GCW x DDT Never Ending Noisy Summer: MAO vs. Alex Zayne

Photo Courtesy: DDT & GCW

GCW x DDT: Never Ending Noisy Summer
August 12, 2024
Korakuen Hall
Tokyo, Japan 

Match Recommendations: 

  • Tag Team Match: Antonio Honda and Kazuki Hirata vs. Allie Katch and Dark Sheik
  • Tag Team Match: 1 Called Manders and Gringo Loco vs. Burning
  • GCW World Championship Match: GCW World Champion Mance Warner vs. Joey Janela vs. Shunma Katsumata 

Commentary: Dave Prazak and Emil Jay

Eight Man Tag Team Match: Ilusion, Masha Slamovich, Yuki Ueno and Yuni vs. Marcus Mathers, Maki Itoh, and Schadenfreude International 

Masha Slamovich and Marcus Mathers began the match for their respective teams with a stiff lock-up. Masha tried to take him off his feet with a shoulder block, but he didn’t budge and caught her in a sunset flip situation, which she kicked out of. Mathers darted out of harm’s way as Masha threw strikes and tagged in the GCW Extreme Champion, Maki Itoh. Masha then tagged in Yuki. 

Maki challenged Yuki to a test of strength. Yuki grabbed a headlock, but Maki was able to get out of it and did her signature pose. Yuki knocked Maki down, and she started to cry. Masada, Brookes, and Mathers followed suit, and even referee Adam Gault joined in on the crying. Yuni made the tag and got everyone to smile again, which led to them beating him down in the center of the ring. Maki’s team hit ten punches in the corner to their opponents, and Brookes started to beat down Yuni in their corner.

Yuni mounted a comeback, connecting with a big missile dropkick, and then made the tag to Yuki, who ran wild on Brookes with a big running knee followed by double knees to the midsection. Mathers hit Yuki with a rebound cutter followed by a bridging German suplex for a two-count. Mathers then went to the top rope, but he took too much time, allowing Yuki to get back up to his feet. They both went for clotheslines before exchanging a series of forearm strikes. 

Masha and Maki each received the hot tag and unloaded on each other with chops and slaps. Masha was suplexed into the corner and hit with a Facewash, followed by an attempted swinging DDT, but Masha blocked it and planted Maki with a driver for another near fall. Masha went for a Death Valley Driver, but Maki managed to escape. Masha then tagged in Ilusion, who came off the top rope with a big dropkick followed by a palm strike to Masada into a DDT. 

Brookes saved Maki only to be taken out inadvertently, but Maki planted Ilusion headfirst with a DDT. Yuni hit a moonsault to the floor, taking everyone out, followed by Masha hitting a tope, which earned them a standing ovation from the crowd. Mathers slid back into the ring and hit a beautiful dive, taking out his opponents on the floor. Brookes launched Maki out of the ring, then hit Yuki with a Praying Mantis Bomb. Maki followed up with a DDT, and Marcus Mathers finished with a 450 splash for the victory.

Marcus Mathers, Maki Itoh, and Schadenfreude International Defeated Eight-Man Tag Team Match: Ilusion, Masha Slamovich, Yuki Ueno, and Yuni

Tag Team Match: Antonio Honda and Kazuki Hirata vs. Allie Katch and Dark Sheik

Hirata and Katch started the match, with Katch playing mind games by flirting with Hirata while holding him in a wrist lock before dropping an elbow on his back. Hirata then tagged in Honda, and Sheik entered the match as well. Honda grabbed Sheik’s wrist, but she escaped and connected with a series of kicks that took Honda off his feet. 

Honda regained the advantage and dragged Sheik into their corner, where Hirata continued the attack. Sheik managed to create some separation and made the hot tag to Katch, who ran wild on Hirata and Honda with her running hip attack/cannonball combination. 

Hirata and Sheik returned to the ring, and Hirata went for a Stinger Splash, but Sheik moved out of the way and connected with a dropkick. Honda then told a story, trying hard not to break character, though he slipped up a few times, making it even more entertaining.

Sheik and Katch put on Hirata and Honda’s glasses and started dancing, with all four wrestlers joining in. Sheik then came off the top with a leg drop to secure the victory.

