Omari Palmer, the former WWE wrestler known as Odyssey Jones, filed a defamation lawsuit against his former partner Meileth Nunez, alleging she made false statements that led to his termination from WWE.
The lawsuit filed on January 20 in Orange County, Florida, accuses Nunez of libel and slander, claiming she falsely alleged he physically abused her, leading to his dismissal from WWE.
Nunez stands by her allegations, insisting that Palmer did abuse her.
Nunez, who was previously anonymized in POST Wrestling’s reporting, indicated she is now comfortable being identified after other media outlets published her name and image.
According to Palmer’s complaint, Nunez “falsely communicated” with WWE’s parent company, TKO Group Holdings, between May and July 2024, accusing him of nonsexual physical assault on multiple occasions.
Nunez filed a police report in Maitland, Florida, in May 2024, alleging battery against Palmer. As part of that report, police documented photos of bruises on her shoulders and legs, which she claimed were caused by Palmer. Palmer denied the allegations in the same police report.
His lawsuit asserts that Nunez’s claims were false, malicious, and directly resulted in his termination from WWE in September 2024. His complaint states that Nunez made false allegations in “both written and verbal communications to TKO Group and various news outlets.” Palmer contends that her statements were “maliciously made with actual knowledge of the statements’ falsity,” a claim that could be key to a defamation case like this, where Palmer may be considered a public figure and, therefore, would be required to prove actual malice.
In her February 24 formal answer to the lawsuit, Nunez denied making false statements.
In a statement to POST Wrestling on Friday, Nunez reiterated her position, denying Palmer’s allegations and calling the lawsuit retaliatory. She said she intends to file counterclaims against Palmer for harassment and to pursue an order of protection against him.
Nunez also provided excerpts from a letter she says she sent to Palmer’s attorney, Roddy Lanigan, in which she states that “investigative findings from TKO concluded there was probable cause for [Palmer’s] termination based on his conduct.”
WWE and TKO did not respond to a request to confirm this statement. The company and its parent have not commented publicly on this story to date.
Following his termination in September 2024, Palmer petitioned for an order of protection against Nunez, alleging she had been physically violent with him on a cruise. In court filings related to the petition, he stated he filed an earlier police report with the Maitland Police Department, alleging stalking against her. When POST Wrestling contacted the department in January, police personnel informed us they had no record of stalking claims by Palmer against Nunez. The only report on file was Nunez’s May 2024 battery allegation against Palmer.
We contacted Palmer for comment for this story, but he declined to respond. His attorney, Roddy Lanigan, did not reply to our emailed request for comment.
Nunez’s letter to Lanigan also includes a claim that Palmer misled his previous attorney, Paul Ghezzi — who court records show represented Palmer in his order of protection case — by falsely claiming he filed a harassment police report against her.
POST Wrestling contacted Ghezzi for comment, but he did not respond.
“This is yet another example of Mr. Palmer attempting to distort the truth in order to control the narrative and avoid accountability,” Nunez stated. “The timing of this lawsuit suggests a clear retaliatory motive. Mr. Palmer never pursued legal actions against me until after he was terminated.”
Palmer’s lawsuit indicates he is seeking damages exceeding $50,000.
After his run in NXT, Palmer, using the name Odyssey Jones, debuted on the main roster in August 2024. He started a program with the New Day on Monday Night Raw shortly before reportedly being released from WWE.