wXw Germany vacates Unified World Wrestling Championship

Photo Courtesy: wXw Germany

Injury causes the title to be vacated.

The reigning wXw Unified World Wrestling Champion was Peter Tihanyi. He had been in possession of the belt since winning it in October.

Tihanyi’s reign is clocking out at 131 days as wXW Germany vacated the belt. Tihanyi suffered a shoulder injury and how long he’ll be out has yet to be determined. 

He has been pulled from upcoming events. A new champion is going to be crowned after the 16 Carat Gold tournament in March.

Competing for the vacant championship will be the winner of 16 Carat Gold and Elijah Blum, who’s the current number one contender to the title.

About Andrew Thompson 10327 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.