Cena and Cody Rhodes kick off the show.
Starting off Monday Night Raw from Glasgow, Scotland was John Cena. While he was addressing the crowd, he brought up his introduction of the WWE Spinner Championship. Cena stated that people said he ruined the belt by making it into a ‘toy.’
He went on to say that he’s going to ruin wrestling for every fan, every wrestler and everyone in general. Cena plans to win his 17th WWE World Title at WrestleMania 41 and force everyone to forget Ric Flair which will only leave the public to talk about him.
Cena added that he’ll win the belt and retire with it. The Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes joined the ring. Towards the backend of their segment, Rhodes laid the belt out on the mat and told Cena to take it. Cena squared up with Rhodes, but ended up leaving the ring.
The champion called Cena back to the ring. Cena walked back down the entrance way, but he turned back around. Rhodes told him he’ll leave WrestleMania empty-handed and that’s also how he’ll leave WWE.