Darby Allin still plans to climb Mount Everest: ‘I’m super excited for it’

If you thought missing out on climbing Mount Everest this year would put to bed Darby Allin’s itch to achieve the feat, you would be entirely wrong.

Allin remains hopeful that he can make the climb, now aiming to scale the notorious location in 2025.

Earlier this year, Allin outlined his plans to make the dangerous climb. This goal worried some, who made note of the long list of climbers who died along the way up the mountain. In fact, this year eight climbers died in the month of May alone.

However, in the weeks leading up to his planned ascent, he suffered a broken foot. The injury came near the end of the optimal time of year to climb the mountain, meaning that Allin not only would have to delay his climb but wait at least another year before he could try.

The cancelled trip didn’t make Allin reconsider, as outlined in a recent interview with The Dallas Morning News.

“Everybody’s saying, like, maybe that’s a sign that you shouldn’t do it,” Allin explained. “And I said hell no that’s a sign I should do it next year. It’s been such a roller coaster of emotions going into it. But like, I wanted to do it before, but now I really want to do it, it’s just like the moment was taken away. I’m super excited for it. That’s just pushing the boundaries, dude. Because honestly, just like with wrestling, when people tell you can’t do something, and then you start listening to them, and the moment you start doing crazy stuff, it breaks down all the barriers in your mind.”

Allin, who is an active wrestler in AEW, already does terrifying stunts throughout the year. During Sting’s retirement match, he infamously took a large fall off a ladder, landing on a pane of glass. He’s scheduled to meet Jack Perry in a coffin match at All In, where he will likely produce another death-defying stunt.

When explaining why he wants to do the dangerous mountain trek, Allin mentions how the climb will unlock a new part of him.

“To me, that’s just the next evolution of Darby,” he said. “Once I summit Everest and come back down, I’m going to be that much more mentally stronger and believe I can do something. If you asked me 10 years ago, when I first started wrestling, that I would be doing press conferences about, you know, stadium shows in the U.S., I wouldn’t have had the confidence. I’d be like, [stammers] — I don’t belong that in that scene. You know, I’m not worthy. But now I’m like, dude, I’m right where I need to be, and it’s just because you get mentally stronger with everything. That’s what Mount Everest is all about.”

Allin’s full conversation with The Dallas Morning News, including how he already is planning stunts for next year’s All In card at the Globe Life Field, can be read here.

About Jack Wannan 363 Articles
Jack Wannan is a journalist from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He writes and reports on professional wrestling, along with other topics like MMA, boxing, music, local news, and more. He graduated from Toronto Metropolitan University in 2023 with a bachelor's degree in journalism. He can be reached at [email protected]