Dark Sheik and Allie Katch Defeated Antonio Honda and Kazuki Hirata 

Tag Team Match: Broski Jimmy Lloyd and Rina Yamashita vs. DAMNATION 

Lloyd and Rina were jumped before the bell, causing the match to spill onto the floor. Rina sent Sasuke into the first row of chairs, while Jimmy and KANON returned to the ring. Jimmy took KANON off his feet with a rana followed by a tope to the floor. In the ring, Rina and Sasuke engaged in a chair duel, which ended with Rina Sabu’ing him. Rina was then squashed on the ring apron, turning the tide in DAMNATION’s favor.

KANON took Rina off her feet with a series of strikes, but she mounted a comeback by hitting him with a vertical suplex and then made the hot tag to Jimmy Lloyd. Jimmy ran wild with a series of kicks, followed by a Meteora into a Codebreaker. Rina and Jimmy beat KANON down with steel chair shots across the back, but KANON managed to turn the tables and planted Rina on a pile of chairs with a suplex of his own. KANON then took Rina out with a big lariat as Sasuke tagged himself back in and connected with a top rope lariat on Rina followed by a bodyslam.

Rina made the tag to Jimmy, who ran wild on DAMNATION with a series of kicks followed by Broski Boots in the corner. Jimmy went for a Radio Silence, but KANON blocked it and hit him with a powerbomb. Rina and Jimmy hit Sasuke with an assisted splash, and Jimmy came off the second rope with a moonsault, but no one was home as Sasuke locked him in a crossface. Rina returned to the ring and put the boots on Sasuke, but DAMNATION secured the victory after sending Rina to the floor and hitting Jimmy with an elevated elbow drop.

DAMNATION Defeated Broski Jimmy Lloyd and Rina Yamashita 

Tag Team Match: 1 Called Manders and Gringo Loco vs. Burning 

Gringo and Endo started the match, with each man evading the other’s offense and eventually wrestling to a stalemate. Manders and Iino then entered, with Manders backing Iino down using his strength advantage. They tried to take each other off their feet with a series of shoulder tackles, with Manders eventually winning the battle. Manders lit up Eno with a series of chops before tagging Gringo Loco. Manders held Endo in position after a backbreaker, and Loco came off the top with a leg drop, but Endo was able to kick out at two.

Loco hit Endo with a delayed vertical suplex and tagged Manders back in. Manders took Eno off the apron and then turned his attention to Endo, delivering a brutal kick to his spine followed by a series of heavy chops. Endo fired back with a forearm of his own, but Manders ended his momentum, dropping him stomach-first across the top rope before hitting a double jump moonsault for a two-count.

Iino received the hot tag and took both men off their feet with a series of shoulder tackles followed by running lariats in the corner. Iino and Manders traded chops in the center of the ring, and Manders took Eno’s head off with a vicious lariat. Both men crawled to their corners; Manders made the tag first, allowing Gringo to gain a brief advantage, only to get hit with a flip senton and an elbow drop from Burning.

Manders tagged himself back in and hit Endo with a powerslam, but it was only good for a two-count. Manders was then caught with a handspring kick to the jaw and sent over with an exploder suplex for another near fall. Endo went to the top rope, but Loco cut him off and brought him back into the ring with a Spanish Fly, though Endo kicked out at the last second. Manders then went to the top rope and missed with a moonsault, followed by Loco missing with a sky twister press.

Iino and Manders resumed trading heavy blows, with Iino taking Manders off his feet with a spear. Loco was hit with an airplane spin torture rack bomb but still managed to get his shoulder up. Finally, Endo went to the top and hit Loco with a Shooting Star Press for the victory.

Burning Defeated 1 Called Manders and Gringo Loco 

Singles Match: Danshoku Dino vs. EFFY

EFFY got down on one knee and offered Dino a bracelet, leading to them locking up and performing a dance number together. After some shenanigans, they were told to wrestle seriously. EFFY got down on all fours, and he and Dino engaged in some Greco-Roman wrestling. EFFY was then hit with a series of pelvic thrusts to the face, only to return the favor with a running boot to Dino.

