GCW Save Me Results: Mance Warner vs. Manny Lemons, Masha Slamovich vs. Starboy Charlie

Photo Courtesy: GCW

GCW: Save Me
Clubhouse on South Temple 
Salt Lake City, Utah

August, 18, 2024

Match Recommendations: 

  • Singles Match: Blake Christian vs. Marcus Mathers
  • Singles Match: Joey Janela vs. Tombstone Jesus
  • GCW World Champion Mance Warner vs. Manny Lemons

Commentary: Dave Prazak and Emil Jay

Singles Match: Broski Jimmy Lloyd vs. 1 Called Manders

Manders landed a lariat right after the opening bell, scoring a quick near fall. Jimmy bailed to the floor, looking for a timeout. Taking advantage of the situation, Jimmy pulled the referee in the way, allowing him to attack Manders with a series of boots and then choke him across the second rope. Jimmy landed the Radio Silence for a near fall of his own. Annoyed that Manders kicked out, Jimmy went under the ring, retrieved a pair of chairs, and threw them into the ring. 

Jimmy hit Manders in the stomach with a chair before setting it up in the corner. He then snapped Manders’ throat across the top rope and nailed him with a neckbreaker for another near fall. Manders was set up in the corner, where he was hit with a chair-assisted Broski Boot, followed by an attempted Radio Silence. However, Manders sidestepped him, sending Jimmy headfirst into the steel chair, and followed it up with a powerslam for a near fall of his own. Manders set up a chair, and when Jimmy went for the Radio Silence, he collided with the chair, allowing Manders to hit him with a lariat for the victory.

1 Called Manders Defeated Broski Jimmy Lloyd 

Singles Match: Blake Christian vs. Marcus Mathers

Blake rushed in immediately, taking the fight to Mathers by driving him into the corner and spearing him before unleashing a series of chops. Mathers quickly gained the upper hand, retaliating with chops of his own, followed by a face kick and a tope to the floor. Mathers continued to fire away at Blake, bringing him down to his knees. He went for a crossbody, but Blake countered with a kick to the face and followed up with a penalty kick to Mathers’ arm. Blake then threw Mathers shoulder-first into the ring post and began targeting the already injured arm with repeated kicks and stomps.

Mathers managed to create some separation with a stunner, followed by a top rope crossbody for a quick near fall. The two men traded forearms in the center of the ring, with Blake repeatedly striking Mathers’ injured arm. Blake connected with a knee strike, followed by a half-and-half suplex and a driver for a two-count. They resumed trading forearms, but Blake put a stop to it with a series of shoulder thrusts. Blake attempted a handspring cutter, but Mathers cut him off with a dropkick and hit a top rope destroyer into a Batista Bomb, though Blake miraculously kicked out at the last second. Blake then snapped Mathers’ arm, followed it up with a tope and a 450 splash, and finished Mathers off with a curb stomp to win the match.

Blake Christian Defeated Marcus Mathers 

Singles Match: EFFY vs. Ocean Avery

The match began with EFFY dominating Avery with a wrist lock exchange, followed by some chain wrestling. Both EFFY and Avery attempted to take each other off their feet with shoulder tackles, with Avery winning the exchange. However, EFFY quickly turned the tables, locking Ocean in the Tarantula. Ocean fired up and sent EFFY flying across the ring with a double underhook suplex for a near fall of his own. 

EFFY retaliated with a series of punches and a Northern Lights suplex for repeated near falls. Ocean sent EFFY flying into the turnbuckles and tried it again, but EFFY reversed it and hit Under the Rainbow, followed by a blockbuster into a spear for a two-count. EFFY then went for Sack Ryder, but Ocean countered it into a powerbomb, though EFFY managed to kick out at the last second.

They traded shots in the center of the ring. EFFY got a schoolboy roll-up, but it was only good for two. Ocean connected with a knee to EFFY’s midsection, followed by a suplex, but EFFY still kicked out. EFFY then responded with two Sack Ryders to put Ocean Avery away.

EFFY Defeated Ocean Avery

Singles Match: Gringo Loco vs. Jack Cartwheel

The match began with a feeling-out process between these longtime rivals. They exchanged a few moves and eventually wrestled to a stalemate. Jack charged in and was sent to the apron but managed to springboard back into the ring, hitting Gringo with an arm drag. Gringo responded with a cartwheel, which angered Jack. Cartwheel then connected with a kick to Gringo’s head and attempted a springboard cutter, but Gringo caught him mid-air and hit him with the Base Bomb for a two-count. 

Gringo backed Jack into the corner and unleashed a combination of strikes and chops. Cartwheel countered with a kick to Gringo’s head but was quickly turned inside out with a flapjack, resulting in a near fall for Gringo. Gringo went to the second rope and hit Jack with a double jump splash, but Jack managed to get his hand on the bottom rope to break up the pin attempt.

Gringo locked Cartwheel in a submission hold, but Cartwheel held on and broke the hold with an inside cradle. Cartwheel then put together a series of right hands and started kicking away at Gringo Loco’s arm. Cartwheel nailed Gringo with a Death Valley Driver, but it took too much out of him, and he couldn’t capitalize. Cartwheel hit Gringo with a Sasuke Special and went for a top-rope move, but Gringo knocked him off balance and brought him back into the ring with a Spanish Fly, which still wasn’t enough to put Cartwheel away.

