gets on the mic before the match and says due to some travel issues, Trey Miguel can’t make it tonight. He went to the Treehouse and the ‘Shaman’ told him that the ‘bro is in the building’ as Matt Riddle came out as their mystery partner making his TNA debut. Ace Austin & Wentz start the match very quickly here by running the ropes and going for pins before Wentz calls for The Hardys and gets Jeff Hardy. Jeff & Wentz start trading taunts, before Jeff tags in Matt Hardy as they start double-teaming on Wentz. Rebecca Hardy and their family are sitting ringside for this match. KUSHIDA tags in and starts working on Matt’s arm, before putting him in a Surfboard. Austin & The Hardys keep KUSHIDA in their corner and work on him for a bit before he escapes and makes the tag to Riddle. Matt & Wentz go at it next, as Matt slingshots Wentz onto the bottom rope to get a two. Riddle tags back in and goes after Austin with kicks and knees. Austin & KUSHIDA end up kicking each other down, before Jeff & Wentz tag in next. All six men go at each other before they are all down. Jeff & Riddle get up and acknowledge their past relationship before going at it with Jeff hitting a Canadian Destroyer. The Hardys go after KUSHIDA next hitting the Plot Twist, before Jeff goes to the top rope and hits the Swanton to get the pin and the win.

Winners: Ace Austin & The Hardys (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) by pinfall at 16:06

TNA Knockouts World Championship 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Masha Slamovich (c) vs. Jordynne Grace

Masha Slamovich starts the match working on Jordynne Grace’s arm but she’s able to turn it back on her as they have a face-off. They fight in the corner before Grace uses her power and hits a spine buster for two, but Masha comes back with kicks and a knee to the face. Grace heads to the outside where Masha meets her with a dive. Masha sweeps Grace from the apron before they go to trading forearms before Grace stops Masha and hits a package piledriver, as Masha spills to the outside. They go back and forth on the outside before Masha traps on the piledriver to the floor, where there are no mats for this show. Masha had the first fall won but decides to break up the countout and bring Grace back in. Grace stays on top of Masha, but reverses out of a Muscle Buster attempt as they go back and forth with pin attempts until Grace holds on to get the first fall at 11:16.

Masha stays on top of Grace and starts twisting her up in a modified straight jacket until Grace turns it around on her and puts on a Full Nelson. They keep reversing each other until Masha hits a double stomp and puts on a sleeper hold, but Grace gets out and tries the Juggernaut Driver. Masha escapes and puts on a guillotine, that Grace powers up from and hits the World’s Strongest Slam and Vader Bomb, but as she goes for the Juggernaut Driver, Masha reverses it and gets the pin at 17:42.

They go right to trading punches, as we see Rosemary watching on from the entrance. They keep stopping each other’s submission before Masha hits a knee strike, a sit-out powerbomb, and a package piledriver to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Masha Slamovich by pinfall at 19:43, to retain [2:1]

TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs. Eddie Edwards (w/ Alisha Edwards)

 Nic Nemeth starts the match taking Eddie Edwards down and going for a pin, but Edwards escapes to the outside to regroup with his wife. Commentary brings up a video surfacing on TNA’s social media of John Layfield entering The System’s locker room. Back inside, they run the ropes with Nemeth holding Edwards down with a side headlock and going for pin attempts. Edwards keeps Nemeth in the corner with chops and as he’s distracting the referee, Alisha Edwards starts choking Nemeth on the ropes. Edwards goes for numerous pin attempts as Nemeth keeps kicking out. Nemeth hits his flurry of elbow drops, but as Edwards heads to the outside he pokes Nemeth’s eyes and they start brawling on the outside where Nemeth accidentally super kicks the timekeeper. They start fighting up the entranceway before taking it back inside where Nemeth hits a flying elbow drop for two. Alisha trips up Nemeth, giving Edwards control here. They start trading punches, as Alisha gets caught now tripping up Nemeth and gets ejected. Nemeth stays on top until Edwards hits a Blue Thunder Bomb and a Backpack Stunner for two counts. Nemeth comes back with a Fameasser for two, as Alisha runs back to the ring, gets on the apron, and ends up hitting Nemeth with the title belt as the referee misses it, but Nemeth still kicks out at two. Edwards hits the Boston Knee Party, but Nemeth still kicks out. Nemeth hits the Danger Zone, and Edwards kicks out now. Nemeth hits a clothesline sending Edwards and himself to the outside. Brian Myers, still dressed like a turkey, comes out and goes to attack Nemeth with his championship ring but John Layfield shows up from the crowd and takes out Myers with a Clothesline From Hell. Nemeth & Edwards head back inside where Nemeth hits a superkick and the Danger Zone to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Nic Nemeth by pinfall at 22:05, to retain.


Honestly, this was a pretty skippable show for several reasons. There weren’t that many long-built storylines for this show, since it took place in between sets of tapings and happened just two weeks before Final Resolution which should have a more built-up feel to the show overall.

The show’s production hurt it. I understand it took place during WrestleCade, but as a result, it had a real indie feel to it and not up to par with the standard of TNA production. I can deal with the video quality not being up there, and even the audio sounding lower than usual for a TNA show, but when you have constant wacky camera shots throughout, jumping back and forth, zooming in and out, and even a cameraman toppling over during Jordynne Grace’s entrance, it makes you wonder why they even bothered to film a show here without the proper equipment and team.

With all those issues, I can’t even say that the in-ring quality made up for it. There really isn’t any match to go out of your way to watch, with the expectation of the Knockouts Title Match (As expected from those two) and Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin, and even that is a toss-up if you don’t like that certain style, plus it’s a match that we’ve seen before. The travel issues caused some changes like Rhino replacing PCO, but the most interesting one would be Trey Miguel being replaced by Matt Riddle. Riddle is someone I’m sure was one of the many talents in attendance for WrestleCade, and it makes you wonder if would TNA ever actually use him if it wasn’t for the fact they were in need and he was a well-known name at the convention. The future will tell if he could return, but commentary did do a good job of timing his connection with Zachary Wentz from MSK’s days in NXT with Riddle serving as the Shaman.

About John Siino 429 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.