Dino attempted to sit on EFFY’s face, and the referee counted to two, but EFFY managed to kick out. Dino kissed the referee, and EFFY hit Dino with a Sack Ryder, but the ref was unable to count the pin. A new referee entered the ring, and Dino kicked out at one, but EFFY then kissed that referee, knocking him out as well.

Referee Dan Perch was hit with a Doomsday Kiss. Scarlotte ran to the ring and asked for a kiss, but the boys refused and instead hit her with a vertical suplex. Senior GCW Referee Adam Gault entered the ring, and EFFY hit him with a shoulder breaker, attempting to send him into Dino’s bare ass. However, Adam put on the brakes and hit EFFY with a stunner followed by a standing moonsault. Adam celebrated but was quickly kissed by Dino. A DDT official was then hit with the Ass Compactor.

No Contest

GCW World Championship Match: GCW World Champion Mance Warner vs. Joey Janela vs. Shunma Katsumata 

Shunma was sent to the floor by Mance Warner, who then sent Joey Janela back-first into the turnbuckle and unloaded on him with a series of chops. Janela responded with a running uppercut followed by a diving uppercut to Warner, then followed up with a series of chops in the corner and a swinging neckbreaker. Joey called for a brainbuster, but Shunma cut him off and wiped out both men with a top-rope crossbody.

Mance begged off but then pulled Shunma face-first into the corner, connecting with a couple of back elbows followed by a series of heavy chops. Joey was worked over with a steel chair as Shunma set up a ladder bridge in the center of the ring. Janela was draped across the ladder but moved out of the way as Shunma came off the top with a Swanton. Joey grabbed a box of Legos and went to hit Shunma with a brainbuster, but Mance returned to the ring, hitting them both with a steel chair followed by a chokeslam on Janela onto the Legos.

Mance set up a platform of chairs in one of the corners. He placed Janela on the top rope and went for a superplex, but Shunma cut him off with a steel chair across the back followed by a powerbomb onto the pile of chairs. Janela then dumped Shunma head-first onto the pile of Legos. All three men threw the blocks at each other before trading forearm shots. Mance turned Janela inside out with a lariat. 

Shunma was handcuffed, and Mance Warner used a staple gun followed by a screwdriver on Shunma’s forehead, but Shunma somehow managed to kick out at two. Warner set up a table in the corner of the ring but was hit with a delayed German suplex into the Legos. Mance was placed on top of the table, and Joey went to the top rope, coming off with an elbow drop for a near fall. Joey was then placed on a table on the floor. Shunma climbed to the top of a ladder and came off with a big splash. Mance hit Shunma with a knee strike and an implant DDT to retain the GCW World Championship.

Mance Warner Retained the GCW World Championship

DDT Universal Title Match: DDT Universal Champion MAO vs. Alex Zayne 

They locked up, with each man getting a clean break. Zayne took MAO off his feet with a shoulder tackle followed by a back elbow that sent MAO into the corner. Zayne came off the ropes and hit MAO with a double knee to the back, followed by a standing shooting star press for a two-count. MAO responded with a back elbow of his own, sending Zayne to the floor, and then took him out with a moonsault press. 

On the floor, Zayne hit a head scissors and followed up with a knee lift and a front flip leg drop, sending MAO crashing to the ground. MAO chopped Zayne around ringside and sent him onto the stage, but Zayne leaped up and hit a moonsault. However, he came up lame right away but made sure to be in position for the next spot, where MAO hit a dive of his own. Zayne landed a superkick as they dragged each other back to the ring, visibly limping heavily as he returned to the ring. Zayne appeared upset as he tried to recover on the apron, prompting the ref to check on him.

MAO indicated that it was okay to call off the match due to the injury. The ref continued conversing with Zayne, who then collapsed in the ring, leading MAO and the ref to call for the end of the match.

No Contest due to Injury 

About Jon Pine 174 Articles
Living in Providence, Rhode Island; when Jon isn’t watching AEW or GCW with his dogs Dakota and Aurora, he’s probably watching the CSPAN feed of the Senate floor or listening to Bennington on SiriusXM.