Loco was tied up between the ropes, giving Cartwheel an opening to hit a Cartwheel double stomp into a twisting shooting star press, but Gringo got his knees up at the last second. Gringo then went under the ring and retrieved a trash can lid and a steel chair. He hit Cartwheel over the head with the chair and placed him in the chair. Gringo went to the top rope for a double jump moonsault, but Jack got out of the chair and hit Gringo in the head with the chair, nearly securing the victory after a chair-assisted elbow drop. Cartwheel went up to the top rope, but Gringo met him there and hit him with the Base Bomb for the win.

Singles Match: Tombstone Jesus vs. Joey Janela 

Jesus overpowered Janela, easily pushing him off, and then challenged Joey to a test of strength, which he won effortlessly as he backed Joey into the corner. Joey connected with a boot followed by an elbow to the back of Jesus’s head. Joey tried to take Tombstone Jesus off his feet with a shoulder tackle, but Jesus sent him flying to the outside, where he ate a superkick from Janela. Joey connected with a series of chops and attempted another, but his hand struck the ring post instead. Joey repeatedly slammed Tombstone Jesus’s head into the ring post, then reached under the ring to bring out a door and a couple of chairs. Janela set up a door bridge on the floor and sent Tombstone Jesus off the apron with a back elbow, sending him crashing through the door. Joey rolled Jesus back into the ring, hit him over the head with a steel chair, and sent a bloody Jesus through the door that was set up in the corner. Janela called for a brainbuster, but Tombstone Jesus reversed it with a suplex followed by an elbow drop. Jesus fired up with a neckbreaker after a couple of punches in the corner. Joey was able to kick out at two, rolled out of harm’s way, and nailed Tombstone Jesus with a Death Valley Driver on the apron.

The two men began trading chops in the center of the ring, but Joey was taken off his feet by a clothesline from Jesus. Joey pulled him face-first into the turnbuckle, gaining a momentary advantage. Joey brought more trash can lids into the ring, along with a door, and put Tombstone Jesus through the door with another Death Valley Driver. Joey hit Tombstone over the head with the broken door, but it only fired Jesus up, who then chokeslammed Joey through the door bridge. Joey fired back with a series of chair shots to Jesus’s head, followed by a door-assisted double foot stomp for the victory.

Joey Janela Defeated Tombstone Jesus 

JCW World Title Match: Masha Slamovich (Champion) vs. Starboy Charlie 

The two shook hands before beginning with a wrist lock exchange, and Starboy used the ropes to turn things around on Masha. Masha took Starboy’s legs out from under him as they started trading pinfall attempts, with Masha repeatedly bridging out of them. Starboy fired up with a couple of arm drags before starting to work on Masha’s arm and shoulder. Masha grounded Charlie with a double stomp to his chest, followed by a camel clutch. Charlie was able to pick up her leg, freeing himself from the clutch. Masha lit Charlie up with a series of chops and a big clothesline that turned him inside out.

Masha hit Charlie with three lariats, but he kicked out once again. However, Masha was quickly sent face-first into the turnbuckle and hit with a combination of high-flying moves that grounded the champion. Starboy went for the Gotch-style piledriver, but Masha blocked it, leading to a forearm exchange in the center of the ring. Masha drilled Charlie with a brutal head kick, but somehow he was able to get his shoulder up. They did the “fish out of water” spot, with neither one able to secure a pinfall, until Masha leveled Charlie with a Shining Wizard, but it still wasn’t enough to put him away.

Masha went for a White Knight Driver, but Charlie escaped and nailed her with a superkick. Charlie then hit Masha with a German suplex followed by a twisting splash, but Masha got her shoulder up. Masha was set up for the shooting star, but nobody was home. She grabbed a chokehold, followed by a backdrop driver for another close near fall. Masha kicked Starboy in the face after he attempted a Pele kick, then connected with the White Knight Driver to retain the title.

Masha Slamovich Retained the JCW World Title

GCW World Championship Match: GCW World Champion Mance Warner vs. Manny Lemons

Manny had the hometown advantage as he repeatedly hit Mance with shots to the midsection in the corner. Mance bailed to the floor for a reprieve as Manny taunted the champion to get back into the ring. Mance managed to back Manny into the corner, but Manny quickly turned the momentum around, unleashing a series of chops followed by ten punches in the corner. Mance once again retreated to the floor, where he had a confrontation with the sold-out crowd.

Mance headed to the locker room, and Manny followed him, retrieving the world champion. Manny took Mance off his feet with repeated shoulder tackles, followed by more punches in the corner. Mance once again ran away from the ring, but this time Manny was on the receiving end as Mance Warner beat him down with a crutch. Mance hit Manny over the head and back with a trash can lid. He then grabbed a door and a couple of chairs, but Manny fired up and drove Mance through the door in the corner with a Death Valley Driver for a very close near fall. Mance was the first to get back on his feet and hit Manny over the head with a piece of the broken door. Manny responded with an F5, causing Mance’s head to collide with a steel chair. They exchanged shots back and forth until Mance threw a trash can at Manny’s legs and chokeslammed him onto it for a near fall. Mance crushed Manny with a knee strike followed by a DDT, but Manny barely kicked out, allowing Mance to chokeslam him again for the victory.

Mance Warner Retained the GCW World Championship 

About Jon Pine 174 Articles
Living in Providence, Rhode Island; when Jon isn’t watching AEW or GCW with his dogs Dakota and Aurora, he’s probably watching the CSPAN feed of the Senate floor or listening to Bennington on SiriusXM.